I love your train I dea but how about this: you must build the tracks out of stone and planks like this:
you could replace grass with gravel for extra speed, maybe space the railroad ties more. I suggest stone because its a good medium, you have to cook/smelt it first
then there is the wheel:
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] = a wheel
then on the track is this:
[] =a car
I suggest that this stuff isnt crafted but actually built onto the world, the track functions like minecart tracks in the way it turns, but going up one block might have odd results. when the car is on the track you can build a veary minecraft 8 up and one out allowing a 6x8x8 building space, the engine would be like this
[] [] [] []
[] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] =engine car
sorry got lazy with the smiles
this would allow a veary custom minecraft train experiance with huge trains and engines, the engine would be something like a two wide furnace that powers the train ising coal/charcoal as fuel, which lasts 8 minutes each unit, but a button above the furnace allows for you to stop the train but conserve all fuel, and for every car it would take an extra 8 blocks to stop fully. engine can only haul 10 cars including itself but they all must be connected by wool or something else, and that is my contribution to locomotives, I really hope someone actually gets what I'm doing here;) ( I'm probably forgeting something but oh well)
Edit: I love the above idea for a smaller scale locomative :iapprove:( except for the ammount of iron you suggest using, I agree some is neededin my idea to[but where] but the sheer amount of mining needed would take forever.)
Edit: oh yah, the train and it's cars would be indipendent entiteis, meaning that they can move like a minecart or boat. this allows you to build custom cars in the aformentioned 6x8x8 area as long as they are within the area, (big statons, oh ya)
I agree with redpine, the only idea here I find really cool is that of the flatbed railcars that you could build on top off, allowing for things like sliding walls, mobile homes, and more.
You know, that sounds a lot like another thread I saw somewhere. The OP discussed how blocks placed on top of (or under) certain types of blocks like "wheels" and "turntables" would be treated as entities, allowing fully customizable vehicles. Sorry I forget where I found it.
This would work great if Notch added oil. Just like black water that you find far underground and that you have to collect with a ?drill? or just buckets.
Added the giga-drill device. Maybe it's a joke. Maybe I'm totally serious. Also did a few changes and added some more static vehicle. I may reorganize a bit later.
I'm pretty sure the giga-drill is your(every miners) wet dream.
I think the bookshelf should hold portable books cOntaining building knowledge. Then you might have someone in a server who specializes in building a vehicle. But besides that, you would use the building instructions in the book tobuild each individual part like the little fuel tank pieces with different materials for better life and performance or you could craft big pieces like entire engines with like six iron bars that sucks. But I do support the idea of the players creating the vehicles and anything else we want with like a " modmaker". I was talking to my friend and I had the idea of custom built swords, like gold edged iron blades with leather hilts. I thank you for reading all of this and please reply. Reply to this email address I check my mail daily. it is : [email protected] ruano you. I giv u these creepa died
Oil would be make by putting water in a pit throwing different amounts of coal and one ironbar in for different fuel then dropping sand on the water in the pit. Then break the sand and pick up the fuel cell. Alternate: do the same thing without the iron. The water would be black. It is now oil that you pick up in a bucket. This would only work for crude cars. Other wise the fuel cells would be stored in an engine power unit for use. Email me at [email protected]. Thanks
I like the idea, but I would prefer the ability to place blocks on ANY big vehicle. It is a first step, though.
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NO. Don't click New Thread. Read the rules. I don't give a damn how long or boring they are. If you do not, you will be subject to massive flaming and criticism by yours truly.
For the balloon the actual balloon can be deflated ghast.rather than ghasts dropping gunpowder. Since the boat is not going to have an enginr to inflate the other balloon making materials. and i would lol at a ghast tethered to a boat.
For the balloon the actual balloon can be deflated ghast.rather than ghasts dropping gunpowder. Since the boat is not going to have an enginr to inflate the other balloon making materials. and i would lol at a ghast tethered to a boat.
Now THAT is a unique and interesting idea.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"It's hard to kill a thing once it lets you see its consciousness."
you could replace grass with gravel for extra speed, maybe space the railroad ties more. I suggest stone because its a good medium, you have to cook/smelt it first
then there is the wheel:
then on the track is this:
I suggest that this stuff isnt crafted but actually built onto the world, the track functions like minecart tracks in the way it turns, but going up one block might have odd results. when the car is on the track you can build a veary minecraft 8 up and one out allowing a 6x8x8 building space, the engine would be like this
[] []
[] []
[] []
sorry got lazy with the smiles
this would allow a veary custom minecraft train experiance with huge trains and engines, the engine would be something like a two wide furnace that powers the train ising coal/charcoal as fuel, which lasts 8 minutes each unit, but a button above the furnace allows for you to stop the train but conserve all fuel, and for every car it would take an extra 8 blocks to stop fully. engine can only haul 10 cars including itself but they all must be connected by wool or something else, and that is my contribution to locomotives, I really hope someone actually gets what I'm doing here;) ( I'm probably forgeting something but oh well)
Edit: I love the above idea for a smaller scale locomative :iapprove:( except for the ammount of iron you suggest using, I agree some is neededin my idea to[but where] but the sheer amount of mining needed would take forever.)
Edit: oh yah, the train and it's cars would be indipendent entiteis, meaning that they can move like a minecart or boat. this allows you to build custom cars in the aformentioned 6x8x8 area as long as they are within the area, (big statons, oh ya)
You know, that sounds a lot like another thread I saw somewhere. The OP discussed how blocks placed on top of (or under) certain types of blocks like "wheels" and "turntables" would be treated as entities, allowing fully customizable vehicles. Sorry I forget where I found it.
I'm pretty sure the giga-drill is your(every miners) wet dream.
I like the idea of fully customizable vehicles. It fits into Minecraft.
The Sun rises in the North!Now these points of data make a beautiful line...
Now THAT is a unique and interesting idea.