I like this idea much, not so much the last airship though. My suggestion is to add another air vehicule, prehaps a commonly suggested "glider" or something more orignal, such as Da' Vinci's Vehicule. It is orignal and probably never posted.
Prehaps you cannot go far and have to go down after while though.
Or another work of Da'Vinci (I think)
(I'm not good with images, search Da'Vinci's Airplane and Helicopter for what I am talking about.)
I like this idea much, not so much the last airship though. My suggestion is to add another air vehicule, prehaps a commonly suggested "glider" or something more orignal, such as Da' Vinci's Vehicule. It is orignal and probably never posted.
Prehaps you cannot go far and have to go down after while though.
Or another work of Da'Vinci (I think)
(I'm not good with images, search Da'Vinci's Airplane and Helicopter for what I am talking about.)
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I'm not entirely sure I like the idea of single-object air vehicles much at all. I mean, maybe the hot air balloon and some glider, but not much else. I'm more into the creative process ending with my fast aircraft.
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Who doesn't like Mustard Yellow?
Why do we have a Suggestions section if everyone shoots everyone else down? I suggest renaming it the Flame War section. Pun intended.
Bad idea, your ships have the same problem as the current boats: they are build according to an existing template that players cannot alter at will. Vehicles should be made the same way houses and portals are.
I agree with redpine, the only idea here I find really cool is that of the flatbed railcars that you could build on top off, allowing for things like sliding walls, mobile homes, and more.
While MoveCraft is very cool, it's just too awkward for my tastes.
I'd like some actual vehicle models with detail. I'm starting to think that Notch should just get on with making a modding API, and let the players implement the vehicles.
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Choose your words wisely.
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Let prejudice, popular opinion, and preconception be free from your judgments.
Alright, I didn't see this on the first page of the topic, so here goes...
Minecraft needs a modular land vehicle. Not an overpowered one, but still a good one. My idea is:
The vehicle is a little gocart buggy thing. It would be crafted in stages (You'd have to assemble pieces of it, then put those pieces together and so on. It could be powered by redstone. The only thing is, it has to recharge. You would have to jackhammer a keyboard button to recharge it (like shaking a Faraday flashlight. (look it up)).
You could attach various modifications to it. When the buggy is right clicked, a GUI pops up with a diagram of the car with boxes over certain parts of it. (ex. sides, wheels) For example, you could attach a dispenser to it for a weapons system or a minecart for a sidecar. You could attach chains to the wheels that would slow it down, but increase traction. The car would naturally have a "hop" function that hops up one block. Right clicking the car's seat makes you get in.
When driving the car, it might take damage from falling too far, crashing into stuff, stupid creeper exploding, etc. So you'd need to craft tools to repair it with. These could be made out of the same stuff as any other tools.
I was thinking that we should get propellers for bigger ships and vessels. Yes we would need to use fuel or other things, but currently i don't care about that problem. Though cars would require some way to get rubber for tires.
I would at least be happy with a large sailing ship (i mean LARGE sailing ship (2 - 3 masts, couple dozen blocks long) for a good voyage with people in multiplayer) and a good train.
I hope more vehicles will be implemented but it should be difficult to build just one so that they remain special and valuable to everyone.
Words to play by for the Demomen.
always Remember. Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne. and most of all
[tnt] BOOM FOR THE BOOM GOD!!!!! [tnt]
The most powerful available vehicle is the giga-drill machine. It is roughly 12 blocks long and 5x5 wide/tall. It consists of a massive, front mounted, diamond embedded drill, followed by a large tracked, heavily armored chassis. The chassis has a retractable cannon mounted on top. The vehicle is nearly indestructible, able to wallow in lava indefinitely, barely scratched by a point blank creeper blast, and able to withstand falls hundreds of blocks long. The player can control speed (max 2x walking) and turning, on the surface, where it can drive up inclines. When switched into drill mode, it moves considerably slower (walking pace), autocollects resources, and the player controls drilling angle, and can rotate it slowly. Switching into cannon mode allows the player to aim the artillery piece while above ground. The drill has builtin storage of about 16 double chests as well as a portable crafting surface, accessible through the drilling interface or from the exterior. The drill can swim through water in drill mode, or drive along the bottom. The air supply is indefinitely long. The drill also features a miniaturized nether shifter. The vehicle can enter the nether at will and exit it at will. However, the single danger to the drill is slowstone. If the drills entire chassis is over slowstone, it will be stuck, forever. The final feature is the drill's dual headlights, a constant source of illumination.
To build the giga-drill, roughly 512 iron, 128 diamonds, 128 redstone dust, 64 light-stone, 32 glass, 16 furnaces, 256 string, 128 gunpowder, and 256 gold are required in the vehicle crafting square. The creation stage for the drill takes about 5 days.
I'm gonna be perfectly serious and tell you that I like this idea, but I just came up with the idea that to make the giga drill works it needs to be on minetrack. On board the drill is a special chest where you place the track. As you move forward the track gets palced under you. When the chest runs out of track it wont be able to move forward anymore until you place more track in the chest.
Bad idea, your ships have the same problem as the current boats: they are build according to an existing template that players cannot alter at will. Vehicles should be made the same way houses and portals are.
I had a similar idea a few weeks ago (didnt post it on the forums, figured someone would yell "search!" in my face). The way i thought of it was that you place the blocks the way you want it to look, then some how (havent thought this out much, as you can probably tell) you bind those blocks together, creating your vehicle. Perhaps this could be applied to other things, such as houses (no idea why anyone would want that, just pitchin ideas).
Someone give me feedback so this can go from to :Diamond:!
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Chuck Norris recently went into the video game industry. His cover up name is Notch.
When i mentioned propellers i was kinda thinking two kinds of propellers. One for boats and one for airships. Though for boats we could use massive sails, or we could use sails or propellers for different boats. We'd need a way to acquire rubber if we wanted something with wheels. All in all we'd need a whole group of modders if this were a mod, and trust me it would take months or even years for this to be made by mojang or a group of modders.
Prehaps you cannot go far and have to go down after while though.
Or another work of Da'Vinci (I think)
(I'm not good with images, search Da'Vinci's Airplane and Helicopter for what I am talking about.)
To read the haiku that you
Just finished reading
Why do we have a Suggestions section if everyone shoots everyone else down? I suggest renaming it the Flame War section. Pun intended.
Defend your words flexibly.
Change your words fittingly.
Let prejudice, popular opinion, and preconception be free from your judgments.
Why do we have a Suggestions section if everyone shoots everyone else down? I suggest renaming it the Flame War section. Pun intended.
you get my Creeper Seal of Approval!
I'd like some actual vehicle models with detail. I'm starting to think that Notch should just get on with making a modding API, and let the players implement the vehicles.
Defend your words flexibly.
Change your words fittingly.
Let prejudice, popular opinion, and preconception be free from your judgments.
Minecraft needs a modular land vehicle. Not an overpowered one, but still a good one. My idea is:
The vehicle is a little gocart buggy thing. It would be crafted in stages (You'd have to assemble pieces of it, then put those pieces together and so on. It could be powered by redstone. The only thing is, it has to recharge. You would have to jackhammer a keyboard button to recharge it (like shaking a Faraday flashlight. (look it up)).
You could attach various modifications to it. When the buggy is right clicked, a GUI pops up with a diagram of the car with boxes over certain parts of it. (ex. sides, wheels) For example, you could attach a dispenser to it for a weapons system or a minecart for a sidecar. You could attach chains to the wheels that would slow it down, but increase traction. The car would naturally have a "hop" function that hops up one block. Right clicking the car's seat makes you get in.
When driving the car, it might take damage from falling too far, crashing into stuff, stupid creeper exploding, etc. So you'd need to craft tools to repair it with. These could be made out of the same stuff as any other tools.
"Gotta blast!" ~Spongebob Squarepants
"Use the Force, Kirk!" ~ Ka D'Argo
:biggrin.gif: I CAN MAKE A FINAL-FANTASY AIR SHIP LIKE THAT :biggrin.gif: :biggrin.gif: :biggrin.gif: :biggrin.gif: :biggrin.gif:
I hope more vehicles will be implemented but it should be difficult to build just one so that they remain special and valuable to everyone.
always Remember. Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne. and most of all
[tnt] BOOM FOR THE BOOM GOD!!!!! [tnt]
I'm gonna be perfectly serious and tell you that I like this idea, but I just came up with the idea that to make the giga drill works it needs to be on minetrack. On board the drill is a special chest where you place the track. As you move forward the track gets palced under you. When the chest runs out of track it wont be able to move forward anymore until you place more track in the chest.
I had a similar idea a few weeks ago (didnt post it on the forums, figured someone would yell "search!" in my face). The way i thought of it was that you place the blocks the way you want it to look, then some how (havent thought this out much, as you can probably tell) you bind those blocks together, creating your vehicle. Perhaps this could be applied to other things, such as houses (no idea why anyone would want that, just pitchin ideas).
Someone give me feedback so this can go from