This is a long read, and please do read it. This post is full of ideas including seasonal climate change, weather, storms, and electricity. Please note this is the Single Player version. Notch, if you read this, please do consider these ideas. Another thing, this is a game. Realism is not something of a priority.
Also, THIS IS NOT A MOD. I have no idea how to even make mods, and since this is in the suggestions forum, it's implied that this is a suggestion. If someone want's the make this into a mod, be my guest.
*side note: A full day ingame lasts 20min.
This portion of the post contains the varying different weather and storms that could be encountered in the TWU. There is a transitional period of 1min between weather changes, and you can tell what type of weather is inbound by the looking at the horizon. There cannot be more than one type of weather occurring at once. Some of these are rare/impossible in certain biomes, like rain in a desert, snow in a rainforest, etc... Please note that these will be incorporated in the section: Seasons.
-Clouds - Clouds. Yay. This type of weather does not effect mob spawns ---Clear, so basically clear skies. Lasts 6-12min ---Light, some scattered clouds cover about 10% of the sky. Lasts 6-12min ---Average, some 40% of the sky contains clouds. Lasts 5-10min ---Cloudy, about 75% of the sky is cloud covered. Lasts 5-10min
-Fog - Fog is now a weather type, and will allow to be triggered on/off. If off, then you can still control fog manually with the 'F' key (Mob spawning does no apply). If on, then you can't. ---Light Fog, - Light Fog. Vision is shortened by 15%. Lasts 3-6min ---Moderate Fog, - Denser Fog. Vision is shortened by 30% Lasts 3-6min ---Heavy Fog, - Even denser Fog. Vision is shortened by 50%. Hostile Mobs can spawn in these conditions. Lasts 2-4min
-Rain - Rain. Rain can have varying characteristics, depending on which type. May influence mob spawns and the environment. Rain can putout exposed torches, but not lanterns (lanterns are yet to be added.) Has no effect on lava ---Overcast, - No rain itself, but the sky is darkened and dark grey clouds block out the sun. Lasts 4-8min ---Light Rain, - Same as Overcast, but with light rains. Lasts 4-8min ---Scattered Showers, - Same as light rain, but with pockets of sunlight exposed. Does not influence the spawning of Hostile Mobs like Overcast does. This type of weather can and will drastically accelerate the growth of foliage and vegetation. Lasts 4-8min ---Downpour, - Same as Light Rain, but much more rain and darker skies. 25% chance of flooding small enclosed areas. Lasts 3-6min ---Hail, - Same as light showers, but the clouds are much darker and the rain looks a bit like snow. Every 5sec outside in the Hail will make the player lose half a heart. Lasts 2-4min
-Snow - Snow. Each Snow type has various different properties, so read carefully. You can tell when theres snow by the clouds being a constant dull grey. Snow does not extinguish exposed torches. Has no effect on lava. When snow melts, there is no water runoff. ---Flurries, - Light snowfall. Does not effect mob spawns. Ground tends to get covered in a thin sheet of snow which must be broken before you can dig into the blocks underneath. Lasts 4-8min. ---Snow, - Basic snowfall. Same as Flurries but with x1.5 as much snow. Ground is covered in a light fog. Water tends to freeze over. Lasts 4-8min ---Blizzard, - Strong, roaring snow. Often drops Snow Blocks everywhere, and can put out exposed torches. Wind is heavy, slowing the player by 15%. Ground is coved in a Heavy fog, allowing Hostile mobs to Spawn outside. Passive Mobs don't spawn outside. Water will freeze over. Lasts 3-6min
-Stormy - Various kinds of storms, often with wind. ---Light Wind, - Light wind with a medium grey overcast. Player is slowed by 5%. Lasts 5-10min. ---Heavy Wind, - Heavier wind with a medium grey overcast. Player is slowed by 10%. Lasts 4-8min. ---Wind Storm, - Even heavier wind with a medium grey overcast. Player is slowed by 15%. No mobs spawn in this weather condition. Lasts 3-6min. ---Thunder Strom, - A large Thundercloud rolls in, often 20+ blocks high. Periodic Thunder can be heard. There's heavy wind which slows the player by 10%. Every 5sec, there is a 5% chance of lightning. Lightning will only strike either metallic objects, tall objects in open areas, are objects at very high elevation. If the player is struck by lightning, he will die instantly, so don't be outside (especially in armor.) Lightning can set wood and foliage on fire. There will be an option to turn lightning on/off. Hostile mobs can spawn during daytime. Lasts 3-6min
These are meant to spice things up in your world, and keep things new, and to always remind that you base is never impenetrable. Disasters are rare, and can occur without warning. Disasters can only happen where they'd be in the player's line of sight. Numerous disasters can occur at once, if god really does hate you. There will be an option to turn disasters on/off
-Earthquake, - Ground shakes violently for 10secs. Glass breaks half the time. Fissures (large, deep cracks in the ground) occur about 10% of the time, swallowing up everything. Fissures are typically a 1/2 chunk long, 5 blocks wide, and usually deep enough to reach the bedrock. Earthquakes can spawn anywhere; underwater, on land, underground in mines, anywhere. This is also the only disaster that can occur in the Nether. Water/Lava can flood into these areas. There is .001% of a quake happening every day.
-Tsunami, - At a random area at the shores of large bodies of water, like oceans. A single wave of water can be seen on the horizon, and roars in. They travel at a rate of 3 Blocks a second. They are mounds of water often 1/2 chunks long, and about 10 blocks high. After hitting shore, the water often goes about 20 blocks inland. Foliage, glass, and wooden objects will be destroyed. Mobs and Players will be submerged, and can drown. When the wave recedes, any water caught in a pool will stay and become source blocks, essentially flooding certain areas. There's a .0001% of one happening every day, and only at already-explored shores where there is a nearby 1/2+ chunk sized body of water.
-Hurricane, - Only appear in the distance and only occur over large bodies of water, and move around aimlessly. You may be lucky and watch one go over an area away from you and disappear. Often several chucks in diameter, and about 40 blocks high, you'll easily be able to tell this from a thunderstorm. They travel at about 5 blocks a second. A Hurricane has heavy winds, slowing the player by 10%, along with downpours. Glass tends to break and trees tend to topple. There'll be a short break when the eye passes over you, but then it's back to the storm. Lasts 3-5min before dissipating into clouds and then into nothing. This process lasts 30sec. There is a .001% of one happening every day.
-Meteor, - A small rock appears in the sky, and gradually get bigger and bigger until it's the size of a sphere 20 blocks in diameter. Flames follow it, and clearly lights up the night sky and can shine-out the sun. It takes 1min for one to appear and then hit sea-level. They go in a straight line at a 30-degree angle, so you should be able to see the trajectory. It explodes after coming into contact with anything, obliterating everything and creating a crater about 1/8 chunk in diameter. Anything caught inside the circle is destroyed instantly. However, a core (about 3 blocks in diameter) will still be intact, and should be around the impact zone. If you were to break it open with any pick, you can find a couple goodies. (5-10 diamond gem, 5-10 lightstone dust, and/or 5-10 redstone dust) Does not set fire to anything. There is a .005% chance of one happening each day.
-Drought, - Prolonged clear skies (90+ consecutive minutes) is a cause of this. The effected area is about 1 chucks in diameter. All vegetation start to slowly die and dirt turns into sand. Mobs do not spawn, and hostile spawns only spawn at night. Water evaporates. Standing outside in the day during a drought will make players lose 1/2 heart every 10 seconds, and mobs catch fire. If the criteria is met, there is a 5% of this happening each day, and afterwards these effects will always happen outside during daytime until it rains.
-Whirlpool, - Only appear in open bodies of water that are at least 30 blocks in diameter and 20 blocks deep. Entering one will drown the player, as there is no escape. Your only hope is that it dissipates while your in it. Very Dangerous. Last for 2-5min. There is a .1% of one happening each day.
-Dust Strom, - A Dust Storm can range anywhere from 2-3 chunks in diameter, and 10-40 blocks high. They hover above the ground and move aimlessly, at a speed of about 2 chunks a minute. Visibility is shortened by 50% with an orange-tinted fog, and mobs do not spawn. Dust Storms spawn outside of already exposed chunks. Any place exposed and opened to the outside will be effected. Residue is left behind after the storm dissipates, sort of like how snow covers grass. You must break the layer to expose whatever is underneath it. There is a 1/10 chance of sand blocks be deposited from the breaking of the residue. Lasts for 2-5min. 0001% of one happening every day.
-Solar Flare, - Best described as the sun exploding, and then reseting. The screen gets brighter until its white-bright and then dims down again. The area about 2-3 chunks in diameter around the player is affected by this, and only open, exposed areas (nothing covered in shade) are affected by this; Grass dies and turns into Dirt, and will not grow back until the dirt is replaced. Trees and vegetation disappear. All mobs die and will not spawn anywhere in the effect areas. The player will not die. Grass will not die if snow is covering it. There is a .000001% chance of this happening each day.
Tool to detect Disasters: Barometer. A Barometer detects atmospheric pressure and would be useful in detecting disasters. (Please note that this is a game. Realism is not something of a priority.) A Barometer appears like a normal compass, but the needle is white and the background is black. During a Disaster, the Barometer will make an annoying beep every 3sec until the disaster subsides, the background will turn orange, and the needle will turn red and point in the direction of the disaster. If the disaster is right on top of you, the needle will rotate violently.
How to make a barometer:
where = red dust and = compass
Seasons rotate every 1825min, or 30.416hrs (1/4 of an ingame year) and each have their own characteristics. Also, In each season, the types of weather vary from biome to biome. The one listed is simply a basic outline, where others can be rooted from. The one below may apply to Plains.
Winter - Winter contains the most different types of weather, and these occur at random after the weather before it. Below are the percentages of the allowed weather happening. Leaves turn brown during this season.
-15% Flurries
-15% Snow
-5% Blizzard
-5% light wind
-3% Heavy Wind
-2% Windstorm
-4% Thunder Storm
-5% Overcast
-5% light showers
-5% Downpour
-2% Hail
-6% light fog
-6% moderate fog
-4% Heavy fog
-10% Light Clouds
-4% Average Clouds
-3% Heavy Clouds
Spring Spring weather is moderate with no snow, but the most rain and storms. Leaves turn green during this period. Weather occurs at random after the weather before it. Below are the percentages of the allowed weather happening. Snow melts during this time period.
-15% Overcast
-10% light rain
-10% scattered showers
-5% Downpour
-8% light wind
-6% heavy wind
-4% wind storm
-6% thunder storm
-10% clear skies
-8% light clouds
-6% average clouds
-4% Cloudy skies
-4% light fog
-2% moderate fog
-2% heavy fog
Summer Summer has the most sun during the year, and the least types of weather. A drought is most likely to occur during summer, though.
-20% clear skies
-15% light clouds
-10% moderate clouds
-10% cloudy skies
-10% light fog
-5% moderate fog
-5% light wind
-5% heavy wind
-10% scattered showers
-10% overcast
Autumn Leaves turn colors to orange, yellow, or red during this season. This season has the most clouds and fog.
-10% clear skies
-10% light clouds
-10% average clouds
-10% heavy clouds
-10% light fog
-5% moderate fog
-5% heavy fog
-5% light rain
-5% scattered showers
-5% downpour
-2% hail
-3% flurries
-6% light wind
-5% heavy wind
-5% Windstorm
-4% Thunder storms
Tool to tell the seasons: Calendar, and yes. it is wall-mountable. A Calendar tells the current date, as long with the current season. A season is represented by an image. A snowflake = winter, a green leaf = spring, a sun = summer, and a brown leaf = autumn. Seasons change every 1825min, and days change every 20min. Months change accordingly. How to make a Calendar:
[] [] []
[] [] []
where [] = paper, = red dust, and = watch.
Layout of a Calendar:
M M []
N N []
[] []
where [] = black space, M M = Month, N N = Day, and = season.
Electricity can only be harnessed by lightning. You can harness lightning by creating lightning rods, like so:
This creates a lightning rod, which attracts lightning. They can be used to attract lightning away from areas, and to make fuse boxes. A fuse box is made like this:
A fuse box can only get lightning from an energized lightning rod, and to do so you must connect it to the rod using red dust. when the rod is struck, the energy transfers from the rod to the fuse box. The fuse box can now be removed and used to make electric fences and energize water. To do so, simply stick the fuse box next to a fence/in the water, and hit it to turn its effects on/off. You can tell when something is energized by white streaks moving freely around the fence/in the water.
Maybe fuse boxes could be used to make lanterns? (Never-running out torches that can be turned on/off)
I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and thought about these ideas, as i tried to make them as balanced as possible. If Notch is out there, and you know/see/am/contact him, please note this thread. The vote percentage for 'want' seems to be hovering around 68%. That's more than 2/3 of all voters in the poll!
One of the best ides in the suggestion forum, I love every part of this. ESPECIALLY the disasters. The only problem though is that these would have to be affected with biomes, but that could be accomplished by making some weather conditions impossible in certain biomes, like very little rain in a desert region. Also, I feel that the fusebox should also be able to power redstone wiring, rather than just being charged by it.
One of the best ides in the suggestion forum, I love every part of this. ESPECIALLY the disasters. The only problem though is that these would have to be affected with biomes, but that could be accomplished by making some weather conditions impossible in certain biomes, like very little rain in a desert region. Also, I feel that the fusebox should also be able to power redstone wiring, rather than just being charged by it.
I think tornados would pretty cool. But may your right. Its annoying to get hit everyday by another disaster. And i think tornado is to hard to add. But Volcano would be awesome :biggrin.gif:
True. I <3 Volcanism as much as the next guy, but it may be to hard to add in. I'll think about it.
But hurricanes aren't 20 blocks large.
Basically, hurricanes and tsunamis should be bigger. A lot bigger.
EDIT: Blast, I misread that. Forget hurricanes.
Tsunamis should probably be higher than five blocks when they hit the shore, though.
They tend to be a lot less dramatic farther out to sea: Sure, the water rises by 1 meter, but it does so over a length far longer than the eye can see. But the waves pile up as the depth decreases, and boom.
Also, tornadoes and volcanism.
What else...
You should be able to DO something with lightning, besides electrify fences and water, if you're going to do that much.
Like, smelt aluminum.
(Yes, smelt aluminum. Electricity is the only way to do it.)
Also, electric lights.
Double post (or not!), but weather should vary based on the terrain.
Mountains create a 'rain shadow' (that's what it is actually called), so while the windward side is often lush, the opposite side is a desert.
Who knows which way the wind goes. (Hey look, a rhyme.)
The ocean moderates temperatures, resulting in cooler summers and warmer winters.
EDIT: Also, I was serious about smelting aluminum.
Though by that regards, we should probably be able to find various other ores besides these ones, if aluminum was added: copper, silver, lead, tin, nickel, chromium (for that extra shine!), and so on.
And be able to smelt metals together to create alloys.
Bah, getting off topic...
Double post (or not!), but weather should vary based on the terrain.
Mountains create a 'rain shadow' (that's what it is actually called), so while the windward side is often lush, the opposite side is a desert.
Who knows which way the wind goes. (Hey look, a rhyme.)
The ocean moderates temperatures, resulting in cooler summers and warmer winters.
EDIT: Also, I was serious about smelting aluminum.
Though by that regards, we should probably be able to find various other ores besides these ones, if aluminum was added: copper, silver, lead, tin, nickel, chromium (for that extra shine!), and so on.
And be able to smelt metals together to create alloys.
Bah, getting off topic...
I actually thought about that, but this is the basics. If the programmers want to get into more detail about that stuff, fine by me.
Double post (or not!), but weather should vary based on the terrain.
Mountains create a 'rain shadow' (that's what it is actually called), so while the windward side is often lush, the opposite side is a desert.
Who knows which way the wind goes. (Hey look, a rhyme.)
The ocean moderates temperatures, resulting in cooler summers and warmer winters.
EDIT: Also, I was serious about smelting aluminum.
Though by that regards, we should probably be able to find various other ores besides these ones, if aluminum was added: copper, silver, lead, tin, nickel, chromium (for that extra shine!), and so on.
And be able to smelt metals together to create alloys.
Bah, getting off topic...
I actually thought about that, but this is the basics. If the programmers want to get into more detail about that stuff, fine by me.
Talking about it is half the fun, though!
It's not like having terrain effect weather is that hard.
Tall objects block clouds. No clouds, no precipitation.
Also, THIS IS NOT A MOD. I have no idea how to even make mods, and since this is in the suggestions forum, it's implied that this is a suggestion. If someone want's the make this into a mod, be my guest.
*side note: A full day ingame lasts 20min.
This portion of the post contains the varying different weather and storms that could be encountered in the TWU. There is a transitional period of 1min between weather changes, and you can tell what type of weather is inbound by the looking at the horizon. There cannot be more than one type of weather occurring at once. Some of these are rare/impossible in certain biomes, like rain in a desert, snow in a rainforest, etc... Please note that these will be incorporated in the section: Seasons.
-Clouds - Clouds. Yay. This type of weather does not effect mob spawns
---Clear, so basically clear skies. Lasts 6-12min
---Light, some scattered clouds cover about 10% of the sky. Lasts 6-12min
---Average, some 40% of the sky contains clouds. Lasts 5-10min
---Cloudy, about 75% of the sky is cloud covered. Lasts 5-10min
-Fog - Fog is now a weather type, and will allow to be triggered on/off. If off, then you can still control fog manually with the 'F' key (Mob spawning does no apply). If on, then you can't.
---Light Fog, - Light Fog. Vision is shortened by 15%. Lasts 3-6min
---Moderate Fog, - Denser Fog. Vision is shortened by 30% Lasts 3-6min
---Heavy Fog, - Even denser Fog. Vision is shortened by 50%. Hostile Mobs can spawn in these conditions. Lasts 2-4min
-Rain - Rain. Rain can have varying characteristics, depending on which type. May influence mob spawns and the environment. Rain can putout exposed torches, but not lanterns (lanterns are yet to be added.) Has no effect on lava
---Overcast, - No rain itself, but the sky is darkened and dark grey clouds block out the sun. Lasts 4-8min
---Light Rain, - Same as Overcast, but with light rains. Lasts 4-8min
---Scattered Showers, - Same as light rain, but with pockets of sunlight exposed. Does not influence the spawning of Hostile Mobs like Overcast does. This type of weather can and will drastically accelerate the growth of foliage and vegetation. Lasts 4-8min
---Downpour, - Same as Light Rain, but much more rain and darker skies. 25% chance of flooding small enclosed areas. Lasts 3-6min
---Hail, - Same as light showers, but the clouds are much darker and the rain looks a bit like snow. Every 5sec outside in the Hail will make the player lose half a heart. Lasts 2-4min
-Snow - Snow. Each Snow type has various different properties, so read carefully. You can tell when theres snow by the clouds being a constant dull grey. Snow does not extinguish exposed torches. Has no effect on lava. When snow melts, there is no water runoff.
---Flurries, - Light snowfall. Does not effect mob spawns. Ground tends to get covered in a thin sheet of snow which must be broken before you can dig into the blocks underneath. Lasts 4-8min.
---Snow, - Basic snowfall. Same as Flurries but with x1.5 as much snow. Ground is covered in a light fog. Water tends to freeze over. Lasts 4-8min
---Blizzard, - Strong, roaring snow. Often drops Snow Blocks everywhere, and can put out exposed torches. Wind is heavy, slowing the player by 15%. Ground is coved in a Heavy fog, allowing Hostile mobs to Spawn outside. Passive Mobs don't spawn outside. Water will freeze over. Lasts 3-6min
-Stormy - Various kinds of storms, often with wind.
---Light Wind, - Light wind with a medium grey overcast. Player is slowed by 5%. Lasts 5-10min.
---Heavy Wind, - Heavier wind with a medium grey overcast. Player is slowed by 10%. Lasts 4-8min.
---Wind Storm, - Even heavier wind with a medium grey overcast. Player is slowed by 15%. No mobs spawn in this weather condition. Lasts 3-6min.
---Thunder Strom, - A large Thundercloud rolls in, often 20+ blocks high. Periodic Thunder can be heard. There's heavy wind which slows the player by 10%. Every 5sec, there is a 5% chance of lightning. Lightning will only strike either metallic objects, tall objects in open areas, are objects at very high elevation. If the player is struck by lightning, he will die instantly, so don't be outside (especially in armor.) Lightning can set wood and foliage on fire. There will be an option to turn lightning on/off. Hostile mobs can spawn during daytime. Lasts 3-6min
-Earthquake, - Ground shakes violently for 10secs. Glass breaks half the time. Fissures (large, deep cracks in the ground) occur about 10% of the time, swallowing up everything. Fissures are typically a 1/2 chunk long, 5 blocks wide, and usually deep enough to reach the bedrock. Earthquakes can spawn anywhere; underwater, on land, underground in mines, anywhere. This is also the only disaster that can occur in the Nether. Water/Lava can flood into these areas. There is .001% of a quake happening every day.
-Tsunami, - At a random area at the shores of large bodies of water, like oceans. A single wave of water can be seen on the horizon, and roars in. They travel at a rate of 3 Blocks a second. They are mounds of water often 1/2 chunks long, and about 10 blocks high. After hitting shore, the water often goes about 20 blocks inland. Foliage, glass, and wooden objects will be destroyed. Mobs and Players will be submerged, and can drown. When the wave recedes, any water caught in a pool will stay and become source blocks, essentially flooding certain areas. There's a .0001% of one happening every day, and only at already-explored shores where there is a nearby 1/2+ chunk sized body of water.
-Hurricane, - Only appear in the distance and only occur over large bodies of water, and move around aimlessly. You may be lucky and watch one go over an area away from you and disappear. Often several chucks in diameter, and about 40 blocks high, you'll easily be able to tell this from a thunderstorm. They travel at about 5 blocks a second. A Hurricane has heavy winds, slowing the player by 10%, along with downpours. Glass tends to break and trees tend to topple. There'll be a short break when the eye passes over you, but then it's back to the storm. Lasts 3-5min before dissipating into clouds and then into nothing. This process lasts 30sec. There is a .001% of one happening every day.
-Meteor, - A small rock appears in the sky, and gradually get bigger and bigger until it's the size of a sphere 20 blocks in diameter. Flames follow it, and clearly lights up the night sky and can shine-out the sun. It takes 1min for one to appear and then hit sea-level. They go in a straight line at a 30-degree angle, so you should be able to see the trajectory. It explodes after coming into contact with anything, obliterating everything and creating a crater about 1/8 chunk in diameter. Anything caught inside the circle is destroyed instantly. However, a core (about 3 blocks in diameter) will still be intact, and should be around the impact zone. If you were to break it open with any pick, you can find a couple goodies. (5-10 diamond gem, 5-10 lightstone dust, and/or 5-10 redstone dust) Does not set fire to anything. There is a .005% chance of one happening each day.
-Drought, - Prolonged clear skies (90+ consecutive minutes) is a cause of this. The effected area is about 1 chucks in diameter. All vegetation start to slowly die and dirt turns into sand. Mobs do not spawn, and hostile spawns only spawn at night. Water evaporates. Standing outside in the day during a drought will make players lose 1/2 heart every 10 seconds, and mobs catch fire. If the criteria is met, there is a 5% of this happening each day, and afterwards these effects will always happen outside during daytime until it rains.
-Whirlpool, - Only appear in open bodies of water that are at least 30 blocks in diameter and 20 blocks deep. Entering one will drown the player, as there is no escape. Your only hope is that it dissipates while your in it. Very Dangerous. Last for 2-5min. There is a .1% of one happening each day.
-Dust Strom, - A Dust Storm can range anywhere from 2-3 chunks in diameter, and 10-40 blocks high. They hover above the ground and move aimlessly, at a speed of about 2 chunks a minute. Visibility is shortened by 50% with an orange-tinted fog, and mobs do not spawn. Dust Storms spawn outside of already exposed chunks. Any place exposed and opened to the outside will be effected. Residue is left behind after the storm dissipates, sort of like how snow covers grass. You must break the layer to expose whatever is underneath it. There is a 1/10 chance of sand blocks be deposited from the breaking of the residue. Lasts for 2-5min. 0001% of one happening every day.
-Solar Flare, - Best described as the sun exploding, and then reseting. The screen gets brighter until its white-bright and then dims down again. The area about 2-3 chunks in diameter around the player is affected by this, and only open, exposed areas (nothing covered in shade) are affected by this; Grass dies and turns into Dirt, and will not grow back until the dirt is replaced. Trees and vegetation disappear. All mobs die and will not spawn anywhere in the effect areas. The player will not die. Grass will not die if snow is covering it. There is a .000001% chance of this happening each day.
Tool to detect Disasters: Barometer. A Barometer detects atmospheric pressure and would be useful in detecting disasters. (Please note that this is a game. Realism is not something of a priority.) A Barometer appears like a normal compass, but the needle is white and the background is black. During a Disaster, the Barometer will make an annoying beep every 3sec until the disaster subsides, the background will turn orange, and the needle will turn red and point in the direction of the disaster. If the disaster is right on top of you, the needle will rotate violently.
How to make a barometer:
where = red dust and = compass
Winter - Winter contains the most different types of weather, and these occur at random after the weather before it. Below are the percentages of the allowed weather happening. Leaves turn brown during this season.
-15% Flurries
-15% Snow
-5% Blizzard
-5% light wind
-3% Heavy Wind
-2% Windstorm
-4% Thunder Storm
-5% Overcast
-5% light showers
-5% Downpour
-2% Hail
-6% light fog
-6% moderate fog
-4% Heavy fog
-10% Light Clouds
-4% Average Clouds
-3% Heavy Clouds
Spring Spring weather is moderate with no snow, but the most rain and storms. Leaves turn green during this period. Weather occurs at random after the weather before it. Below are the percentages of the allowed weather happening. Snow melts during this time period.
-15% Overcast
-10% light rain
-10% scattered showers
-5% Downpour
-8% light wind
-6% heavy wind
-4% wind storm
-6% thunder storm
-10% clear skies
-8% light clouds
-6% average clouds
-4% Cloudy skies
-4% light fog
-2% moderate fog
-2% heavy fog
Summer Summer has the most sun during the year, and the least types of weather. A drought is most likely to occur during summer, though.
-20% clear skies
-15% light clouds
-10% moderate clouds
-10% cloudy skies
-10% light fog
-5% moderate fog
-5% light wind
-5% heavy wind
-10% scattered showers
-10% overcast
Autumn Leaves turn colors to orange, yellow, or red during this season. This season has the most clouds and fog.
-10% clear skies
-10% light clouds
-10% average clouds
-10% heavy clouds
-10% light fog
-5% moderate fog
-5% heavy fog
-5% light rain
-5% scattered showers
-5% downpour
-2% hail
-3% flurries
-6% light wind
-5% heavy wind
-5% Windstorm
-4% Thunder storms
Tool to tell the seasons: Calendar, and yes. it is wall-mountable. A Calendar tells the current date, as long with the current season. A season is represented by an image. A snowflake = winter, a green leaf = spring, a sun = summer, and a brown leaf = autumn. Seasons change every 1825min, and days change every 20min. Months change accordingly. How to make a Calendar:
[] [] []
[] [] []
where [] = paper, = red dust, and = watch.
Layout of a Calendar:
M M []
N N []
[] []
where [] = black space, M M = Month, N N = Day, and = season.
Electricity can only be harnessed by lightning. You can harness lightning by creating lightning rods, like so:
This creates a lightning rod, which attracts lightning. They can be used to attract lightning away from areas, and to make fuse boxes. A fuse box is made like this:
A fuse box can only get lightning from an energized lightning rod, and to do so you must connect it to the rod using red dust. when the rod is struck, the energy transfers from the rod to the fuse box. The fuse box can now be removed and used to make electric fences and energize water. To do so, simply stick the fuse box next to a fence/in the water, and hit it to turn its effects on/off. You can tell when something is energized by white streaks moving freely around the fence/in the water.
Maybe fuse boxes could be used to make lanterns? (Never-running out torches that can be turned on/off)
where :goldore:=fuse box?
Maybe a 3-block tall lamp where = lantern?
Oh, and new banner!
I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and thought about these ideas, as i tried to make them as balanced as possible. If Notch is out there, and you know/see/am/contact him, please note this thread. The vote percentage for 'want' seems to be hovering around 68%. That's more than 2/3 of all voters in the poll!
True... I'll add that in.
I thought about that, but don't you think that would just be too much overkill? I also thought about Volcanoes, Landslides, and sink holes.
Come to think of it... I'm going to add whirlpools.
True. I <3 Volcanism as much as the next guy, but it may be to hard to add in. I'll think about it.
(some people might not want creations destroyed and
other people might like the fun of weather)
I already have built a underground emergency shelter, building a roof shelter in case of tsunami, flood.
good idea.
But hurricanes aren't 20 blocks large.
Basically, hurricanes and tsunamis should be bigger. A lot bigger.
EDIT: Blast, I misread that. Forget hurricanes.
Tsunamis should probably be higher than five blocks when they hit the shore, though.
They tend to be a lot less dramatic farther out to sea: Sure, the water rises by 1 meter, but it does so over a length far longer than the eye can see. But the waves pile up as the depth decreases, and boom.
Also, tornadoes and volcanism.
What else...
You should be able to DO something with lightning, besides electrify fences and water, if you're going to do that much.
Like, smelt aluminum.
(Yes, smelt aluminum. Electricity is the only way to do it.)
Also, electric lights.
Mountains create a 'rain shadow' (that's what it is actually called), so while the windward side is often lush, the opposite side is a desert.
Who knows which way the wind goes. (Hey look, a rhyme.)
The ocean moderates temperatures, resulting in cooler summers and warmer winters.
EDIT: Also, I was serious about smelting aluminum.
Though by that regards, we should probably be able to find various other ores besides these ones, if aluminum was added: copper, silver, lead, tin, nickel, chromium (for that extra shine!), and so on.
And be able to smelt metals together to create alloys.
Bah, getting off topic...
I actually thought about that, but this is the basics. If the programmers want to get into more detail about that stuff, fine by me.
Talking about it is half the fun, though!
It's not like having terrain effect weather is that hard.
Tall objects block clouds. No clouds, no precipitation.