One idea i got when I was reading other peoples suggestions is electricity.
Not the "magic" one from redstone but the kind of electricity we all use today.
Eksample: You have a natural waterfall or one you have made and beside/under it you have a turbine made from f.eks. steel. The electricity goes then via (perhapse) redstone or some kind of wire to you cave, house or castle and then in to a lamp which give you lots of light.
Please comment if you think this is a good or bad idea...
(Im not english so sorry if the are any wrong spellings)
I think the idea of real electricity isn't terrible and could be built on a slightly altered framework of the existing redstone. I like the idea of a turbine. perhaps a craftable object that water flows through and generates the electricity, similarly steam from water on top of a burning furnace, so from bottom to top, three blocks: furnace, water,steam (represented here by the wool), turbine (represented here by a bench):
and here the waterfall version:
it would be neat if the electricity could travel indefinitely along gold wires and be restricted in distance, similar to redstones distance limitations, when travelling along steel wires.
It would also be neat if the brightness of lamps decreased sequentially if hooked up in series but hooking up in parallel were an option.
I understand the competition with redstone, but one could have each have features that the other does not. for example: one could, with electricity, connect generators together. then have all these generators power a single lamp, making it extremely bright. electricity could also be used to power minecarts. redstone could be used to do logic gates and other computer functions.
Minecraft must NOT turn into the next WoW or Runescape.
Notch has an IQ over 130. He isn't stupid.
For some reason my hell looks like a train station....
Not the "magic" one from redstone but the kind of electricity we all use today.
Eksample: You have a natural waterfall or one you have made and beside/under it you have a turbine made from f.eks. steel. The electricity goes then via (perhapse) redstone or some kind of wire to you cave, house or castle and then in to a lamp which give you lots of light.
Please comment if you think this is a good or bad idea...
(Im not english so sorry if the are any wrong spellings)
and here the waterfall version:
it would be neat if the electricity could travel indefinitely along gold wires and be restricted in distance, similar to redstones distance limitations, when travelling along steel wires.
It would also be neat if the brightness of lamps decreased sequentially if hooked up in series but hooking up in parallel were an option.
I understand the competition with redstone, but one could have each have features that the other does not. for example: one could, with electricity, connect generators together. then have all these generators power a single lamp, making it extremely bright. electricity could also be used to power minecarts. redstone could be used to do logic gates and other computer functions.
Notch has an IQ over 130. He isn't stupid.
For some reason my hell looks like a train station....