Update note: Visualisation WILL be here! So you will see how would it look!
Also could someone tweet this to Notch, cause something doesnt let do it for me...
General Gameplay:
It is new type of item creation.
Player can build some research equipment such as Microscope or Lazer and test items in there. On some research levels player can use something to do upgrades (such as obsidian platting). For example using high velocity simulator and extreme heater and laying some coal inside mixing chamber will give you some diamonds. Laborotory made obsidian (Labsidian) would be the most durable block in game.
Edit: Bodybags: theese items are useful if you want to research items. If you have this item, normal death of mob that is near you (4 blocks and explode of creeper is not normal death) will give a his corpse in bodybag and you can research it!
Territory markers: theese tools will help you to make the safezones (no flint and steel, no arms etc.) building markers (Types and names such as: DrNightKOT Hell Research Laboratory) and room markers (Testchamber 1, Storeroom). Maybe even continents to mark?
Backpacks: They expand your inventory
List of scientifical equipment:
1 Tier:
Crafting table
Basic research table
2 Tier:
Upgraded research table
Medical chair (Medicine)
3 Tier
Optical Microscope
Optical Telescope
High Velocity Simulator
Extreme Heat Generator
Electro generatior
Mixing tank
Storage tank
4 Tier
Computer Microscope
Computer Telescope
The Nanobot Crafter
Solar battarey
Surgeon table (Medicine)
Paneciline storage (Medicine)
Cleanroom (Medicine)
5 Tier:
Cyber workbench
DNA editor
Economical Furance
Medicine: Players who studied medicine enoguh can heal other players (or murder them like mad scientists MWAHAHA!) using special research tables and items: Otoraringologist's mirror, surgeon mask, HEV (O_O)
DNA editing: I think normal playermodel is boring. What if players could change it to something other? Like demons, Creeeeepppeeeeerrrrrrsssss, or others! This DNA editing tool requires Great Sci progress to use but then players can edit their models and textures!!!!
Spaceships and other planets: Players can go on the other planets by building a spaceship (it is a map too!). Players also can use autonomus spaceships to use them as weapon or navigator!
Auto mapper: Will map your terrain by using GPS navigator and helps you not to lost in caves!
Usefull coins or Vending Mashines: Players (maybe OP's) can build a vending mashine that sells items for coins (OP's vending mashine will have unlimited items and high prices.). Highly studied players can build the mashine too, but coins will get to the builder (not dissapear)
Obsidian Tools And Armour: Created by research obsidian tools and armour can be usefull.
Obsidian Tools: Most durable, slow as stone.
Obsidian Armor: Most durable, TNT resistant, low dmg reduction
Mining helm: Gives light around and saves from suffocating (Falling blocks)
Oil: This is interesting. You can find oil as rare as diamonds, deep uderground. It is protected by hostile mobs and can be obtained with bucket. Oil harms you! You can use oil as the material in bombs, to burn things (oil is extremely flamable and can burn even unburnable! Dirt block in no time!), any heat source is fatal. If placed in water, oil will slowly replace ajastent blocks by itself. To prevent the OP oil spawn I will say that it is less liquidic than lava and even torch or lava nearer than 5 blocks can ignite it. It is not extingushable and worst of all the fire can spread very fast. Advantages: Extremely fast in furance and on Tier 5 furance it will never burn out. If placed on obsidian (only non-burnable block) will make the firewall. Great for traps. Using some High-tec can return some of burned oil.
Animal Camera(suggested): automatised camera which provides you photos on trigger activation. Can be transported with CD's
Mirrors: Theese things would reflect light. That would be usefull if there are cactus plant deep underground
Isolated redstone and welding: Isolated redstone is the redstone connected just to output and input it was originaly connected (It can go through the gates or connect with other wires)
Fatcarts: Minecarts expansion with more space.
And that goes on...
Elevators: A kind of block that powered with redstone and magnets. Pattern is simple:
Magnet joined with redstone and switch activates push or pull on signal. Elevator block goes according the situation
Computers and Data storage: Computers are ingame entities, some work like data gate for redstone, some will be graphical installations (To advert your product) or even a real computers working like calculators, or with their own scripting lamguage, games or programs!
Tech biome:
Destroyed by infestation, time and AI the research territory is no longer good for life.
Description: A lone, rare and dangerous, but resourcefull and easy to clean - research zone is a place without anythig natural. Old results of researches can help you and minehelms in crates are good reward, spawnpoints are great too, but are you ready to face the cyber creeper when you are reading the data from computer?
Appearance: Rare. Filled with human-made tunnels and great loot. You can very rarely find the Survivors.
Monsters: Cybernised and mutated. Extremely dangerous. Boss: The AI core.
Take out the first 3 suggestions (rare occasions) as they have been suggested many many times before. The research idea seems to be unique though. I suggest you expand your ideas though, they are sorta vague.
Take out the first 3 suggestions (rare occasions) as they have been suggested many many times before. The research idea seems to be unique though. I suggest you expand your ideas though, they are sorta vague.
Ahh thanks. Never seen them in the special thread actually
I don't know about the research, seems quite high tech and a lot of people have a problem with such high tech. Alchemy has been suggested which could do some of this stuff. Also some way to turn coal into a diamond. However, this bodybag -> research idea is intriguing. Perhaps could be used for poison or explosives...
A cool research update would be to add things like deer cameras and when a animal/mob/human walks on a pressure pad or a laser sensor it takes a picture, then you could watch it when ever you want with a television you can make.. kind of a modern idea but would be neat to see what goes on when you're not around.
A cool research update would be to add things like deer cameras and when a animal/mob/human walks on a pressure pad or a laser sensor it takes a picture, then you could watch it when ever you want with a television you can make.. kind of a modern idea but would be neat to see what goes on when you're not around.
I think this would be as the different era or even gamemode... I hate swords, I hate magic, but I love science. Anyway Minecraft is one in kind, so this is the only flaw (T_T)
really like your ideas but it would be cooler as a mod. I'm even willed to join a modding team working on this(Hope that modding is released soon. CANT WAIT TO HAVE A REAL SANDBOX^^).
Actually the research part and some of the another ideas are accessible by standart modders, but I assume that you don't know java, right?
Also could someone tweet this to Notch, cause something doesnt let do it for me...
General Gameplay:
It is new type of item creation.
Player can build some research equipment such as Microscope or Lazer and test items in there. On some research levels player can use something to do upgrades (such as obsidian platting). For example using high velocity simulator and extreme heater and laying some coal inside mixing chamber will give you some diamonds. Laborotory made obsidian (Labsidian) would be the most durable block in game.
Bodybags: theese items are useful if you want to research items. If you have this item, normal death of mob that is near you (4 blocks and explode of creeper is not normal death) will give a his corpse in bodybag and you can research it!
Territory markers: theese tools will help you to make the safezones (no flint and steel, no arms etc.) building markers (Types and names such as: DrNightKOT Hell Research Laboratory) and room markers (Testchamber 1, Storeroom). Maybe even continents to mark?
Backpacks: They expand your inventory
List of scientifical equipment:
1 Tier:
Crafting table
Basic research table
2 Tier:
Upgraded research table
Medical chair (Medicine)
3 Tier
Optical Microscope
Optical Telescope
High Velocity Simulator
Extreme Heat Generator
Electro generatior
Mixing tank
Storage tank
4 Tier
Computer Microscope
Computer Telescope
The Nanobot Crafter
Solar battarey
Surgeon table (Medicine)
Paneciline storage (Medicine)
Cleanroom (Medicine)
5 Tier:
Cyber workbench
DNA editor
Economical Furance
Medicine: Players who studied medicine enoguh can heal other players (or murder them like mad scientists MWAHAHA!) using special research tables and items: Otoraringologist's mirror, surgeon mask, HEV (O_O)
DNA editing: I think normal playermodel is boring. What if players could change it to something other? Like demons, Creeeeepppeeeeerrrrrrsssss, or others! This DNA editing tool requires Great Sci progress to use but then players can edit their models and textures!!!!
Spaceships and other planets: Players can go on the other planets by building a spaceship (it is a map too!). Players also can use autonomus spaceships to use them as weapon or navigator!
Auto mapper: Will map your terrain by using GPS navigator and helps you not to lost in caves!
Usefull coins or Vending Mashines: Players (maybe OP's) can build a vending mashine that sells items for coins (OP's vending mashine will have unlimited items and high prices.). Highly studied players can build the mashine too, but coins will get to the builder (not dissapear)
Obsidian Tools And Armour: Created by research obsidian tools and armour can be usefull.Obsidian Tools: Most durable, slow as stone.
Obsidian Armor: Most durable, TNT resistant, low dmg reduction
Mining helm: Gives light around and saves from suffocating (Falling blocks)
Oil: This is interesting. You can find oil as rare as diamonds, deep uderground. It is protected by hostile mobs and can be obtained with bucket. Oil harms you! You can use oil as the material in bombs, to burn things (oil is extremely flamable and can burn even unburnable! Dirt block in no time!), any heat source is fatal. If placed in water, oil will slowly replace ajastent blocks by itself. To prevent the OP oil spawn I will say that it is less liquidic than lava and even torch or lava nearer than 5 blocks can ignite it. It is not extingushable and worst of all the fire can spread very fast. Advantages: Extremely fast in furance and on Tier 5 furance it will never burn out. If placed on obsidian (only non-burnable block) will make the firewall. Great for traps. Using some High-tec can return some of burned oil.
Animal Camera(suggested): automatised camera which provides you photos on trigger activation. Can be transported with CD's
Mirrors: Theese things would reflect light. That would be usefull if there are cactus plant deep underground
Isolated redstone and welding: Isolated redstone is the redstone connected just to output and input it was originaly connected (It can go through the gates or connect with other wires)
Fatcarts: Minecarts expansion with more space.
And that goes on...
Elevators: A kind of block that powered with redstone and magnets. Pattern is simple:
Magnet joined with redstone and switch activates push or pull on signal. Elevator block goes according the situation
Computers and Data storage: Computers are ingame entities, some work like data gate for redstone, some will be graphical installations (To advert your product) or even a real computers working like calculators, or with their own scripting lamguage, games or programs!
Tech biome:
Destroyed by infestation, time and AI the research territory is no longer good for life.
Natural - stone, dirt, sand - 0%
Monster - mossy cobblestone, infected stone, blood stain - normal
Hasard - lava, radioactive, oil - high
Tech, crafted - Rails, computers, craftbenches, minehelms - vhigh
Description: A lone, rare and dangerous, but resourcefull and easy to clean - research zone is a place without anythig natural. Old results of researches can help you and minehelms in crates are good reward, spawnpoints are great too, but are you ready to face the cyber creeper when you are reading the data from computer?
Appearance: Rare. Filled with human-made tunnels and great loot. You can very rarely find the Survivors.
Monsters: Cybernised and mutated. Extremely dangerous. Boss: The AI core.
Monsters and NPCs
Droids: Insane droids. Appear in Tech biome.
Ahh thanks. Never seen them in the special thread actually
Oil magnates!
Good idea!
Actually the research part and some of the another ideas are accessible by standart modders, but I assume that you don't know java, right?