But I am also of the opinion Bees should be in minecraft, for no other reason than the reenactment of the Wicker Man or whatever that movie was called.
I don't know, something the size of a small slime flying around at the speed of a bee AND able to damage you? That could be very, bad, very quickly. Composer help us if they're africanised honey bees. Or worse yet, Japanese hornets (not bees, but whatever). Sure, there's a chance of honey, but I don't want to die... more often.
How about if you find their hive they become freindly.
That's not too bad. If you could, would they act like bodyguards?
If beekeeping was made into a possibility, think there might be a new set of equipment designed for it? That iron helmet isn't going to protect you when bees swarm, but something actually designed for it would be interesting. It would also make cloth useful.
It's a great idea, I think the bees should be a single sprite block that goes a bit slower than the player so that you can get away from them. Slow enough that you can reap the harvest from their hive.
Shouldn't this go under Suggestions?
But I am also of the opinion Bees should be in minecraft, for no other reason than the reenactment of the Wicker Man or whatever that movie was called.
*does irl*
K bees, I are your new master, OBEY ME NAO!
Om nom... Nom, nom.
That's not too bad. If you could, would they act like bodyguards?
If beekeeping was made into a possibility, think there might be a new set of equipment designed for it? That iron helmet isn't going to protect you when bees swarm, but something actually designed for it would be interesting. It would also make cloth useful.
I like the idea.