Hi, I'm new to the forum, so if this suggestion have been brough before, I'm sorry, if not, hear it out.
What if a new tool, sledgehammer, would be introduced to minecraft?
It would have the purpose of smashing blocks one block down.
As an example:
You're standing on a flat ground.
You place a stone block on the ground.
Take the sledgehammer and use it to smash the stone block.
Depending on what type of sledgehammer you have (wood, stone, iron, diamond) it'll take you longer time to smash it.
When done, the stone brick is not flattened with the ground, as it's been moved one block under.
Also, it should only work on "hard items"
Such as stones, wood and so on.
Not glass or dirt.
This could be helpful when building stuff in the air, or exploring deep caves.
If it takes as long or longer to knock the block down as to destroy the block underneath, it is easier(and would be using a cheaper tool) to simply destroy the block underneath and place the block there.
If it takes a shorter time to knock the block down than to dig it out, it makes it easier to destroy the underlying block(hammer wood down onto obsidian). If the block you hammer down has to have more durability than the block you are hammering into to prevent this, then the tool has extremely limited potential application. This tool may present some extremely minor time savings in a very small subset of things you are likely to do in minecraft.
@ Mystify: It's not only for laying floor or being lazy to dig away the dirt underneath.
It's about being able to press blocks away.
Also, I think I didn't write it right.
What I ment was:
It should take one hit to make the block go one block down, but the tools would get destroyed faster.
As they do now.
If you're building a house, one could make walls much faster.
@ PsyberianHusky: Sure, it don't nessessary have to be only down, go up if you want, or to the sides. Point being isn't the direction, but the thing the sledgehammer does.
Also, if you have any more ideas to the sledgehammer, refine it, then sure post it.
I just thought such a tool would be great.
I'm fairly sure he meant that a block could only break through a block of equal or lesser strength, meaning to break an obsidian block, you need an obsidian block, and therefore are not any better off.
Another idea though, perhaps any clean stone you hit with sledgehammer has a chance to break and turn into cobblestone when hit. For example:
Wood - Always turns clean stone into cobblestone.
Stone - 50% Chance.
SIron - 25% Chance.
Diamond - 0% Chance.
Needs more bonuses then longer durability to make it worth more expensive minerals. Just look at the hoe, right now, you really don't need more then a few stone ones.
What if a new tool, sledgehammer, would be introduced to minecraft?
It would have the purpose of smashing blocks one block down.
As an example:
You're standing on a flat ground.
You place a stone block on the ground.
Take the sledgehammer and use it to smash the stone block.
Depending on what type of sledgehammer you have (wood, stone, iron, diamond) it'll take you longer time to smash it.
When done, the stone brick is not flattened with the ground, as it's been moved one block under.
Also, it should only work on "hard items"
Such as stones, wood and so on.
Not glass or dirt.
This could be helpful when building stuff in the air, or exploring deep caves.
Here's example pictures:
You place the selected block of any kind
After using the sledgehammer once
And so on.
The sledgehammer could be created like this
a. place block
b. use sledgehammer to push it down
instead of
a. remove previous block
b. place new block where it was.
So instead of having to dig out the dirt, you have to sledgehammer the blocks down?
I thought it replaced the block below the one being hammered, with the same one being hammered and automatically destroyed it in one hit.
NVM his idea needs retooling
It would
If it takes a shorter time to knock the block down than to dig it out, it makes it easier to destroy the underlying block(hammer wood down onto obsidian). If the block you hammer down has to have more durability than the block you are hammering into to prevent this, then the tool has extremely limited potential application. This tool may present some extremely minor time savings in a very small subset of things you are likely to do in minecraft.
So tell me, why? How does this improve things?
The caveman's secret weapon
No... We can already do that.
"I am a floating tree with limbs living in Antarctica. Screw logic."-floatingmagictree
Does it just have to be down?
Could I nudge blocks in with this?
and would it produce resources.
If this can be refined this is a very good idea
It's about being able to press blocks away.
Also, I think I didn't write it right.
What I ment was:
It should take one hit to make the block go one block down, but the tools would get destroyed faster.
As they do now.
If you're building a house, one could make walls much faster.
@ PsyberianHusky: Sure, it don't nessessary have to be only down, go up if you want, or to the sides. Point being isn't the direction, but the thing the sledgehammer does.
Also, if you have any more ideas to the sledgehammer, refine it, then sure post it.
I just thought such a tool would be great.
Another idea though, perhaps any clean stone you hit with sledgehammer has a chance to break and turn into cobblestone when hit. For example:
Wood - Always turns clean stone into cobblestone.
Stone - 50% Chance.
SIron - 25% Chance.
Diamond - 0% Chance.
Needs more bonuses then longer durability to make it worth more expensive minerals. Just look at the hoe, right now, you really don't need more then a few stone ones.