Hmmm, intriguing...
I will think this over...
after dinner....
mmm, dinner....
xD Really, though, I might change it to that. It sounds reasonable, and the dynamo does allow instant infinite energy for however many devices you can chain gear boxes together (which multiply M.E.), which is a bit overpowered, even wit hthe high-iron cost of gearboxes.
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Changed the dynamo. It works using [insert strange, powerful substance here]. I agree with Wilks' modification. Diamonds don't make much sense. But you're right, MechaMage, it should run on something rare, incredibly efficiently.
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was the output devices diagram your idea for how it should be implemented in the game? cause if it was we should just write all off your ideas of right now
No, of course not. That's just a little CGI real-world example of what he's talking about. The thing would just look like a couple of boxes in game.
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Gib zu mir etwas fußbodenbelag unter diesen fetten, fließenden Sofa.
Wow. Just marveling, not really back, but 37 for and only 2 completely against is good! If only Notch had a brighter opinion of this sort of thing himself. Also, I'm really not sure how that's a simplification Libervurto. More like you cut off pipes and a lot of the useful fun stuff and made the actual system more like redstone, something I was assiduously trying to avoid. In the end its more complicated.
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Ah, I see. That idea would work better if the system included rotation specific devices, but I'm not sure it should. On/off functionality can be continued to be handled by redstone, while the mechanical aspect would simply provide "power", with no rotation aspect to confuse things. Of course, with gears, they'd have to have rotation and counter-rotation to look good, but I was thinking that that could remain purely aesthetic and not actually affect the functionality of the system.
I'd like to hear why you think a system with rotation and counter-rotation is useful. Really, this isn't a sarcastic question. If there's an advantage I'd like to know.
EDIT: It seems like you might have thought my suggestion already included rotation. If that's the case, it doesn't. If that's not the case, disregard this.
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First of all, stop bumping your post, it's against the forum rules for a reason.
Second of all, I like a few of the ideas you've got in there, but the problem is they are surrounded by a lot of overcomplicated crap. I think the beauty of Minecraft and in fact a way to find beauty in most things is through simplicity. You don't want to have to have majored in physics or quantum mechanics in order to play the game efficiently. Yes I agree sometimes complicated systems are fun, but I think that's only really when the complication isn't absolutely necessary. Complication is only really good when used just to make things seem more intelligent and extravagant, or to build complex mechanisms that aren't vital to the playing of the game. Therefore aI think a revision of your ideas is needed, and by revision I mean delete some of it not just add more.
Dont like it dont use it
but the grate/drain
though i would like a opening and closing on redstone activation flood gate
then i can make a flushing toliet :biggrin.gif:
im so going to make a factory that also is connected to a minecart system to get diamonds to my base
then ill come 2 seconds later and find it full :biggrin.gif:
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Mod edit: Please stay on topic. This is a thread about how to dispose a corpse
Quote from Inception Cat »
Keyofdoor and only Keyofdoor is allowed to have me on his avatar.
First of all, stop bumping your post, it's against the forum rules for a reason.
Second of all, I like a few of the ideas you've got in there, but the problem is they are surrounded by a lot of overcomplicated crap. I think the beauty of Minecraft and in fact a way to find beauty in most things is through simplicity. You don't want to have to have majored in physics or quantum mechanics in order to play the game efficiently. Yes I agree sometimes complicated systems are fun, but I think that's only really when the complication isn't absolutely necessary. Complication is only really good when used just to make things seem more intelligent and extravagant, or to build complex mechanisms that aren't vital to the playing of the game. Therefore aI think a revision of your ideas is needed, and by revision I mean delete some of it not just add more.
Dont like it dont use it
but the grate/drain
though i would like a opening and closing on redstone activation flood gate
then i can make a flushing toliet :biggrin.gif:
im so going to make a factory that also is connected to a minecart system to get diamonds to my base
then ill come 2 seconds later and find it full :biggrin.gif:
Yep that's true, or you could actually read the whole thread before commenting on a post made right a the beginning, thus you'll notice that my opinion was already changed, and that I suggested that were the system brought in in stages then it would probably be alright.
Besides, your 'don't like it don't use it' argument is stupid, as it would unfairly limit my use of the game, anything brought in should be easily accessible to all Minecraft players.
Okay then just cause i dont want a inter topic war
you know your like kntyt but epic :biggrin.gif:
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Mod edit: Please stay on topic. This is a thread about how to dispose a corpse
Quote from Inception Cat »
Keyofdoor and only Keyofdoor is allowed to have me on his avatar.
I like a lot of these ideas, however, a lot of it seems either redundant or not terribly useful. I also agree with the idea of releasing things in different patches. Here are my critiques, questions and attempts to simplify this:
Drive shaft:
should be created by right clicking wood blocks (or sticks?) onto a face of the gearbox. It would then turn into a drive shaft. You can still place wood blocks beside a gearbox without it turning into a drive shaft by placing it on another adjacent block. This would reduce the number of items added by one.
Valve: You didn't really expand on it's uses other than as a trap perhaps. It also seems like the pump/drain serves the same purpose: an open/close-able release to a pipe network.
Wire: Same purpose as redstone? If it is for electricity, then I don't think it would be a good idea.
Rope: Explain its uses more other than gondola.
Redstone block: Doesn't seem like it would be all that useful, especially with circuits boxes.
Boiler: Attach two pipes to the sides of a regular furnace, put water in one pipe, coal in the furnace, and steam comes out the other pipe. If you open up the furnace dialog, the top block would either look like a pipe or would look like a block of . (reduces number of added items by one.)
Coal engine: With pipes and a steam engine, not useful except if pipes and water are released later.
Dynamo: couldn't you just stuff 64 coal into a boiler (furnace) and be done with it? For this to be useful, wouldn't one block last as long as 128 coal or something or would it provide more force or something? (ie. this pretty much serves the same purpose as other generators but less interesting). I think a system with variable force would be overly complicated unless it was just based on distance like redstone.
Launcher: seems quite dubious and not necessary with accelerators.
Compactor: there is already a lot of storage space and the 9x recipes serve the same purpose.
Bridger: if these extend to 2 squares then we are breaking the law of conservation of mass . Even though this law is already broken a lot in this game, a three block long bridge coming out of one block would just seem wrong to me. Also this sort of serves the same purpose as trap doors activated with redstone.
Patch grouping and order of release:
Circuit box
M.E. + some simple applications
Windmill, gears, gearboxes+drive shaft, minecart accelerator, extender, elevator of some sort, conveyor.
Liquid management and addition to M.E.
Pipes and ability to use a furnace as a boiler, steam engine, pump, grate.
Factory items, sorter, timer and drill (not in your OP but talked about).
Can you expand your ideas on gas? How it would work, uses etc. Either way, it should be added after automation
Also, a hydro generator would be a bad idea unless water mechanics are changed because it would mean infinite energy. You could just make a system like this:
( = generator, = gear box)
In addition, Windmills should only provide energy intermittently so they aren't infinite continuous energy either. Could be predictably periodic, early morning and sun set, you could also make a system where when the windmill stops providing energy, it turns a boiler on (using coal).
Anyways, great ideas here, I would really enjoy this but I would probably avoid all the automation of drilling and item making/gathering, but that's personal preference.
Wow, where to start? Anyway, in response to Fhyve:
Great constructive criticism!
I'm not sure your proposed dive shaft methodology would work very well. That's very technical though, and not really a problem if we disagree.
Valves would be purely for traps, aesthetics, or better automated killing machines. Bacon factory anyone?
Wire is useless, I'm removing it.
I changed the rope description, thanks for pointing out its paucity of explanation.
Redstone blocks would be incredibly useful. They would be not much more expensive than redstone, and would provide a way to make easy vertical redstone transfers, and redstone transfers through walls without a terrible aesthetic disadvantage.
The furnace boiler is too simple for my tastes. xD
Yes, coal engines aren't as good (read: efficient) as steam engines, but steam engines require a great deal more metal (making the engine, pipes, boiler, and drains) . Two steps on the same ladder, pretty much.
Yeah, the dynamo is useless. I'm removing it.
The launcher isn't purely for minecarts. It can be used for other entities too.
I'm not sure you understand the description of what the compactor does. It's really an addition to the crafting system, for making better materials.
As for the bridger, yeah, it's unrealistic, but so s the fact that you can carry a small island on your back, sooo....
I think it's usefulness outweighs the ridiculosity factor.
I agree with that release order.
I never proposed a hydro-power generator. For that exact reason.
The windmill change is a great idea.
I didn't want to discuss gases, because the thread is already fairly lengthy.
EVERYONE ELSE: Thanks, a lot of enthusiastic support out there.
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As for the bridger, yeah, it's unrealistic, but so s the fact that you can carry a small island on your back, sooo....
I think it's usefulness outweighs the ridiculosity factor.
But as for usefulness, can't you just get trap doors to function the same way?
(top down, =trap door, =anything with redstone on it, = switch)
And the drive shafts:
( = gearbox)
<<< **
**pointing your crosshair here as if you were putting a torch on the gearbox would make a 1block long drive shaft that would look like the windmill pic
<<< **
** pointing your crosshair here would make this:
(cobblestone and furnace configuration rotated because i can't point these>>>>> downward and write stuff beside them)
Yes, coal engines aren't as good (read: efficient) as steam engines, but steam engines require a great deal more metal (making the engine, pipes, boiler, and drains) . Two steps on the same ladder, pretty much.
Well, all these mechanics should be something that a more advanced player does and therefore they should have lots of iron. Also, you could just use a windmill, that's (at least) 1 gearbox and some drive shafts.
I fully support a mechanical system like this in Minecraft. Several times of the past few weeks I've been kept awake brainstorming ideas quite similar to these =P. Several things you could add to this:
[*:3da1f5vv]Single block. Takes drive shaft input and gives drive shaft output
[*:3da1f5vv]Output only gives power if clutch is receiving red stone power. (simply having leaver/button on or next to block)
[*:3da1f5vv]Pretty allows red stone circuits to control M.E.
[*:3da1f5vv]I feel like this should be a separate entity to standard gearbox
Gearbox Modification:
[*:3da1f5vv]output is clockwise without red stone power, anticlockwise with R.S.P.
Rack and Pinion Rail.
[*:3da1f5vv]Looks like metal ladder crossed with a single middle rail.
[*:3da1f5vv]can be placed vertically and horizontally.
[*:3da1f5vv]Only used with Rack and Pinion Block, not mine carts
Rack and pinion Block (two blocks high, like door)
[*:3da1f5vv]Can only be placed on Rack and Pinion Rail.
[*:3da1f5vv]Can not Transfer from horizontal rail segment to vertical rail segment
[*:3da1f5vv]Will move along R&P rail with drive shaft power on upper block. Will only move on R&P rails - will not fall off at rail end like mine carts.
[*:3da1f5vv]Will stay stationary if not powered. (e.g. if on vertical rail will not fall with gravity)
[*:3da1f5vv]Can be "pushed" manually in looking direction with left click
[*:3da1f5vv]Possible to fasten other blocks to the R&P block. These block will move with it. (to make elavotrs, moving platforms, ECT) Possible limit to how many additional blocks can be moved. Connecting multiple R&P Blocks together via normal blocks will increase this limit
I will think this over...
after dinner....
mmm, dinner....
xD Really, though, I might change it to that. It sounds reasonable, and the dynamo does allow instant infinite energy for however many devices you can chain gear boxes together (which multiply M.E.), which is a bit overpowered, even wit hthe high-iron cost of gearboxes.
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I'm leaving the suggestion forum again for a time (last time I was away for 4 months). Soooo... no more thread upkeep. Adios.
P.S. Yes, I am naive and egotistic to think anyone cares. No need to tell me.
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Steam-power (requires a moving "steam" block)
Battery (must be crafted)
No, of course not. That's just a little CGI real-world example of what he's talking about. The thing would just look like a couple of boxes in game.
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I'd like to hear why you think a system with rotation and counter-rotation is useful. Really, this isn't a sarcastic question. If there's an advantage I'd like to know.
EDIT: It seems like you might have thought my suggestion already included rotation. If that's the case, it doesn't. If that's not the case, disregard this.
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Dont like it dont use it
but the grate/drain
though i would like a opening and closing on redstone activation flood gate
then i can make a flushing toliet :biggrin.gif:
im so going to make a factory that also is connected to a minecart system to get diamonds to my base
then ill come 2 seconds later and find it full :biggrin.gif:
Great ideas. I would have no issue seeing these in game.
Okay then just cause i dont want a inter topic war
you know your like kntyt but epic :biggrin.gif:
Drive shaft:
should be created by right clicking wood blocks (or sticks?) onto a face of the gearbox. It would then turn into a drive shaft. You can still place wood blocks beside a gearbox without it turning into a drive shaft by placing it on another adjacent block. This would reduce the number of items added by one.
Valve: You didn't really expand on it's uses other than as a trap perhaps. It also seems like the pump/drain serves the same purpose: an open/close-able release to a pipe network.
Wire: Same purpose as redstone? If it is for electricity, then I don't think it would be a good idea.
Rope: Explain its uses more other than gondola.
Redstone block: Doesn't seem like it would be all that useful, especially with circuits boxes.
Boiler: Attach two pipes to the sides of a regular furnace, put water in one pipe, coal in the furnace, and steam comes out the other pipe. If you open up the furnace dialog, the top block would either look like a pipe or would look like a block of
Coal engine: With pipes and a steam engine, not useful except if pipes and water are released later.
Dynamo: couldn't you just stuff 64 coal into a boiler (furnace) and be done with it? For this to be useful, wouldn't one block last as long as 128 coal or something or would it provide more force or something? (ie. this pretty much serves the same purpose as other generators but less interesting). I think a system with variable force would be overly complicated unless it was just based on distance like redstone.
Launcher: seems quite dubious and not necessary with accelerators.
Compactor: there is already a lot of storage space and the 9x recipes serve the same purpose.
Bridger: if these extend to 2 squares then we are breaking the law of conservation of mass
Patch grouping and order of release:
Circuit box
M.E. + some simple applications
Windmill, gears, gearboxes+drive shaft, minecart accelerator, extender, elevator of some sort, conveyor.
Liquid management and addition to M.E.
Pipes and ability to use a furnace as a boiler, steam engine, pump, grate.
Factory items, sorter, timer and drill (not in your OP but talked about).
Can you expand your ideas on gas? How it would work, uses etc. Either way, it should be added after automation
Also, a hydro generator would be a bad idea unless water mechanics are changed because it would mean infinite energy. You could just make a system like this:
In addition, Windmills should only provide energy intermittently so they aren't infinite continuous energy either. Could be predictably periodic, early morning and sun set, you could also make a system where when the windmill stops providing energy, it turns a boiler on (using coal).
Anyways, great ideas here, I would really enjoy this but I would probably avoid all the automation of drilling and item making/gathering, but that's personal preference.
(about 3 days in minecraft )
Great constructive criticism!
I'm not sure your proposed dive shaft methodology would work very well. That's very technical though, and not really a problem if we disagree.
Valves would be purely for traps, aesthetics, or better automated killing machines. Bacon factory anyone?
Wire is useless, I'm removing it.
I changed the rope description, thanks for pointing out its paucity of explanation.
Redstone blocks would be incredibly useful. They would be not much more expensive than redstone, and would provide a way to make easy vertical redstone transfers, and redstone transfers through walls without a terrible aesthetic disadvantage.
The furnace boiler is too simple for my tastes. xD
Yes, coal engines aren't as good (read: efficient) as steam engines, but steam engines require a great deal more metal (making the engine, pipes, boiler, and drains) . Two steps on the same ladder, pretty much.
Yeah, the dynamo is useless. I'm removing it.
The launcher isn't purely for minecarts. It can be used for other entities too.
I'm not sure you understand the description of what the compactor does. It's really an addition to the crafting system, for making better materials.
As for the bridger, yeah, it's unrealistic, but so s the fact that you can carry a small island on your back, sooo....
I think it's usefulness outweighs the ridiculosity factor.
I agree with that release order.
I never proposed a hydro-power generator. For that exact reason.
The windmill change is a great idea.
I didn't want to discuss gases, because the thread is already fairly lengthy.
EVERYONE ELSE: Thanks, a lot of enthusiastic support out there.
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But as for usefulness, can't you just get trap doors to function the same way?
(top down,
And the drive shafts:
**pointing your crosshair here as if you were putting a torch on the gearbox would make a 1block long drive shaft that would look like the windmill pic
** pointing your crosshair here would make this:
(cobblestone and furnace configuration rotated because i can't point these>>>>> downward and write stuff beside them)
Well, all these mechanics should be something that a more advanced player does and therefore they should have lots of iron. Also, you could just use a windmill, that's (at least) 1 gearbox and some drive shafts.
[*:3da1f5vv]Single block. Takes drive shaft input and gives drive shaft output
[*:3da1f5vv]Output only gives power if clutch is receiving red stone power. (simply having leaver/button on or next to block)
[*:3da1f5vv]Pretty allows red stone circuits to control M.E.
[*:3da1f5vv]I feel like this should be a separate entity to standard gearbox
Gearbox Modification:
[*:3da1f5vv]output is clockwise without red stone power, anticlockwise with R.S.P.
Rack and Pinion Rail.
[*:3da1f5vv]Looks like metal ladder crossed with a single middle rail.
[*:3da1f5vv]can be placed vertically and horizontally.
[*:3da1f5vv]Only used with Rack and Pinion Block, not mine carts
Rack and pinion Block (two blocks high, like door)
[*:3da1f5vv]Can only be placed on Rack and Pinion Rail.
[*:3da1f5vv]Can not Transfer from horizontal rail segment to vertical rail segment
[*:3da1f5vv]Will move along R&P rail with drive shaft power on upper block. Will only move on R&P rails - will not fall off at rail end like mine carts.
[*:3da1f5vv]Will stay stationary if not powered. (e.g. if on vertical rail will not fall with gravity)
[*:3da1f5vv]Can be "pushed" manually in looking direction with left click
[*:3da1f5vv]Possible to fasten other blocks to the R&P block. These block will move with it. (to make elavotrs, moving platforms, ECT) Possible limit to how many additional blocks can be moved. Connecting multiple R&P Blocks together via normal blocks will increase this limit