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Blaze's Floating Islands
About the preset:
This preset dramatically changes terrain landscape, making your gameplay focused on looking ABOVE, not BELOW. It will not add just an unique feel to the gameplay, but also change the way you play and see the game while exploring exceptionally unique landscape. Your gameplay is focused on looking ABOVE since most of the action will happen on the tiny or massive floating islands around the map, plus the fact that diamonds will only spawn above layer 192, on the few islands that are actually that high above "ground". You will be able to find exposed diamonds while flying around with an Elytra, but you can also still go to the deep layers,where you can find plenty of mineshafts, dungeons, lapis, gold and redstone (iron and coal are located on middle layers).
HD Screenshots + Coordinates
Mesa Biome
Desert Biome
Desert Biome
Mushroom (Floating) Island Biome (this screenshot is from a mushroom island-only preset variation)
Diamond Generation (Above layer 192)
Deep Layers Ore Generation
Two distinct mineshafts and a village. Seed: -1895927775. Coordinates: -785/5/550.
Bedrock Suggestion
I personally recommend to turn bedrock into quicksand while playing on this map. Mobs, such as slimes, players and items will eventually fall through bedrock, into the void.
To do this, set up two command blocks with the commands below them and activate them. Keep both inside your world spawn chunk, so they keep loaded.
[Repeating Command Block]: /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:bedrock 0 /tp @e[r=0,c=1] ~ ~-.07 ~
[Repeating/Chain Command Block]: /execute @e[type=item] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ minecraft:bedrock 0 /tp @e[r=0,c=1] ~ ~-.93 ~
Ore, Mob and Structure frequency and LAG comparison
Animals: less common than usual
Slimes: common all around the map
Aggressive mobs: slightly more common (big dark areas, less caves)
Mushroom Islands: very rare or none (unconfirmed)
Mesa biomes: as rare as usual
Ocean Temples: very rare or none (unconfirmed)
Mineshafts: much less rare
Dungeons: much more common, but only in rare and specific areas (mineshafts and big caves)
Diamonds: much more common, but only in rare and specific areas (very high islands)
Coal, redstone, iron, lapis lazuli: slightly more common
LAG: not as light as a regular map, but actually not too laggy, like other presets or AMPLIFIED (except for rare occasions (~0,5% of the chunks), where certain chunks cause TPS spikes - this requires either a potent MP server or some time to load and un-glitch the chunk). On average, should run even on most below-average computers without big issues.
How to use Custom Presets
Minecraft > Create New World > More World Options > World Type: Customized > Customize > Presets > [Paste preset in] > Done
Coal spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layers 40-192.
Iron spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layers 80-192.
Gold spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layer 40 and BELOW.
Redstone spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layer 20 and BELOW.
Diamonds spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, layer 192 and ABOVE.
Lapis spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layers 0-64, mostly on layer 32.
Ocean biomes are dried out, so this makes mushroom islands and ocean monuments harder to spawn, sadly. All other biomes and structures should be available
This preset dramatically changes terrain landscape, making your gameplay focused on looking ABOVE, not BELOW. It will not add just an unique feel to the gameplay, but also change the way you play and see the game while exploring exceptionally unique landscape. Your gameplay is focused on looking ABOVE since most of the action will happen on the tiny or massive floating islands around the map, plus the fact that diamonds will only spawn above layer 192, on the few islands that are actually that high above "ground". You will be able to find exposed diamonds while flying around with an Elytra, but you can also still go to the deep layers,where you can find plenty of mineshafts, dungeons, lapis, gold and redstone (iron and coal are located on middle layers).
HD Screenshots + Coordinates
Mesa Biome
Desert Biome
Desert Biome
Mushroom (Floating) Island Biome (this screenshot is from a mushroom island-only preset variation)
Diamond Generation (Above layer 192)
Deep Layers Ore Generation
Two distinct mineshafts and a village. Seed: -1895927775. Coordinates: -785/5/550.
Bedrock Suggestion
To do this, set up two command blocks with the commands below them and activate them. Keep both inside your world spawn chunk, so they keep loaded.
[Repeating Command Block]: /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:bedrock 0 /tp @e[r=0,c=1] ~ ~-.07 ~
[Repeating/Chain Command Block]: /execute @e[type=item] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ minecraft:bedrock 0 /tp @e[r=0,c=1] ~ ~-.93 ~
Ore, Mob and Structure frequency and LAG comparison
Slimes: common all around the map
Aggressive mobs: slightly more common (big dark areas, less caves)
Mushroom Islands: very rare or none (unconfirmed)
Mesa biomes: as rare as usual
Ocean Temples: very rare or none (unconfirmed)
Mineshafts: much less rare
Dungeons: much more common, but only in rare and specific areas (mineshafts and big caves)
Diamonds: much more common, but only in rare and specific areas (very high islands)
Coal, redstone, iron, lapis lazuli: slightly more common
LAG: not as light as a regular map, but actually not too laggy, like other presets or AMPLIFIED (except for rare occasions (~0,5% of the chunks), where certain chunks cause TPS spikes - this requires either a potent MP server or some time to load and un-glitch the chunk). On average, should run even on most below-average computers without big issues.
How to use Custom Presets
Preset (copy-paste)
Technical Info
Iron spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layers 80-192.
Gold spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layer 40 and BELOW.
Redstone spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layer 20 and BELOW.
Diamonds spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, layer 192 and ABOVE.
Lapis spawns in big amounts, but less often than usual, on layers 0-64, mostly on layer 32.
Ocean biomes are dried out, so this makes mushroom islands and ocean monuments harder to spawn, sadly. All other biomes and structures should be available
Really nice map preset.
Loving to play survival with this. A really challenging way to play Minecraft!
Dude, that's so sick!
It looka like something from Avatar!
Joined Minecraft - January 2013
This looks fun
Don't pretend to be someone you aren't. Be yourself. Even if you try to be someone else ill knows its you. Your a terrible actor.