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Hi, I was curious if there's a way to create a custom world type that is 99% identical to the default parameters with the main difference being that sea level occurs at double the height, so basically you have twice the depth for underground but the above world biomes generate pretty much the same?
I'm not worried about cloud layers being off, just would love to have a fairly normal map type but with way more underground.
I don't know the major details, but the first thing you can do is to set the Sea Level attribute to 128. However, this will flood most of the map, so you will need to consult someone else.
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I'm looking for something like this too. I've met a little success.
Set the sea level to 128 and depth base size to 16.5. This will raise your oceans and terrain base level to the same relative heights they were before.
Then increase the spawn heights of gravel, dirt, diorite, etc. by 64 and increase the number of attempts by whatever fraction their spawning range got increased by.
Then double the spawning range of all the rare ores, and double their attempts too. Unless you want to dig through 64 blocks of stone and coal before getting to anything good. Doing this with diamonds will make them significantly easier to find, since they will now be able to appear significantly above lava level.
I wanted oceans to maintain a proportionately increased depth, so I decreased Height Stretch a little. The lower it is, the more it vertically stretches the terrain. This also made mountains taller and slightly crazier, which I don't have a problem with. Especially since I got 64-block abysses.
I also moved Upper and Lower Limit Scales apart a little, hoping it would add more caves or make them generate higher. The wiki implied it would. It didn't, but it did make cliffs and mountains a little crazier, which I didn't have a problem with either. The only connection I can find between the Limit Scales and caves is the grass-floored caves that are formed when the regular surface generator goes nuts and creates empty underground spaces.
I can't find a way to make caves more numerous or generate higher. On my current "deep" map, the surface is devoid of any cave entrances. I don't think caves appear til y=80 or so. Ideally, caves would only occasionally reach the surface, but both caves and ravines would be considerably larger and maybe more numerous.
I can't find any way to raise lava level.
I can't find any way to mess with the bedrock generation, but I don't really want to anyway.
I can't find a way to combat the change of grass color with elevation, or change the way snow appears at certain elevations in certain biomes.
Hi, I was curious if there's a way to create a custom world type that is 99% identical to the default parameters with the main difference being that sea level occurs at double the height, so basically you have twice the depth for underground but the above world biomes generate pretty much the same?
I'm not worried about cloud layers being off, just would love to have a fairly normal map type but with way more underground.
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I don't know the major details, but the first thing you can do is to set the Sea Level attribute to 128. However, this will flood most of the map, so you will need to consult someone else.
I'm looking for something like this too. I've met a little success.
Set the sea level to 128 and depth base size to 16.5. This will raise your oceans and terrain base level to the same relative heights they were before.
Then increase the spawn heights of gravel, dirt, diorite, etc. by 64 and increase the number of attempts by whatever fraction their spawning range got increased by.
Then double the spawning range of all the rare ores, and double their attempts too. Unless you want to dig through 64 blocks of stone and coal before getting to anything good. Doing this with diamonds will make them significantly easier to find, since they will now be able to appear significantly above lava level.
I wanted oceans to maintain a proportionately increased depth, so I decreased Height Stretch a little. The lower it is, the more it vertically stretches the terrain. This also made mountains taller and slightly crazier, which I don't have a problem with. Especially since I got 64-block abysses.
I also moved Upper and Lower Limit Scales apart a little, hoping it would add more caves or make them generate higher. The wiki implied it would. It didn't, but it did make cliffs and mountains a little crazier, which I didn't have a problem with either. The only connection I can find between the Limit Scales and caves is the grass-floored caves that are formed when the regular surface generator goes nuts and creates empty underground spaces.
I can't find a way to make caves more numerous or generate higher. On my current "deep" map, the surface is devoid of any cave entrances. I don't think caves appear til y=80 or so. Ideally, caves would only occasionally reach the surface, but both caves and ravines would be considerably larger and maybe more numerous.
I can't find any way to raise lava level.
I can't find any way to mess with the bedrock generation, but I don't really want to anyway.
I can't find a way to combat the change of grass color with elevation, or change the way snow appears at certain elevations in certain biomes.
I can't find a way to change the cloud elevation.
How to not die in a cave