No they aren't, else the following couldn't have been possible (i.e. they recreated a world with a given seed and found what the person who posted it said there was), and I've verified it myself, but you do need the exact version (I found pink sheep in a world that was on 1.6.4 at the time but started in 1.5.1 and they only existed in a world recreated in 1.5.2, meaning that the terrain had been generated in that version):
There's also a bug where various world generation is not always consistent from seed to seed but this only causes local differences and depends on the order the chunks were generated in (as I demonstrated here; for a given direction the results shown were 100% reproducible):
Otherwise, even an incremental version (1.20 vs 1.20.1) might make some change (perhaps just a hugfix) which affects the "decorator RNG" that is used to place all decorations, including passive mobs (which are placed last so any change to anything placed before can affect them).
ETA: maybe you are thinking of Bedrock Edition, where passive mobs only randomly spawn after world generation and despawn so they are constantly changing, whereas Java Edition spawns them in great numbers during world generation and they don't despawn, so random spawning is very rarely seen.
They aren't rare.Of course pink color on sheep is rare (0,1558% = a 1 in 641) but sheep itself is common! Baby pink sheep is rare, but adult sheep isn't. I have seen thousands of pink sheeps.
They aren't rare.Of course pink color on sheep is rare (0,1558% = a 1 in 641) but sheep itself is common! Baby pink sheep is rare, but adult sheep isn't. I have seen thousands of pink sheeps.
Thousands? You contradict yourself, as you'd have to find an average of about 610,000 sheep to find a thousand pink sheep (even the percentage you give is incorrect, it is actually 0.164% or about one in 610). For comparison, the last time I analyzed my first world (rendering, about 6600x6600 blocks) there were 8222 sheep (of which 13-14 can be expected to be pink) in 136439 chunks, and they would be somewhat rarer in newer versions due to more mobs reducing their spawn weight and no longer spawning in various biomes, such as Ice Plains (or whatever it is called now), plus the difference in the coverage of oceans vs what my world has; either way, an average of one pink sheep per 10000 chunks is a good estimate of how rare they are.
610000 sheeps for 5 years od playing Minecraft? I know it's a lot butnot the case with a common mob like sheep, which can be found dozens of times a day.
610000 sheeps for 5 years od playing Minecraft? I know it's a lot butnot the case with a common mob like sheep, which can be found dozens of times a day.
Is your world(s) over 40 GB in size? That's how large a world with 10 million chunks would have to be, even larger if in a newer version (based off of my first world being about 600 MB). I really doubt the vast majority of players are exploring that much, heck, even Kurtjmac hasn't generated that many chunks in over a decade of walking to the Far Lands:
Far Lands or Bust is a gaming Let's Play series where, since March 2011, video broadcaster KurtJMac has been attempting to reach the fabled Far Lands of Minecraft Beta 1.7.3. After twelve years of slow, steady persistence Kurt is currently over 58% of the way there, and the journey continues...
Minecraft Far Lands or Bust - #847 - 7,396,358 F3 Monument!
Then again, they don't spend much time playing per day as I've walked over three times the distance in my first world alone; and I've moved at only about 1/3 of your walking speed; at about 4.3 m/s it would take only 478 hours to walk 7.4 million blocks, but only in a perfectly straight line with no obstructions; assuming a clear view of all entities within 64 blocks (accounting for visibility in e.g. forests, render distance doesn't matter that much and you can't see entities further away anyway, 64 may even be generous depending on the average mix of forests/terrain) this means a 8 chunk wide area, times 7.4 million / 16 = 3.7 million chunks. Still, I really doubt even elytra-equipped players are traveling around that much (they would basically have to be the surface exploring equivalent of my caving playstyle) especially over new areas, otherwise you are just seeing the same mobs over and over.
You don't need to explore, mobs spawn at some distance from the player.
Due to how the game works animals practically never respawn after a world is created - the game spawns them in vast numbers as chunks are generated (ignoring all spawning rules except for the most basic collision checks), and they never despawn, while the passive mob cap is only 10, effectively preventing any respawning unless you make the effort to kill every single mob (which can be hundreds at even moderate render distances and includes the spawn chunks):
In Java Edition many animals generate upon initial chunk creation. These spawns occur only once per chunk. They are not affected by the /gamerule doMobSpawning command.
One in ten newly-generated chunks attempts to generate animal mobs, usually in packs of up to 4 of the same species.
Example: a render distance of 8,. which is considered to be very low today (what with the max being 32 and mods enabling even higher distances) loads 17x17 = 289 chunks; with 10% of these chunks having 4 passive mobs that's already about 115 mobs, 11 times the mob cap. In my first world MCEdit found a total of 29358 passive mobs in 136439 chunks, for an average of 62 per 17x17 chunk area, including a good amount of ocean (no passive mobs) and deserts (no passive mobs in 1.6.4, rabbits weren't added until 1.8) and rivers and other areas covered in water:
By contrast, hostile mobs despawn when more than 128 blocks away from a player, except those that have picked up items (which is why there were 448 zombies and 57 endermen, and perhaps some of the 32 skeletons (they can only pick up armor and swords, not any item). There are also too many of various other despawning mobs, such as bats, which is most likely because when going through a Nether portal the game unloads the Overworld without despawning mobs first. Either way, the vast majority of mobs in a world are usually passive mobs since they never despawn (except for wild wolves in vanilla 1.6-1.10, which I also fixed myself. Ocelots also despawn (both only based on time, not distance) but they are on the hostile mob list (despite being passive and counting towards this cap) so they can freely spawn in large numbers in areas I've explored, there would be even more except I placed them under their own mob cap, set to 25).
Due to how the game works animals practically never respawn after a world is created - the game spawns them in vast numbers as chunks are generated (ignoring all spawning rules except for the most basic collision checks), and they never despawn, while the passive mob cap is only 10, effectively preventing any respawning unless you make the effort to kill every single mob (which can be hundreds at even moderate render distances and includes the spawn chunks):
Example: a render distance of 8,. which is considered to be very low today (what with the max being 32 and mods enabling even higher distances) loads 17x17 = 289 chunks; with 10% of these chunks having 4 passive mobs that's already about 115 mobs, 11 times the mob cap. In my first world MCEdit found a total of 29358 passive mobs in 136439 chunks, for an average of 62 per 17x17 chunk area, including a good amount of ocean (no passive mobs) and deserts (no passive mobs in 1.6.4, rabbits weren't added until 1.8) and rivers and other areas covered in water:
By contrast, hostile mobs despawn when more than 128 blocks away from a player, except those that have picked up items (which is why there were 448 zombies and 57 endermen, and perhaps some of the 32 skeletons (they can only pick up armor and swords, not any item). There are also too many of various other despawning mobs, such as bats, which is most likely because when going through a Nether portal the game unloads the Overworld without despawning mobs first. Either way, the vast majority of mobs in a world are usually passive mobs since they never despawn (except for wild wolves in vanilla 1.6-1.10, which I also fixed myself. Ocelots also despawn (both only based on time, not distance) but they are on the hostile mob list (despite being passive and counting towards this cap) so they can freely spawn in large numbers in areas I've explored, there would be even more except I placed them under their own mob cap, set to 25).
I don't even want to read it. Assuming you're right, pink sheep isn't anything unusual like finding a total of 610 sheep happened to most players.I once saw a seed on YouTube that had 20 pink sheep at spawn. One isn't so rare.
Due to how the game works animals practically never respawn after a world is created - the game spawns them in vast numbers as chunks are generated (ignoring all spawning rules except for the most basic collision checks), and they never despawn, while the passive mob cap is only 10, effectively preventing any respawning unless you make the effort to kill every single mob (which can be hundreds at even moderate render distances and includes the spawn chunks):
On ocean islands, killing all the land animals on the island reliably spawns more. It makes it unnecessary to farm or breed them, just use and kill.
I don't even want to read it. Assuming you're right, pink sheep isn't anything unusual like finding a total of 610 sheep happened to most players.I once saw a seed on YouTube that had 20 pink sheep at spawn. One isn't so rare.
Having fixed it myself, this bug actually makes it harder to find pink sheep (if often many in the same small area) because instead of being randomized per-chunk they are randomized per-region (1024 chunks).
Having fixed it myself, this bug actually makes it harder to find pink sheep (if often many in the same small area) because instead of being randomized per-chunk they are randomized per-region (1024 chunks).
I found a pink sheep! Not far from spawn too!
NamePerson was_taken
whats with your rank
Animal spawns are separate from the seeds
No they aren't, else the following couldn't have been possible (i.e. they recreated a world with a given seed and found what the person who posted it said there was), and I've verified it myself, but you do need the exact version (I found pink sheep in a world that was on 1.6.4 at the time but started in 1.5.1 and they only existed in a world recreated in 1.5.2, meaning that the terrain had been generated in that version):
There's also a bug where various world generation is not always consistent from seed to seed but this only causes local differences and depends on the order the chunks were generated in (as I demonstrated here; for a given direction the results shown were 100% reproducible):
MC-55596 Some chunks in the same world seed seem to have different versions
Otherwise, even an incremental version (1.20 vs 1.20.1) might make some change (perhaps just a hugfix) which affects the "decorator RNG" that is used to place all decorations, including passive mobs (which are placed last so any change to anything placed before can affect them).
ETA: maybe you are thinking of Bedrock Edition, where passive mobs only randomly spawn after world generation and despawn so they are constantly changing, whereas Java Edition spawns them in great numbers during world generation and they don't despawn, so random spawning is very rarely seen.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
They aren't rare.Of course pink color on sheep is rare (0,1558% = a 1 in 641) but sheep itself is common! Baby pink sheep is rare, but adult sheep isn't. I have seen thousands of pink sheeps.
Thousands? You contradict yourself, as you'd have to find an average of about 610,000 sheep to find a thousand pink sheep (even the percentage you give is incorrect, it is actually 0.164% or about one in 610). For comparison, the last time I analyzed my first world (rendering, about 6600x6600 blocks) there were 8222 sheep (of which 13-14 can be expected to be pink) in 136439 chunks, and they would be somewhat rarer in newer versions due to more mobs reducing their spawn weight and no longer spawning in various biomes, such as Ice Plains (or whatever it is called now), plus the difference in the coverage of oceans vs what my world has; either way, an average of one pink sheep per 10000 chunks is a good estimate of how rare they are.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
610000 sheeps for 5 years od playing Minecraft? I know it's a lot butnot the case with a common mob like sheep, which can be found dozens of times a day.
Is your world(s) over 40 GB in size? That's how large a world with 10 million chunks would have to be, even larger if in a newer version (based off of my first world being about 600 MB). I really doubt the vast majority of players are exploring that much, heck, even Kurtjmac hasn't generated that many chunks in over a decade of walking to the Far Lands:
Then again, they don't spend much time playing per day as I've walked over three times the distance in my first world alone; and I've moved at only about 1/3 of your walking speed; at about 4.3 m/s it would take only 478 hours to walk 7.4 million blocks, but only in a perfectly straight line with no obstructions; assuming a clear view of all entities within 64 blocks (accounting for visibility in e.g. forests, render distance doesn't matter that much and you can't see entities further away anyway, 64 may even be generous depending on the average mix of forests/terrain) this means a 8 chunk wide area, times 7.4 million / 16 = 3.7 million chunks. Still, I really doubt even elytra-equipped players are traveling around that much (they would basically have to be the surface exploring equivalent of my caving playstyle) especially over new areas, otherwise you are just seeing the same mobs over and over.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
You don't need to explore, mobs spawn at some distance from the player.
Due to how the game works animals practically never respawn after a world is created - the game spawns them in vast numbers as chunks are generated (ignoring all spawning rules except for the most basic collision checks), and they never despawn, while the passive mob cap is only 10, effectively preventing any respawning unless you make the effort to kill every single mob (which can be hundreds at even moderate render distances and includes the spawn chunks):
Example: a render distance of 8,. which is considered to be very low today (what with the max being 32 and mods enabling even higher distances) loads 17x17 = 289 chunks; with 10% of these chunks having 4 passive mobs that's already about 115 mobs, 11 times the mob cap. In my first world MCEdit found a total of 29358 passive mobs in 136439 chunks, for an average of 62 per 17x17 chunk area, including a good amount of ocean (no passive mobs) and deserts (no passive mobs in 1.6.4, rabbits weren't added until 1.8) and rivers and other areas covered in water:
By contrast, hostile mobs despawn when more than 128 blocks away from a player, except those that have picked up items (which is why there were 448 zombies and 57 endermen, and perhaps some of the 32 skeletons (they can only pick up armor and swords, not any item). There are also too many of various other despawning mobs, such as bats, which is most likely because when going through a Nether portal the game unloads the Overworld without despawning mobs first. Either way, the vast majority of mobs in a world are usually passive mobs since they never despawn (except for wild wolves in vanilla 1.6-1.10, which I also fixed myself. Ocelots also despawn (both only based on time, not distance) but they are on the hostile mob list (despite being passive and counting towards this cap) so they can freely spawn in large numbers in areas I've explored, there would be even more except I placed them under their own mob cap, set to 25).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
I don't even want to read it. Assuming you're right, pink sheep isn't anything unusual like finding a total of 610 sheep happened to most players.I once saw a seed on YouTube that had 20 pink sheep at spawn. One isn't so rare.
On ocean islands, killing all the land animals on the island reliably spawns more. It makes it unnecessary to farm or breed them, just use and kill.
That was due to a bug in the game:
MC-2788 Sheep wool color doesn't generate/randomize properly; generating villages resets world RNG
Having fixed it myself, this bug actually makes it harder to find pink sheep (if often many in the same small area) because instead of being randomized per-chunk they are randomized per-region (1024 chunks).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
The thing is, dying sheep pink is trivial, you just need bonemeal/white flowers, and red flowers/beetroot.
I don't understand, nah.
I'm going to test this seed