LET ME ADD THIS!: THER IS A STRONGHOLD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION NOT FAR AWAY U SHOUD BE ABLE TO SEE IT :biggrin.gif: btw sorry for the caps but that is ust fckign aswesome whit that village and a stronghold!!!!!
EDIT: look for the classic glass pillars forgot to add that
LET ME ADD THIS!: THER IS A STRONGHOLD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION NOT FAR AWAY U SHOUD BE ABLE TO SEE IT :biggrin.gif: btw sorry for the caps but that is ust fckign aswesome whit that village and a stronghold!!!!!
EDIT: look for the classic glass pillars forgot to add that
Oh right on! I didn't realize there stronghold too :biggrin.gif: My buddy and I have been burning through seeds like crazy trying to find a world with a spawn point we like for our server. There seems to be a lot of them with strongholds near the spawn, but that's the only one we've found with a nearby village so far.
Just thought it was cool and wanted to share :smile.gif:
I was unawares that you could get viruses from a seed... anyway image link posted.
LOL How do you get a virus from a seed :blink.gif:
EDIT: look for the classic glass pillars forgot to add that
Wtf? are you kidding?
Oh right on! I didn't realize there stronghold too :biggrin.gif: My buddy and I have been burning through seeds like crazy trying to find a world with a spawn point we like for our server. There seems to be a lot of them with strongholds near the spawn, but that's the only one we've found with a nearby village so far.