I don't know if this makes a difference, but the W is cap!
Details: This is a seed where you are stranded on a desert island, and all you have is one natural mine on the surface, one tree, and a few plants. Play multiplayer, or try a challenge and play single player! If anyone makes like a community survival of this map, post it here. Also post any of you experiences, and any pics you have. This island has no NPC villages! If you find another island, post where it is! Good luck and have fun. Map too easy for you? Try and see if you can survive while staying on the island! Also, feel free to give any hints below, just hide them with a Spoiler button thingy!
Locations: Thank you Patchumz for finding a civilization at 0, -700
Rules: You may not use ANY inventory editors, If you die three times you have failed, you may not use ANY mod, you must play on normal difficulty, you may not use creative mode and you MAY complete these tasks on multiplayer.
Easy, and Simple:
All you have to do, is make a boat, and get off the island. You could finish this is around a day or two.
Just try and get off the island, in any way, and survive on any other island
Hard, but not too hard:
You can not make ANY boats, or swim to any island, however, you MAY build bridges to other islands
You may not get off the island. Try and survive as long as you can.
What island?:
You have to have some fun, and blow up the island! Make it as big as you can, take a before, and after shot, and post them here!
I made another post about this topic HERE. Here you can also vote for this seed!
Thanks for the heads up about the W. Let me know what you think about the seed!
I like it so far, just fired it up. I've been enjoying the whole `desert island' starts, lots of seeds with small middle of nowhere island spawns, first one I've seen THAT small but with a natural deep hole. And one tree, I love that, now THAT is survival. Have you explored it much? How deep does the rabbit hole go? Is there ANY mainland a ways off? All I see is an even smaller island so far. Neat seed for sure.
I like it so far, just fired it up. I've been enjoying the whole `desert island' starts, lots of seeds with small middle of nowhere island spawns, first one I've seen THAT small but with a natural deep hole. And one tree, I love that, now THAT is survival. Have you explored it much? How deep does the rabbit hole go? Is there ANY mainland a ways off? All I see is an even smaller island so far. Neat seed for sure.
I've spent about a day (Of real time, not minecraft time) and found that you really have to explore that big mine! It's worth it! Just use ladders (You'll have to plant some saplings to get more wood) and place them down the mine. You should also try and go out at night with only a sword, and try and get bones from skeletons. Also, if you go down into the mines, bring a few stone picks!!
Thankfully the sole tree did drop saplings (they almost always do, but now and then they don't), food is going to be a real problem on this map early on, going to have to try to get some bonemeal to speed up the wheat process. This map is a real challenge, one of the better desert island seeds I've seen so far as far as "Ok, here's what little you have. SURVIVE!" goes. Really really liking these tiny island starts. As long as there's at least ONE tree that is, otherwise I'm dead in the water, both figuratively and literally. haha.
Little fun fact for people, stone swords 2-shot mobs if you make sure to crit both times, makes life much easier. (also, kill lots of zombies for food)
Wow! Just took a look, that is a big hole down there. I propose that this be the new 404 challenge, with the primary restriction being you cannot go find the mainland.
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Proud User of Industrial Craft and Build Craft, and proprietor of the Industrial Citadel!
Wow! Just took a look, that is a big hole down there. I propose that this be the new 404 challenge, with the primary restriction being you cannot go find the mainland.
I don't know if this measures up to the old 404 challenge, but I intend to do just that. How deep does it go? Any abandoned mineshafts or ravines connected to it? I can't wait to explore it but I probably won't get to it tonight, right now I'm on about getting a steady food source and a shelter. I sure hope hostile mobs don't screw up wheat, I don't usually go that route but there's precious little else to eat.
Anyway, I'm running with these one, quite a challenging start, thanks OP!
If you head East of the island in a boat you'll find a pair of hills. Looks like a small mountain split in two. South of that is a smaller island, with a single tree on it.
I don't know if this measures up to the old 404 challenge, but I intend to do just that. How deep does it go? Any abandoned mineshafts or ravines connected to it? I can't wait to explore it but I probably won't get to it tonight, right now I'm on about getting a steady food source and a shelter. I sure hope hostile mobs don't screw up wheat, I don't usually go that route but there's precious little else to eat.
Anyway, I'm running with these one, quite a challenging start, thanks OP!
The hole doesn't go too deep, but I've already found like six other mines connected to this hole, and I haven't even explored it all (because of monsters). Also, does anyone know what happens if you eat rotten flesh? I've heard it pretty much makes your food go all the way down.
Rotten flesh (from zombies) is said to poison you like a spider would, never ate any myself because, well because I heard that. Oh great, it's raining now, that's no help.
Rotten flesh (from zombies) is said to poison you like a spider would, never ate any myself because, well because I heard that. Oh great, it's raining now, that's no help.
Food poisoning, it heals about 2 food for a single piece of flesh, and drains about 1.5 over the duration of the food poisoning. So it's like temporary food. UNLESS you use multiple during the food poisoning, then it still only takes away 1.5, but you might've gained 4 or 6, so it balances out nicely.
Food poisoning, it heals about 2 food for a single piece of flesh, and drains about 1.5 over the duration of the food poisoning. So it's like temporary food. UNLESS you use multiple during the food poisoning, then it still only takes away 1.5, but you might've gained 4 or 6, so it balances out nicely.
Food poisoning, it heals about 2 food for a single piece of flesh, and drains about 1.5 over the duration of the food poisoning. So it's like temporary food. UNLESS you use multiple during the food poisoning, then it still only takes away 1.5, but you might've gained 4 or 6, so it balances out nicely.
(Food poisoning doesn't touch your health)
Hard to understand, but I think I get it. If I eat a lot, in the long run it'll be good, but if I just have like one piece, it will decrease your food. Is this right, or is it the other way around?
Just started on this world, and it already looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun. I'm just starting off in full survival mode. Planted all the saplings I got from the one tree and started a small 5 plant farm with the seeds from the grass. This is gonna be a tough one. :smile.gif:
Hard to understand, but I think I get it. If I eat a lot, in the long run it'll be good, but if I just have like one piece, it will decrease your food. Is this right, or is it the other way around?
Yep, if you only eat one, it'll heal 2 food, then decrease 1.5 (for a net gain of .5 food total). But if you eat while already poisoned, the poison doesn't stack. So you still lose the 1.5 due to poison, but you gain however much you normally would from the food (So if you ate 3 pieces, it would be 4.5 net gain)
I don't know if this makes a difference, but the W is cap!
Details: This is a seed where you are stranded on a desert island, and all you have is one natural mine on the surface, one tree, and a few plants. Play multiplayer, or try a challenge and play single player! If anyone makes like a community survival of this map, post it here. Also post any of you experiences, and any pics you have. This island has no NPC villages! If you find another island, post where it is! Good luck and have fun. Map too easy for you? Try and see if you can survive while staying on the island! Also, feel free to give any hints below, just hide them with a Spoiler button thingy!
Locations: Thank you Patchumz for finding a civilization at 0, -700
Rules: You may not use ANY inventory editors, If you die three times you have failed, you may not use ANY mod, you must play on normal difficulty, you may not use creative mode and you MAY complete these tasks on multiplayer.
Easy, and Simple:
All you have to do, is make a boat, and get off the island. You could finish this is around a day or two.
Just try and get off the island, in any way, and survive on any other island
Hard, but not too hard:
You can not make ANY boats, or swim to any island, however, you MAY build bridges to other islands
You may not get off the island. Try and survive as long as you can.
What island?:
You have to have some fun, and blow up the island! Make it as big as you can, take a before, and after shot, and post them here!
I made another post about this topic HERE. Here you can also vote for this seed!
Also be sure to check out my second YouTube channel for all sorts of cool projects.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1763406-absolom-a-maze-in-works/ - My current project, help wanted!
Thanks for the heads up about the W. Let me know what you think about the seed!
Also be sure to check out my second YouTube channel for all sorts of cool projects.
I like it so far, just fired it up. I've been enjoying the whole `desert island' starts, lots of seeds with small middle of nowhere island spawns, first one I've seen THAT small but with a natural deep hole. And one tree, I love that, now THAT is survival. Have you explored it much? How deep does the rabbit hole go? Is there ANY mainland a ways off? All I see is an even smaller island so far. Neat seed for sure.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1763406-absolom-a-maze-in-works/ - My current project, help wanted!
I've spent about a day (Of real time, not minecraft time) and found that you really have to explore that big mine! It's worth it! Just use ladders (You'll have to plant some saplings to get more wood) and place them down the mine. You should also try and go out at night with only a sword, and try and get bones from skeletons. Also, if you go down into the mines, bring a few stone picks!!
Also be sure to check out my second YouTube channel for all sorts of cool projects.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1763406-absolom-a-maze-in-works/ - My current project, help wanted!
Cool! I'll post Above! If you want it to be harder, you should say you can't go off the island!
Also be sure to check out my second YouTube channel for all sorts of cool projects.
I don't know if this measures up to the old 404 challenge, but I intend to do just that. How deep does it go? Any abandoned mineshafts or ravines connected to it? I can't wait to explore it but I probably won't get to it tonight, right now I'm on about getting a steady food source and a shelter. I sure hope hostile mobs don't screw up wheat, I don't usually go that route but there's precious little else to eat.
Anyway, I'm running with these one, quite a challenging start, thanks OP!
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1763406-absolom-a-maze-in-works/ - My current project, help wanted!
The hole doesn't go too deep, but I've already found like six other mines connected to this hole, and I haven't even explored it all (because of monsters). Also, does anyone know what happens if you eat rotten flesh? I've heard it pretty much makes your food go all the way down.
Also be sure to check out my second YouTube channel for all sorts of cool projects.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1763406-absolom-a-maze-in-works/ - My current project, help wanted!
Food poisoning, it heals about 2 food for a single piece of flesh, and drains about 1.5 over the duration of the food poisoning. So it's like temporary food. UNLESS you use multiple during the food poisoning, then it still only takes away 1.5, but you might've gained 4 or 6, so it balances out nicely.
(Food poisoning doesn't touch your health)
Huh, not too bad in a pinch then I suppose.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1763406-absolom-a-maze-in-works/ - My current project, help wanted!
Hard to understand, but I think I get it. If I eat a lot, in the long run it'll be good, but if I just have like one piece, it will decrease your food. Is this right, or is it the other way around?
Also be sure to check out my second YouTube channel for all sorts of cool projects.
Also be sure to check out my second YouTube channel for all sorts of cool projects.
Yep, if you only eat one, it'll heal 2 food, then decrease 1.5 (for a net gain of .5 food total). But if you eat while already poisoned, the poison doesn't stack. So you still lose the 1.5 due to poison, but you gain however much you normally would from the food (So if you ate 3 pieces, it would be 4.5 net gain)