Is there any way to start that seed. If you put in 0 it generates a random seed. And I don't know about the conversions enough to get 0 out of letters or numbers over the long variable limt. If anyone could let me know of something that would generate seed 0 it would be appreciated. To check if you truly got seed 0 the easiest way is to go to here.
Edit: So here is the seed that generates it.
or pollinating sandboxes It's not as epic as I was hoping. If you want to explore it for yourself though feel free.
Actually it is pretty interesting if you explore a bit, but there are more interesting ones like gargamel or those really long number ones. I am not gonna be dumb enough like some of the people on here to claim they have found "OMG TEH EPIC HAXOR BEST EVA SEED".
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MOD EDIT: Saying this is unnecessary and rude. If people are willing to discuss it, let them discuss it. There's a whole wide world of other topics you could explore and contribute to that you might even be interested in! How exciting!
Fav Mod Edit Eva
Not sure if this is right, but from what it seems like i've been reading 0 acts as a placeholder like irl math lol. So if u put in 1 as a seed and 01 or 0000001 they should all be the same map, but since 0 is the placeholder itself it doesnt have a value from my understanding, basically meaning if you put in 0 it will generate a random world just like if you entered in 0000000. also im not sure as to how 0 works when in a number like 404 or 3232325202535252, not sure if it registers as the number for the character of the spacebar or if it as as if the other numbers are combine likie 404 = 44 or 3232325202535252 = 323232522535252. Hope that helps/hope I havent read **** wrong lol.
I think you did read it a little wrong. There are a finite number of seeds you can put in. The number of seeds that exist is the range of a long which i dont feel like pulling up right now but its from -9manyzeros to 9manyzeros. Somewhere in the middle there is a seed 0. It cannot be made by putting in 0 because the thing thinks you left it blank and will generate a random seed. However there might be a way to generate seed 0 by using letters. I am trying to find which combination of letters generates seed 0. Seed 0 exists and it may be the most epic seed for 1 reason or another. Maybe its a world that is completely flat. Maybe it is incredibly distorted. I want to find this world.
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MOD EDIT: Saying this is unnecessary and rude. If people are willing to discuss it, let them discuss it. There's a whole wide world of other topics you could explore and contribute to that you might even be interested in! How exciting!
Fav Mod Edit Eva
I think you did read it a little wrong. There are a finite number of seeds you can put in. The number of seeds that exist is the range of a long which i dont feel like pulling up right now but its from -9manyzeros to 9manyzeros. Somewhere in the middle there is a seed 0. It cannot be made by putting in 0 because the thing thinks you left it blank and will generate a random seed. However there might be a way to generate seed 0 by using letters. I am trying to find which combination of letters generates seed 0. Seed 0 exists and it may be the most epic seed for 1 reason or another. Maybe its a world that is completely flat. Maybe it is incredibly distorted. I want to find this world.
Ok I got you. I read your post wrong, though it was 7am when I read it XD
at least I wasnt wrong on most of what I was saying. I see what you're trying to say now and honestly, you're right I don't how you would be able to generate that number. I think if it is possible the only way would be using characters. either that or maybe for some reason the number 0 just means 'random' and generates any other world. <that might not make sense lol.
Actually it goes by unicode, but Null is still the 0 value. I have been putting in a bunch of letters and seeing if I can slightly modify it from there but it is so incredibly weird. I can't seem to really find a proper pattern to how he handles multiple characters. If you put in 2 'a' you get 32 times the unicode value. If you put in 2 'b' you get 32 times its unicode value. But if you put in ab you get 32 time the a value + 1. Now thing get really weird with 3 'a' is 993 times the unicode value. Same with 3 'b'. I just don't understand what the **** notch did.
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MOD EDIT: Saying this is unnecessary and rude. If people are willing to discuss it, let them discuss it. There's a whole wide world of other topics you could explore and contribute to that you might even be interested in! How exciting!
Fav Mod Edit Eva
The seeds are generated by hashCode(), not unicode values or anything, as supported here: ... -map-seed/
To generate 0 from this function, you need an empty string, which the game interprets as random. Plain and simple.
>>> a,b,c,d = hash('supercalafragalisticexpialadocious'),hash('a'),hash('aa'),hash('')
>>> a
>>> b
>>> c
>>> d
If you want seed 0, use NBTEdit.
EDIT: The function used to generate the values is
s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
s[x] is the xth character in the string and n is the length. The last value is actually s[n-1]*31^0, which simplifies to s[n-1]. Incidentally this does use the unicode values.
0 is not skipped over either. Integers are interpreted literally, with leading 0s ignored only, and floating point is not supported so decimal numbers are converted to hash values. And as shown by the hash function, there is no limit to the number of values that can be generated, but there is no garuntee of uniqueness.
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Home PC - GA-990FXA: AMD FX-6100 3.30 GHz Six Core, 2x4GB @ 1600Mhz, AMD XFX HD-695X 2GB, OS: Arch Linux 64bit
MOD EDIT: Saying this is unnecessary and rude. If people are willing to discuss it, let them discuss it. There's a whole wide world of other topics you could explore and contribute to that you might even be interested in! How exciting!
Fav Mod Edit Eva
No problem. I'm on my own "epic seed" quest. I'd like to know exactly what is done with 0 though. I've never done anything in java but it seems odd to use 0 as a null value as a string. Keep generating seeds though, got some pretty epic landscape just trying out some stupid movie quotes/titles.
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Home PC - GA-990FXA: AMD FX-6100 3.30 GHz Six Core, 2x4GB @ 1600Mhz, AMD XFX HD-695X 2GB, OS: Arch Linux 64bit
If you wish to explore World 0, there are many different strings you can enter as your seed. The shortest one with all lowercase letters and no spaces on the list I found is this one:
I've used NBTedit to verify that entering this seed sets the level.dat's RandomSeed to 0. I can't take credit for finding it, of course. Here is the link where I found it:
MOD EDIT: Saying this is unnecessary and rude. If people are willing to discuss it, let them discuss it. There's a whole wide world of other topics you could explore and contribute to that you might even be interested in! How exciting!
Fav Mod Edit Eva
Perhaps an even more appropriate way to generate World 0 is to use this seed:
pollinating sandboxes
(All lowercase, with exactly one space between the words.)
My explorations so far have discovered some interesting mountains, very steep and towering into the clouds, near the x=0, y=0 coordinates. As you get a little bit farther away from that area, the topography evens out.
ohh really. wow u r very knowledgeable on your seeds also.
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MOD EDIT: Saying this is unnecessary and rude. If people are willing to discuss it, let them discuss it. There's a whole wide world of other topics you could explore and contribute to that you might even be interested in! How exciting!
Fav Mod Edit Eva
Oh I like this. I've been working on a similar project for the last day... generating strings that hash to identical seeds. My self-imposed rule is that all strings must be either English words, or have been used in English written works.
I currently have about 150 pairs, of which about 5% have consistent starting positions. I'm currently creating a blog about it now, and will start publishing some seed combos within an hour or so.
Use this knowledge to make a tool people can use to determine words for their world strings. I want to be able to share my world string with people, but it was randomly generated, so I need to know an easily memorable word for it. I'm sure I'm not the only one, so it'd be awesome to have something like that. Something that would make a list of words that match the number string, starting from the shortest.
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Congratulations on reading this post, keep up the good work.
Use this knowledge to make a tool people can use to determine words for their world strings. I want to be able to share my world string with people, but it was randomly generated, so I need to know an easily memorable word for it. I'm sure I'm not the only one, so it'd be awesome to have something like that. Something that would make a list of words that match the number string, starting from the shortest.
There is a link in my OP that will let u kno a world's seed number, but I see what ur saying. A tool that could turn numbers into memorable worlds would be better for people since most people hate math but love english.
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MOD EDIT: Saying this is unnecessary and rude. If people are willing to discuss it, let them discuss it. There's a whole wide world of other topics you could explore and contribute to that you might even be interested in! How exciting!
Fav Mod Edit Eva
Use this knowledge to make a tool people can use to determine words for their world strings. I want to be able to share my world string with people, but it was randomly generated, so I need to know an easily memorable word for it. I'm sure I'm not the only one, so it'd be awesome to have something like that. Something that would make a list of words that match the number string, starting from the shortest.
There is a link in my OP that will let u kno a world's seed number, but I see what ur saying. A tool that could turn numbers into memorable worlds would be better for people since most people hate math but love english.
I wish it were so simple. As it stands, it is literally impossible (not just difficult, but impossible), to find or create words that have the same seed as randomly generated worlds. This is because when you type in letter and words, Minecraft turns those letters into a single 32 bit number (ie: a number between -2.2 billion and +2.2 billion). However, the randomly generated words have 48 bit numbers (ie: between -140 trillion and +140 trillion). So 99.9985% of all possible random seeds have no way of typing them into the seed box except for their actual number. (It is even worse... 'random' seeds are generated based on the current date and time... so for 100% of random seeds you generate now, there are no ways to convert into a word).
Even if the random seeds were only 32 bits, it would be a very very difficult problem. The easiest way is to use a 'rainbow table', and as far as I know, none currently exist for Java's String.hashCode() method. I certainly haven't got time (nor probably skill) to research and implement one. Brute forcing or finding an algorithmic attack would also be difficult. Anyway, most of the words would be nothing more than random characters, and not much more practical to remember or type than a number.
Actually, I might try make a brute force searcher (only for unknown 32 bit seeds), but I doubt it'll be practical, because it'll require significant CPU time per search and produce mostly gibberish like results.
On minecratftpocket aadition my world went crazy weird I looked at my seed it said 0 I would post a image but I know how to and I had 2 worlds on 1 world and wpther would fall only in 1 section also there was a world ontop of dontwptheontoper have no clue how?
What? Just what?
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Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
Riainnna12's post above not withstanding (I suspect a chunk error problem), I'm going to step into this conversation even though it hasn't seen activity in over 6 months.
1. Minecraft numeric seeds that are acceptable are "limited" (BIG LIMITS) to 64 bit long integers. (-9223372036854775808 thru 9223372036854775807) for a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible seeds.
2. IF anything other than plus, minus, or the ten numerals is entered (this includes an invisible space character) the seed entry will be considered a text string and it will be passed on to the Java routine hashcode() which will convert that text into a fairly unique number which is then passed to the Minecraft world generator to use as the world seed.
3. Entering 0 (zero) is a special case. The seed entry routine tests for a zero entry and the case of creating a world without entering anything in the seed entry box and treats both as a request for a randomly produced numeric seed. Minecraft will produce a 64 bit random seed by using your computer's current time tick as a seed for yet another random number generator. (I know, a seed to produce a seed. It's gets weird after a while.)
4. Zero IS, in fact, a valid world seed. It's just necessary to find a way to bypass the software that detects it being entered. That way is to enter a text string that hashcode() will take and then return zero as the resulting value. This is possible because the hashcode() algorithm "rolls over" back to zero fairly quickly.
5. Java's hashcode() uses 32 bit integer math so it output will be in the range of -2147483648 thru 2147483647.
So if you see someone post a seed in that range you can be pretty sure that they started with a text input as a seed and it was converted.
There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous people. R.A. Heinlein
If you aren't part of the solution, then you obviously weren't properly dissolved.
Edit: So here is the seed that generates it.
pollinating sandboxes
It's not as epic as I was hoping. If you want to explore it for yourself though feel free.Actually it is pretty interesting if you explore a bit, but there are more interesting ones like gargamel or those really long number ones. I am not gonna be dumb enough like some of the people on here to claim they have found "OMG TEH EPIC HAXOR BEST EVA SEED".
Fav Mod Edit Eva
Fav Mod Edit Eva
Ok I got you. I read your post wrong, though it was 7am when I read it XD
at least I wasnt wrong on most of what I was saying. I see what you're trying to say now and honestly, you're right I don't how you would be able to generate that number. I think if it is possible the only way would be using characters. either that or maybe for some reason the number 0 just means 'random' and generates any other world. <that might not make sense lol.
Fav Mod Edit Eva
To generate 0 from this function, you need an empty string, which the game interprets as random. Plain and simple.
If you want seed 0, use NBTEdit.
EDIT: The function used to generate the values is
s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
s[x] is the xth character in the string and n is the length. The last value is actually s[n-1]*31^0, which simplifies to s[n-1]. Incidentally this does use the unicode values.
0 is not skipped over either. Integers are interpreted literally, with leading 0s ignored only, and floating point is not supported so decimal numbers are converted to hash values. And as shown by the hash function, there is no limit to the number of values that can be generated, but there is no garuntee of uniqueness.
Fav Mod Edit Eva
No problem. I'm on my own "epic seed" quest. I'd like to know exactly what is done with 0 though. I've never done anything in java but it seems odd to use 0 as a null value as a string. Keep generating seeds though, got some pretty epic landscape just trying out some stupid movie quotes/titles.
I've used NBTedit to verify that entering this seed sets the level.dat's RandomSeed to 0. I can't take credit for finding it, of course. Here is the link where I found it:
Happy reading, and happy exploring.
Guide to finding updated video drivers
Fav Mod Edit Eva
pollinating sandboxes
(All lowercase, with exactly one space between the words.)
My explorations so far have discovered some interesting mountains, very steep and towering into the clouds, near the x=0, y=0 coordinates. As you get a little bit farther away from that area, the topography evens out.
Guide to finding updated video drivers
Fav Mod Edit Eva
I currently have about 150 pairs, of which about 5% have consistent starting positions. I'm currently creating a blog about it now, and will start publishing some seed combos within an hour or so.
There is a link in my OP that will let u kno a world's seed number, but I see what ur saying. A tool that could turn numbers into memorable worlds would be better for people since most people hate math but love english.
Fav Mod Edit Eva
I wish it were so simple. As it stands, it is literally impossible (not just difficult, but impossible), to find or create words that have the same seed as randomly generated worlds. This is because when you type in letter and words, Minecraft turns those letters into a single 32 bit number (ie: a number between -2.2 billion and +2.2 billion). However, the randomly generated words have 48 bit numbers (ie: between -140 trillion and +140 trillion). So 99.9985% of all possible random seeds have no way of typing them into the seed box except for their actual number. (It is even worse... 'random' seeds are generated based on the current date and time... so for 100% of random seeds you generate now, there are no ways to convert into a word).
Even if the random seeds were only 32 bits, it would be a very very difficult problem. The easiest way is to use a 'rainbow table', and as far as I know, none currently exist for Java's String.hashCode() method. I certainly haven't got time (nor probably skill) to research and implement one. Brute forcing or finding an algorithmic attack would also be difficult. Anyway, most of the words would be nothing more than random characters, and not much more practical to remember or type than a number.
Actually, I might try make a brute force searcher (only for unknown 32 bit seeds), but I doubt it'll be practical, because it'll require significant CPU time per search and produce mostly gibberish like results.
Sorry :smile.gif:
What? Just what?
Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
Riainnna12's post above not withstanding (I suspect a chunk error problem), I'm going to step into this conversation even though it hasn't seen activity in over 6 months.
1. Minecraft numeric seeds that are acceptable are "limited" (BIG LIMITS) to 64 bit long integers. (-9223372036854775808 thru 9223372036854775807) for a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible seeds.
2. IF anything other than plus, minus, or the ten numerals is entered (this includes an invisible space character) the seed entry will be considered a text string and it will be passed on to the Java routine hashcode() which will convert that text into a fairly unique number which is then passed to the Minecraft world generator to use as the world seed.
3. Entering 0 (zero) is a special case. The seed entry routine tests for a zero entry and the case of creating a world without entering anything in the seed entry box and treats both as a request for a randomly produced numeric seed. Minecraft will produce a 64 bit random seed by using your computer's current time tick as a seed for yet another random number generator. (I know, a seed to produce a seed. It's gets weird after a while.)
4. Zero IS, in fact, a valid world seed. It's just necessary to find a way to bypass the software that detects it being entered. That way is to enter a text string that hashcode() will take and then return zero as the resulting value. This is possible because the hashcode() algorithm "rolls over" back to zero fairly quickly.
5. Java's hashcode() uses 32 bit integer math so it output will be in the range of -2147483648 thru 2147483647.
So if you see someone post a seed in that range you can be pretty sure that they started with a text input as a seed and it was converted.
6. If you wish more information on hashcode() see my post #410 on this page:
Here's a list of text strings that hashcode() will return zero if they are entered (make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces).
pollinating sandboxes
amusement & hemophilias
schoolworks = perversive
bequirtle zorillo
chronogrammic schtoff
contusive cloisterlike
creashaks organzine
drumwood boulderhead
electroanalytic exercisable
favosely nonconstruable
There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous people. R.A. Heinlein
If you aren't part of the solution, then you obviously weren't properly dissolved.
The latest release of Amidst, version 4.6 can be found here:
You should probably also read this:
You can find me on the Minecraft Forums Discord server.
Try 0. A zero and a period; works every time!