Any PC beta version between b1.3b -> b1.73 will work with the seed 6644803604819148923 (stampy confirmed this on his facebook)
The location of stampy's starting spawn point in his first video is 190,65.62,362 as seen in this video:
This video can also be used for more verification:
Remember that plants(poppies etc) and animals do not spawn in exactly the same position, this is normal but the terrain is exactly the same. If you create a new world with the seed you may get closer to the original but not exact, probably due to differences between pc and xbox.. I figure it has something to do with the initial spawn point when generating the world. What i did was simply create his world with the seed, saved and exit, opened NBTExplorer and changed the spwan point and player cooridnates to match his spawn point then deleted the Region "C:\Users\***************\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\your save\" . This seems to generate the poppies closest to where i see them in his videos (including that one on the overhang). Pumpkins didnt look like the right position though. There is one tree where he takes out his map that can sometimes be a dead giveaway that the world generation didnt happen quite right, just do it again if it happens.
Also, if you're planning on re-creating his world, it may be tricky. The reason is that every newly explored area is generated according to the seed, which would have been updated with new versions while he was playing over the last couple of years so some of the terrain may end up being different. That said the xbox version has an area limit i believe so maybe exploring a whole lot first would work, no idea. Anyway, it's going to be real tricky, but at least its a start.
ps. the xbox version at the time of his first video was TU1 described as 1.6.6 beta. I assume the PC 1.6.6 beta (what i use) would be a good version to start with but it doesnt seem to make a difference as far as i could tell.
Im not a guru at this, so dont expect me to know it all, i just got it working is all
My son couldnt thank me enough for this, i earned big points 8-)
I already said it's for the PC, stampy is on xbox, but his seed works on the pc versions as well as i have listed.. i spent an hour or so on this trying it on different versions to see which ones it works on, ive tested it on two pc's. i know it works..
Hi Fornhorn : Make sure you're using one of the Beta versions I listed, try 1.66. You must make sure you go to the locations i listed to verify, otherwise good luck trying to find them..let me know if you find any i havent.
190, 65, 362 - is where he started.
24, 67, 203 - approx where he built his first night cave base.
55,72,225 - is an area im clearing at the moment to make way for his storeroom.
If you didnt use one of the beta versions i listed then you wont find it because it wont be the same world. You do know that there wont be any buildings right? this is just a seed.
i generated this seed 20 odd times to try it on the different versions, it works..
Bauzz: They do work as im playing his seed right now! well at least they did at some stage in the past (ie the betas listed). As i said the xbox version 1.0 (TU1) is described as being beta 1.6.6 so they probably didnt do much to change it from the pc version??? who knows.
I dont know what else i can do to prove this, screen shots?
here's a couple, any requests for screenshot locations for more proof?
On the overhang(the lovely jubbely love love flower...):
Where he builds his first wooden house:
The Coal above my cursor is where he builds his first cave base:
Where he starts(pretty much exactly where my cursor is):
The original Xbox Minecraft software was based on and was compatible with the PC Beta software.
I don't know if this compatibility has continued as the Xbox software as evolved but if a seed is for early Xbox versions then using a PC beta version in the Beta 1.3.1 thru about Beta 1.6 range should work.
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There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous people. R.A. Heinlein
If you aren't part of the solution, then you obviously weren't properly dissolved.
I am here in 2020 and if you use Beta 1.6.6 and the same seed written (6644803604819148923) *for pc* it works. Then i converted the world in 1.16.1 and everything worked perfectly and the coordinates written are all correct.
I am here in 2020 and if you use Beta 1.6.6 and the same seed written (6644803604819148923) *for pc* it works. Then i converted the world in 1.16.1 and everything worked perfectly and the coordinates written are all correct.
I can almost guarantee that once you get into area where new world chunks are being created with that seed the chunks will not match up with the Beta 1.6.6 chunks.
The world generator software has changed several times between B1.6.6 and Release 1.16.1.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous people. R.A. Heinlein
If you aren't part of the solution, then you obviously weren't properly dissolved.
he's saying he loaded the coords for what he recognized for the videos (or maybe loaded all chunks that would be in the xbox world border) and then loaded it in 1.16.1 for new features but keeping the old chunks he loaded
Any PC beta version between b1.3b -> b1.73 will work with the seed 6644803604819148923 (stampy confirmed this on his facebook)
The location of stampy's starting spawn point in his first video is 190,65.62,362 as seen in this video:
This video can also be used for more verification:
Remember that plants(poppies etc) and animals do not spawn in exactly the same position, this is normal but the terrain is exactly the same. If you create a new world with the seed you may get closer to the original but not exact, probably due to differences between pc and xbox.. I figure it has something to do with the initial spawn point when generating the world. What i did was simply create his world with the seed, saved and exit, opened NBTExplorer and changed the spwan point and player cooridnates to match his spawn point then deleted the Region "C:\Users\***************\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\your save\" . This seems to generate the poppies closest to where i see them in his videos (including that one on the overhang). Pumpkins didnt look like the right position though. There is one tree where he takes out his map that can sometimes be a dead giveaway that the world generation didnt happen quite right, just do it again if it happens.
Also, if you're planning on re-creating his world, it may be tricky. The reason is that every newly explored area is generated according to the seed, which would have been updated with new versions while he was playing over the last couple of years so some of the terrain may end up being different. That said the xbox version has an area limit i believe so maybe exploring a whole lot first would work, no idea. Anyway, it's going to be real tricky, but at least its a start.
ps. the xbox version at the time of his first video was TU1 described as 1.6.6 beta. I assume the PC 1.6.6 beta (what i use) would be a good version to start with but it doesnt seem to make a difference as far as i could tell.
Im not a guru at this, so dont expect me to know it all, i just got it working is all
My son couldnt thank me enough for this, i earned big points 8-)
Good luck
Tango out
I already said it's for the PC, stampy is on xbox, but his seed works on the pc versions as well as i have listed.. i spent an hour or so on this trying it on different versions to see which ones it works on, ive tested it on two pc's. i know it works..
190, 65, 362 - is where he started.
24, 67, 203 - approx where he built his first night cave base.
55,72,225 - is an area im clearing at the moment to make way for his storeroom.
If you didnt use one of the beta versions i listed then you wont find it because it wont be the same world. You do know that there wont be any buildings right? this is just a seed.
i generated this seed 20 odd times to try it on the different versions, it works..
Bauzz: They do work as im playing his seed right now! well at least they did at some stage in the past (ie the betas listed). As i said the xbox version 1.0 (TU1) is described as being beta 1.6.6 so they probably didnt do much to change it from the pc version??? who knows.
I dont know what else i can do to prove this, screen shots?
here's a couple, any requests for screenshot locations for more proof?
On the overhang(the lovely jubbely love love flower...):
Where he builds his first wooden house:
The Coal above my cursor is where he builds his first cave base:
Where he starts(pretty much exactly where my cursor is):
I cant add attachments what am i doing wrong??
I don't know if this compatibility has continued as the Xbox software as evolved but if a seed is for early Xbox versions then using a PC beta version in the Beta 1.3.1 thru about Beta 1.6 range should work.
There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous people. R.A. Heinlein
If you aren't part of the solution, then you obviously weren't properly dissolved.
The latest release of Amidst, version 4.6 can be found here:
You should probably also read this:
You can find me on the Minecraft Forums Discord server.
It does work.
I tried it on b1.3b for PC and it worked.
I am here in 2020 and if you use Beta 1.6.6 and the same seed written (6644803604819148923) *for pc* it works. Then i converted the world in 1.16.1 and everything worked perfectly and the coordinates written are all correct.
I can almost guarantee that once you get into area where new world chunks are being created with that seed the chunks will not match up with the Beta 1.6.6 chunks.
The world generator software has changed several times between B1.6.6 and Release 1.16.1.
There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous people. R.A. Heinlein
If you aren't part of the solution, then you obviously weren't properly dissolved.
The latest release of Amidst, version 4.6 can be found here:
You should probably also read this:
You can find me on the Minecraft Forums Discord server.
he's saying he loaded the coords for what he recognized for the videos (or maybe loaded all chunks that would be in the xbox world border) and then loaded it in 1.16.1 for new features but keeping the old chunks he loaded