Commands, Command Blocks and Functions

Help and discussion on using Commands, Command Blocks and Functions in Minecraft
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Java How to get invisible item frames? >>
by alplabetlorefan2003
7 70,425
Does anybody know really cool one command block commands? >>
by aaronp
109 161,787
Java Minecraft comandblock problem >>
by Lucaseis
1 135
Java How To Automatically Give Players Items When They Join Using Command blocks. >>
by AlphaSharkFTW
4 29,917
Help with minecraft command block commands >>
by K1llergoldf1sh0
1 188
Java [ONE COMMAND] TNT Arrows 1.21+ >>
by Khoeckman
0 186
How to set an area where mobs cannot spawn, without disabling all mob spawning. >>
by diam0nd0re
10 49,369
Execute if chest has specific items >>
by Bennettockerman
1 110
Java Always summon interaction entity on the ground >>
by drespositomd
0 108
Java tick and load.mcfunction apparently doesn't exist in my datapack >>
by FakePlr
4 592
Java Introducing INJ: Supercharge Your Minecraft Commands >>
by adyingdeath
0 153
Java How To Fix Boat Teleporting? >>
by Kazdoiz
0 145
command to get coordinates of looked-at block >>
by atypicaluser
5 26,392
Render 3D iron chestplate model (no resource pack) using asset_id tag >>
by drespositomd
0 146
Is it possible to make it so that when a mob attacks you, you get a status effect? >>
by NonExistent15
1 341
Java Datapack get chunk loaded position? >>
by Nikitaf93
1 200
Using command blocks to replace broken pots. >>
by Gods_Foot
1 142
Java I want to give a player money based on a scoreboard value >>
by psyc0n4ught
2 177
Java Teleporting an entity random distance from player >>
by Grahamathyham
1 177
Java Detecting Potion Effects 1.21.4 >>
by SirPumpkinSpice
1 910
Java How can I identify an entity that I attacked? PLS HELP >>
by wwwaffle965
1 267
I'm Trying to find out how to kill a colored and named item as soon as a player drops it for a sort of command block creation >>
by TheTwilightKingOfSolace
0 127
Java Using a command block to teleport a player ONLY if they have a specific item in their inventory. 1.16.5 >>
1 182
how do i summon an invisible/small armor stand in minecraft 1.8? >>
by rafaazul3
5 98,979
Can you make infinite potion with command blocks >>
by Kellycraft1299
11 86,017
If everyone or one player dies, the command block gives a signal >>
by Ymerc
0 157
by psyc0n4ught
0 173
100% custom mob drop rate on bedrock? >>
by ShyGuy873
0 154
Java elytra boost with commands? >>
by yurcake
4 7,090
by Khoeckman
0 271