Now let's see, you're trying to make a custom level for the Curse of Binding ?
Cuz in vanilla, Curse of Binding only has 1 level.
If it's like forever on the first slot of the hotbar, try... to run these command:
execute as @a[tag=blah] unless entity @s[nbt={Inventory:[{tag:{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2}]}}]}] run replaceitem entity @s hotbar.0 minecraft:stone_sword{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Bladesman's Sword\"}"},Unbreakable:1b,Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2},{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:1}]} 1
execute as @a[tag=blah] unless entity @s[nbt={Inventory:[{Slot:0b}]}] run clear @s minecraft:stone_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2}]}
So uh... with this, the stone sword is basically forever in your hotbar. It also removes the item if the player puts an item into that slot.
(If you try to drag the sword out, you'll seemingly have the sword on your hand. But no worries, it's a ghost item. The players can do nothing with them.)
Ok, quick question before I begin. What do you mean as in, "keep a player from moving ANY item"?
But seeming as it works only on armour, I can only think of 2 current options-
1- Stay on 1.12.2
2- Update everything that has the old command
Sorry to be a tad bit blunt but there is no "simpler" way of doing it (in my opinion) due to the recent update which gives much more ease for those who are familiar with scripts and all that sorts of junk. This being mentioned, you have to change the commands and stuff itself in-game so that reaffirms my point of that there is no simpler way of doing it.
If you would like, I would not mind re-doing some commands for you (if it is possible to do so, that is.) But none the less, I wish you luck and I hope you manage to sort this out!
So, Binding works for armor. That's established. But, in 1.12 at least, if you used Binding II, you could keep a player from moving ANY item.
I have this command:
/replaceitem entity @p[x=2036,y=102,z=1980,distance=..1] hotbar.0 minecraft:stone_sword{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Bladesman's Sword\"}"},HideFlags:1,Unbreakable:1b,Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2},{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:1}]} 1
However, for some reason, the binding only works on the armor... Is there any way to make this possible?
Answers will be appreciated!
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Now let's see, you're trying to make a custom level for the Curse of Binding ?
Cuz in vanilla, Curse of Binding only has 1 level.
If it's like forever on the first slot of the hotbar, try... to run these command:
execute as @a[tag=blah] unless entity @s[nbt={Inventory:[{tag:{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2}]}}]}] run replaceitem entity @s hotbar.0 minecraft:stone_sword{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Bladesman's Sword\"}"},Unbreakable:1b,Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2},{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:1}]} 1
execute as @a[tag=blah] unless entity @s[nbt={Inventory:[{Slot:0b}]}] run clear @s minecraft:stone_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2}]}
kill @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{tag:{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:binding_curse",lvl:2}]}}}]
And also replace your command with this:
/tag @a[x=2036,y=102,z=1980,distance=..1] add blah
You can always change the name of the tag.
So uh... with this, the stone sword is basically forever in your hotbar. It also removes the item if the player puts an item into that slot.
(If you try to drag the sword out, you'll seemingly have the sword on your hand. But no worries, it's a ghost item. The players can do nothing with them.)
I guess that'd work, but I have a LOT of items, and doing that to each of them'd be a real pain...
I saw the Binding II thing HERE, and when I tried it in 1.12.2, it worked on my items as well... But now it doesn't?
Thanks for the help, anyway.
Please, everyone, if your post is solved, edit the name and mark it [SOLVED]. Period.
If there are any simpler ways anyone can come up with, please tell me!
Please, everyone, if your post is solved, edit the name and mark it [SOLVED]. Period.
That's just a suggestion isn't it...
I think it currently only works on armor in vanilla.
As the thread you provided mentioned, plugins can easily do that cuz they can just simply cancel the event.
If you have lots of items with that, consider using /give command. If you're fine with that, it won't be hard.
But seeming as it works only on armour, I can only think of 2 current options-
If you would like, I would not mind re-doing some commands for you (if it is possible to do so, that is.) But none the less, I wish you luck and I hope you manage to sort this out!