Thanks for the IDs! Can you provide an example of a command? I'm trying the command /give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:16,lvl:10}]} to give myself a diamond sword with sharpness 10. Sadly the command isn't working. I'm using version 1.13_pre1. Any help on how to correct the command would be appreciated!
Thanks for the IDs! Can you provide an example of a command? I'm trying the command /give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:16,lvl:10}]} to give myself a diamond sword with sharpness 10. Sadly the command isn't working. I'm using version 1.13_pre1. Any help on how to correct the command would be appreciated!
Please note that under 1.13pre1, that all enchantments can be ID'd through their actual names. Also, when giving yourself an enchanted item, there is a different NBT name for it. Here is a few examples:
So I'm trying to make a sword with boosted stats such as sharpness 1000 etc but I'm on Minecraft I type in /give @p diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:1000}]} and I end up with 1 of 2 error codes
1:syntax error:unexpected "[" at "0 {ench:{>>[<<id:16,lvl:]}
2:line 1, column 2 missing '}' or object name
What am I doing wrong? I have tried it as a / command and I have tried in in a command block
So I'm trying to make a sword with boosted stats such as sharpness 1000 etc but I'm on Minecraft I type in /give @p diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:1000}]} and I end up with 1 of 2 error codes
1:syntax error:unexpected "[" at "0 {ench:{>>[<<id:16,lvl:]}
2:line 1, column 2 missing '}' or object name
What am I doing wrong? I have tried it as a / command and I have tried in in a command block
I figured how to add enchantments as high as 32767 on Minecraft or bedrock edition you need to download an app from play store called blocktopograph it allows you to modify chunks in the game. But it only works on android
Hey guys I have a feeling that you might be lazy to put enchantments stuff on your stuff, well I got something to help you. Just copy and paste this command and put anything what you want like cookies, cake or even a dead bush, to enchant right next to @p. You can customize what you want and take off stuff or increase/decrease the value of the enchantment level. The reason that I didnβt put curse of blinding and curse of vanishing is because they are pretty annoying and pretty much useless unless you want to troll other people/friends or yourself if you suck at trolling. The reason I put looting and fortune at 10 each is just to prevent lag or items in your inventory that you donβt want, and if you want you could change it but I prefer not to unless you got a good computer. And special thanks to DanielIsLord and the Minecraft Forum for the cool stuff.
[p]Hello! i am trying to summon a villager that sells mending and it is not working. Here is the command:[/p]
/summon villager ~ ~1 ~ {PersistenceRequired:1,Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:emerald,Count:5},buyB:{id:book,Count:1},sell:{id:enchanted_book,Count:1,StoredEnchantments:[{id:mending,lvl:1}]},maxUses:9999999}]},Profession:3,Career:3,CareerLevel:2}[/p]
When i summon him, he has an enchanted book with no enchantments. Please help![/p]
Hello! lets start shell we?
Basics : /give SELECTOR minecraft:ITEMNAME{NBT} COUNT
so this is the new /give! lets show u how u enchant with /give! /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{ench:[{id:ID,lvl:NUMBER}]}
this is basicly it. Lets show u all of the Id's now!
The stuff is in this layout:
Enchantment - Name - ID
Protection - protection - 0
Fire Protection - fire_protection - 1
Feather Falling - feather_falling - 2
Blast Protection - blast_protection - 3
projectile Protection - projectile_protection - 4
Respiration - respiration - 5
Aqua infinity - aqua_infinity - 6
Thorns - thorns - 7
Depth Strider - depth_strider - 8
Frost Walker - frost_walker - 9
Weapons / tools:
Sharpness - sharpness - 16
Smite - smite - 17
Bane of Arthropods - bane_of_arthropods - 18
Knockback - knockback - 19
Fire Aspect - first_aspect - 20
Looting - looting - 21
Sweeping Edge - sweeping_edge - 22
Efficiency - efficiency - 32
Silk Touch - silk_touch - 33
Fortune - fortune - 35
Power - power - 48
Punch - punch - 49
Flame - flame - 50
Infinity - infinity - 51
Channeling - channeling - 68 When hits mob When its Thundering it causes Lightning!
Riptide - riptide - 67 When its raining Pushes u Forward
Impaling - impaling - 66 Deals more damage to Ocean Mobs!
Loyalty - loyalty 65 Gets the Trident Back With a Rope!
Luck Of The Sea - luck_of_the_sea - 61
Lure - lure - 62
Mending - mending - 70
Curse of Vanishing - vanishing_curse - 71
Unbreaking - unbreaking - 34
Curse of binding - binding_curse - 10
The Pictures Are from the Newest Snapshot 18w08b They added:
Fish mobs : Cod,Salamon,Pufferfish
Catching them: right click with a water bucket
Thanks for the IDs! Can you provide an example of a command? I'm trying the command /give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:16,lvl:10}]} to give myself a diamond sword with sharpness 10. Sadly the command isn't working. I'm using version 1.13_pre1. Any help on how to correct the command would be appreciated!
Try this:
/give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:10}]}
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ππ§π¬πππ π«ππ¦-
Please credit me if you are going to use it in a video or a map!
Thank you so much!!!
No problem!
ππππ¨π§π ππ‘ππ§π§ππ₯-
ππ§π¬πππ π«ππ¦-
Please credit me if you are going to use it in a video or a map!
Please note that under 1.13pre1, that all enchantments can be ID'd through their actual names. Also, when giving yourself an enchanted item, there is a different NBT name for it. Here is a few examples:
/give @p trident{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:riptide",lvl:5s}]} 1
/give @p enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:10s}]} 1
/give @p wooden_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:10s},{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:10s},{id:"minecraft:fire_aspect",lvl:2s},{id:"minecraft:looting",lvl:10s},{id:"minecraft:sweeping_edge",lvl:10s}]} 1
Please note that the numeric IDs no longer work as of 1.13pre1 (I tried it and the enchantment didn't work, just shows that it is "enchanted")
So I'm trying to make a sword with boosted stats such as sharpness 1000 etc but I'm on Minecraft I type in /give @p diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:1000}]} and I end up with 1 of 2 error codes
1:syntax error:unexpected "[" at "0 {ench:{>>[<<id:16,lvl:]}
2:line 1, column 2 missing '}' or object name
What am I doing wrong? I have tried it as a / command and I have tried in in a command block
ππππ¨π§π ππ‘ππ§π§ππ₯-
ππ§π¬πππ π«ππ¦-
Please credit me if you are going to use it in a video or a map!
Yes Minecraft it's mcpe beta
Oh, Bedrock Edition. I'm not really sure about Bedrock edition. Sorry.
ππππ¨π§π ππ‘ππ§π§ππ₯-
ππ§π¬πππ π«ππ¦-
Please credit me if you are going to use it in a video or a map!
Damn xD I have tried to look into but so far everything I have found is for 1.6 etc
I figured how to add enchantments as high as 32767 on Minecraft or bedrock edition you need to download an app from play store called blocktopograph it allows you to modify chunks in the game. But it only works on android
So I'm rewriting the code for custom villagers and I'm stumped on where to put the Shorts tag at.
1.13 pre6 (does not work)
buy: {id: "enchanted_book", tag:{StoredEnchantments:[{id:efficiency,lvl:5s}]}, Count: 1},
1.12.2 (works)
buy: {id: "enchanted_book", tag:{StoredEnchantments:[{id:32s,lvl:5s}]}, Count: 1},
without that s tag, you cannot trade with the villagers. the shorts tag is required
how do I do multiple enchants?
/give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:10},{id:unbreaking,lvl:10}]}
ππππ¨π§π ππ‘ππ§π§ππ₯-
ππ§π¬πππ π«ππ¦-
Please credit me if you are going to use it in a video or a map!
Hey guys I have a feeling that you might be lazy to put enchantments stuff on your stuff, well I got something to help you. Just copy and paste this command and put anything what you want like cookies, cake or even a dead bush, to enchant right next to @p. You can customize what you want and take off stuff or increase/decrease the value of the enchantment level. The reason that I didnβt put curse of blinding and curse of vanishing is because they are pretty annoying and pretty much useless unless you want to troll other people/friends or yourself if you suck at trolling. The reason I put looting and fortune at 10 each is just to prevent lag or items in your inventory that you donβt want, and if you want you could change it but I prefer not to unless you got a good computer. And special thanks to DanielIsLord and the Minecraft Forum for the cool stuff.
Thanks You to everyone for the help π
/give @p {Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:32767},{id:fire_protection,lvl:32767},{id:feather_falling,lvl:32767},{id:blast_protection,lvl:32767},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:32767},{id:respiration,lvl:32767},{id:aqua_infinity,lvl: },{id:thorns,lvl:32767},{id:depth_strider,lvl:32767},{id:frost_walker,lvl:32767},{id:sharpness,lvl:32767},{id:smite,lvl:32767},{id:bane_of_arthropods,lvl:32767},{id:knockback,lvl:32767},{id:first_aspect,lvl:32767},{id:looting,lvl:10},{id:sweeping_edge,lvl:32767},{id:efficiency,lvl:32767},{id:silk_touch,lvl:32767},{id:fortune,lvl:10},{id:power,lvl:32767},{id:punch,lvl:32767},{id:flame,lvl:32767},{id:infinity,lvl:32767},{id:channeling,lvl:32767},{id:riptide,lvl:32767},{id:impaling,lvl:32767},{id:loyalty,lvl:32767},{id:luck_of_the_sea,lvl:32767},{id:lure,lvl:32767},{id:mending,lvl:32767},{id:Unbreaking,lvl:32767}]}
I just wanted to help you guys out because you helped me out and now you can be godly with this stuff
How would I make a Lure 5, Unbreaking 3, Luck of the Sea 10, Mending 1, Curse of vanishing fishing rod?