Didn't need to make anything new. This was my attempt at a t-flip flop that works off of pistons blocking signals. It works, it's just gigantic. I imagined the left half as a way to take a signal and have it flip all the pistons to the opposite position each time, but the length of a button signal is a length such that it flipped twice, thus the right half lengthens the signal to let it switch 3 times!
Here is my sand/piston/minecart NOT gate:
Didn't need to make anything new. This was my attempt at a t-flip flop that works off of pistons blocking signals. It works, it's just gigantic. I imagined the left half as a way to take a signal and have it flip all the pistons to the opposite position each time, but the length of a button signal is a length such that it flipped twice, thus the right half lengthens the signal to let it switch 3 times!