Hi I followed this tutorial []
to make a hidden staircase (its the 2nd one in the video) but I cannot
get this one piston to extend properly. Any help? I've rebuilt it twice
now from scratch with the same result.[/p]
This is how mine looks [https://imgur.com/a/KecX9VK], as you can see that last piston hasn't extended as it should. I tried moving the redstone line to that piston up one but then it doesn't retract properly either[/p]
to make a hidden staircase (its the 2nd one in the video) but I cannot
get this one piston to extend properly. Any help? I've rebuilt it twice
now from scratch with the same result.[/p] This is how mine looks [https://imgur.com/a/KecX9VK], as you can see that last piston hasn't extended as it should. I tried moving the redstone line to that piston up one but then it doesn't retract properly either[/p]
Hi, Mumbo's tutorial is specifically for the Java (computer) version of Minecraft. Are you playing on Java?
Assuming you are playing in Java, double check the timings.
The middle piston should go first (which it seems to have done.)
Then the left one and the right one last.
The problem seems to be be that the right one goes before the left.
Have you tested the world download?
Try disabling the right piston and see if the left one extends then.
If so you need to speed it up or slow down the right one so the left one extends before the right one.
That's a very old video but I ran it in 1.16.5 with no problems. (See pic.)
Just testing.