Recent Updates and Snapshots

Any discussion of the most recent update belongs in this section, or recently released Snapshots.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Java What do you think of the latest updates? >>
by Erdemxbs
11 187
Java Minecraft. What have you become? >>
by CelestialLivesYT
6 121
These new updates are kinda sucks >>
by HotWassabi45
5 294
Java Villagers not picking up items >>
by Betong
13 1,480
Epearls >>
by CandyQAZ
2 228
Java Bundles >>
by nateiscool69420deez
6 269
I think minecraft will stop getting updates soon >>
by allyourbasesaregone
3 703
25w02a and slimes (would post a bug report, but the bug site hates my e-mail) >>
by Sienile
2 298
Missed opportunity for Minecraft Earth pig variants >> 2 278
Java What do you think about the woodland mansions being able to spawn in pale gardens >>
by ElMuffin5
3 323
Is it me but are newer versions just patching bugs left and right? >>
by Frozenturbo
0 186
What do y'all think 1.22 will be based on the new leaks by mojang? >>
by FrogMan_Net
4 1,418
Is 1.23 the End Update? >>
by CraftNinjaX
82 13,362
Do you users like the new updates? >>
by hooty557
21 1,512
I found 5 tall sugar cane >>
by MNetheriteking59
4 612
Java Winter biome and cold. Time to diversify the gameplay. >>
by Three_Per_Cento
14 1,762
Minecraft 1.21/1.22 Update Opinion Thread >>
by sunperp
77 18,613
Java Turtle eggs dissapearing in gold farm on nether roof 1.21 >>
by IamJoeBamba
10 1,961
New minecart changes. Good or no? >>
by Thagomixer
12 2,118
Java Is the Potato Update able to be completed within its own dimension? >>
by pacnano
19 2,050
Java Bedrock Minecraft 1.23 Arsenal Update (RELEASE DATE??) Who knows? | Minecraft Fanon Wki | Minecraft Forum >>
by WaterDragonPlayzV6
1 4,066
Why did mojang get rid of the far lands? >>
by Jk987654321
7 8,444
Java can anyone help me check why can't i upgrade this to 1.21 >>
by darling02
3 567
Java New Redstone tweaks and how it should be added >>
by UglyDouglyss
3 388
Java Dirt Background >>
by alplabetlorefan2003
30 3,683
Different World >>
by Evgen_Dev0306
9 1,229
Is mod support ending? >>
by Jack257
9 6,597
1.21 Pre-Release Canidate 4 Fire Protection and Blast Protection Enchant Nerfs >>
by chaptmc
17 8,728
Sky Update Suggestion >>
by MrJeff
15 1,451
Villager trade "rebalance" >>
by SirDaddicus
55 46,985