I never said they were devastating, only that I feel they are out of place, which is just my opinion. I personally don't like seeing baby zombies running around for no other reason than I don't like it. Not because they ruin the game or make it too hard or whatever. It's just weird to me to have baby zombies, not to mention baby zombies riding chickens. Do you honestly feel that those two features integrate well with the vanilla Minecraft experience? Maybe you do, and that's fine. We all have different ideas of what Minecraft should be like, but I would hope that certain more comedic and / or controversial features would be left to mods rather than incorporated for everyone, but that's not my decision to make. Too bad so sad
Alright, I was just wondering if there was some sort of gameplay issue with them. To me, if skeletons can ride spiders, then I am just as dumbfounded about zombies riding chickens. So if it's going to be a small trend, I feel that it would fit. Chickens are small and the baby zombies physically fit it nicely.
As far as the technical aspect of it goes, I really like the addition of a mob being able to control what it's riding. Unfortunately it's very disappointing that it's not a feature that can be forced; this new mob-riding-AI feature is hard-coded and currently exclusive to zombies and chickens. No new NBT tags of sorts to allow for riding control with other mobs.
So maybe it's more of a proof of concept that turned into a feature? The Mojang crew are jokesters; you should see Dinnerbone's twitter feed. It doesn't surprise me that he would add something comedic like this, but I am glad that it was at least more than just slapping a zombie on a chicken (as the chicken would be in control, not the zombie). It may be a good sign for improved AI features in the future. Or it could just be used for comedic value. But yea, who knows.
Alright, I was just wondering if there was some sort of gameplay issue with them. To me, if skeletons can ride spiders, then I am just as dumbfounded about zombies riding chickens. So if it's going to be a small trend, I feel that it would fit. Chickens are small and the baby zombies physically fit it nicely.
As far as the technical aspect of it goes, I really like the addition of a mob being able to control what it's riding. Unfortunately it's very disappointing that it's not a feature that can be forced; this new mob-riding-AI feature is hard-coded and currently exclusive to zombies and chickens. No new NBT tags of sorts to allow for riding control with other mobs.
So maybe it's more of a proof of concept that turned into a feature? The Mojang crew are jokesters; you should see Dinnerbone's twitter feed. It doesn't surprise me that he would add something comedic like this, but I am glad that it was at least more than just slapping a zombie on a chicken (as the chicken would be in control, not the zombie). It may be a good sign for improved AI features in the future. Or it could just be used for comedic value. But yea, who knows.
That would be awesome if they made a new AI for mobs riding other mobs, which they should then apply to skeletons riding spiders as well. I would support that. Unfortunately as you pointed out, it's hard-coded, both for spider jockeys and chicken jockeys, which to me implies that they are just doing it for laughs, which is fine, but disappointing. When I started playing Minecraft, it was a unique and interesting game, but I would hardly have called it funny (quirky, yes, but not outright funny) or recommended it to my friends as a source of comedy. While I appreciate a good laugh once in a while, I hope Mojang won't change that too much more. Only time will tell.
The Mojang crew are jokesters; you should see Dinnerbone's twitter feed.
The rest of the Mojang crew are light-hearted and fun, but still want to make a solid and respectable game. Dinnerbone is the one turning this game into a joke. And because of that, I have no respect for him.
I found one while I was exploring the Nether. I dared not attack it because I had no idea what would happen. I found it both cute, and terrifying.
Oh dear God... I didn't realize there were baby zombie pigmen as well... and now this... well at least I know what I'm going to do as soon as MCP and Forge update
The rest of the Mojang crew are light-hearted and fun, but still want to make a solid and respectable game. Dinnerbone is the one turning this game into a joke. And because of that, I have no respect for him.
Chickens that look like ducks, ridable pigs, punching trees.. all ok and a respectable game...
The game is silly light-hearted fantasy. Why do YOU get decide where the 'too silly' line is?
Because that's our prerogative. Didn't you know? What do you mean otherwise? That because a game uses fantasy/fantastic elements I become forever barred from commenting on its level of realism, or silliness? How silly is that?
What you are essentially telling me is, if next thing they include skeletons with houses on their heads or a new mob called walking trousers (with opened zips) I cannot comment on whether I find this ridiculous. Probably you will want me to accept it and produce instead a rather lengthy discussion on the artistic quality of the 16 bit rendering and the subliminal social message.
We play the game. We can choose to like it or not. Find it realistic or not. Find it silly or not. Comment on these things and grade them even, if we want. It's our prerogative as players.
We play the game. We can choose to like it or not. Find it realistic or not. Find it silly or not. Comment on these things and grade them even, if we want. It's our prerogative as players.
You very welcome to your opinion everyone is here to comment. I was not asking you to stop.
What I did not understand was why you needed to personally attack a developer just because he likes silly features and you don't. He lost your respect? So what, how does that add to the conversation?
Personally I wish that there was a config file that let gave us really fine grained control over what features were enabled or disabled. That we folks like myself who like the sillier stuff could have it all turned on and you could turn it off. All without requiring either of us to download mods from third parties.
So, on the question of silly features, what are Minecraft's silliest and where do folks draw the line?
My list off the top of my head goes like this:
1. Uncontrollable, rideable, pigs
2. Villagers that look and sound like Squidward (TM)
3. Mini-zombies riding chickens
4. Pumpkins that grow already carved with faces
5. Dragons that can fly through solid rock
Notice that this is not the same order I would put them in if we were talking 'plausibility' as opposed to 'silliness'.
They have not yet gone over the line for me. While some things are nonsensical in general, they all kind of make 'minecraft-sense' to me.
What I did not understand was why you needed to personally attack a developer just because he likes silly features and you don't.
I didn't attack a developer. That wasn't me.
However what Divinius said was his personal opinion on a game developer. Something that he is entitled too. We do form opinions on people, as you may know and as you do too. And you aren't going to tell me you don't have opinions on people. What's your opinion on Electronic Arts CEO, for instance? Probably not good, despite the fact all you know from the man is what you read on the press.
So having an opinion on someone based on their behavior seems to me fair game. It's human nature. It's you, me, Divinius and everyone else. Don't be defensive just because he happens to be someone you like or does things you like.
They have not yet gone over the line for me. While some things are nonsensical in general, they all kind of make 'minecraft-sense' to me.
I think too it's still pretty much ok. The game hasn't crossed my tolerance threshold yet. But I fear it walks in large strides in that direction. And this is where I can see the prior criticism coming and where I agree. It seems it will come to a point where the game will just become too ridicule for my taste, if things keep moving this way.
I love the MC forums and reading everyone's opinions, I just wish people would throttle it back a little. It seems like every new feature becomes 'the straw that broke the camel's back' for someone. The changes to the rose are a perfect example.
In my opinion the mini-zombies riding the ducks (chickens ) is a natural follow on to the skels riding spiders. Since I love Drow Elves, anything riding spiders is good to me! (Yes, I would rather, they were half-spider, half-skel, but you can't will them all.)
I was the one that made the comments about Dinnerbone. And I'd do it again.
There is a big difference between "amusing fun" and "ridiculous pandering" when it comes to game elements. Minecraft was never a game that took itself super seriously, and that's fine. But as I said before, there's lines that can be crossed, and Dinnerbone has been crossing them.
Adding a silly and fun feature is one thing. Turning the game into a big developer joke because someone with the mentality of a 4-year-old was hired to write code for the game is another entirely.
The other developers (Notch originally, then Jens and others) enjoyed silly but fun things, and developed features for the game that appealed to the existing Minecraft audience. And they did so in a serious and (relatively) professional manner. You can be silly and fun and still be somewhat professional.
Dinnerbone, on the other hand, just hangs out with the "elite" clowns on Reddit all day, and they all circle-jerk stupid ideas with each other, and Dinnerbone implements them. He doesn't care about the rest of the community, about the state of the game itself, or about anything other than getting his rocks off by screwing around with the game and doing whatever stupid things that he and his niche Reddit cohorts want to do.
That isn't professional, and it isn't taking his job seriously. It's what happens when you give a kid the key to a candy store.
I'll admit, perhaps I'm biased, and perhaps if this was Jens's idea I wouldn't have reacted so harshly to it. But it just seems like every bad decision I've seen come out of the Mojang dev team recently has been entirely Dinnerbone's doing. So when I see a twitter post about "HAR HAR IMMA ADD BABY ZOMBIES RIDIN CHICKENZ!!" and then it's in the next snapshot, I just... well... see my avatar.
I'll admit, perhaps I'm biased, and perhaps if this was Jens's idea I wouldn't have reacted so harshly to it. But it just seems like every bad decision I've seen come out of the Mojang dev team recently has been entirely Dinnerbone's doing.
Jeb still runs the show and any decision by Dinnerbone isn't a decision at all until Jeb says ok. So, you can only blame Dinnerbone by proxy.
I do often find myself, err, rubbed the wrong way by how the Mojang team seems to pass their time. Some of these are people that went from being Mojang community to Mojang employees. And the detrimental side of it seems to be the fact they are surrounded, or surround themselves, with this circle of... I need to watch my blood pressure at this point... rooters in a sort of tightly closed inside jokes community with sort of a passive-aggressive attitude towards outsiders. And then there's the cult of personality I'm so chronically allergic to.
The thing is, I shouldn't care. It's none of my business. If not for the fact you can watch an entire workday pass by with dinnerbone, job, or a few others spending their entire time twitting or redditing or spewing any other type of internet diarrhea. Which makes me question, exactly on which bugs they worked that day. Or, for this particular matter, how much of the Mod API was developed that day.
hehe imagine this: You go outside and You see 4 normal zombies. They are looking at 4 chicken jockeys! You get on your roof to spectate. Zombie: What the ****? I thought we were the only zombies....
Chicken Jockey: BAWK
You: AAAHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh......... (you run off)
Zombie: OH **** HE TOOK OUR DIRT!!
Chicken Jockey: eat my dust b*****s.also, WHAT IF CHICKEN ZOMBIES COULD BLOW UP!
THEY'd be like little TIMEBOMBS! LIKE IN REAL LIFE BABIES AND KIDS GO *Fart* and ur like, EWWWWW GROSS and the kids like MUHAHAHAHAHA I WILL RULE THE WORLD! and blows up.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you click the dragons, 1 more soul will get to live once again.
Jeb still runs the show and any decision by Dinnerbone isn't a decision at all until Jeb says ok. So, you can only blame Dinnerbone by proxy.
Yeah, I suppose that's true, but in that case I'll just say that Jens lets Dinnerbone get away with more than he should. Or that Dinnerbone is a bad influence on Jens...
I do often find myself, err, rubbed the wrong way by how the Mojang team seems to pass their time. Some of these are people that went from being Mojang community to Mojang employees. And the detrimental side of it seems to be the fact they are surrounded, or surround themselves, with this circle of... I need to watch my blood pressure at this point... rooters in a sort of tightly closed inside jokes community with sort of a passive-aggressive attitude towards outsiders. And then there's the cult of personality I'm so chronically allergic to.
You kind of touched on something here that is basically my main gripe. Hiring "fans" of the game to become "developers" of the game is very much a double-edged sword. You get people that enjoy the game and want to be working on it, but they come with all of their biases and niche opinions, and if they can't see past their own personal desires to focus on the greater good of the game (and community) as a whole, you get... well, you get people like Dinnerbone.
The thing is, I shouldn't care. It's none of my business. If not for the fact you can watch an entire workday pass by with dinnerbone, job, or a few others spending their entire time twitting or redditing or spewing any other type of internet diarrhea. Which makes me question, exactly on which bugs they worked that day. Or, for this particular matter, how much of the Mod API was developed that day.
I agree with you, and I could fill pages with my rants about how social media is destroying society, but I'll spare the topic that diatribe. And you're right. We shouldn't care. But we do, because we love this game, and hate to see it faltering due to the dev team's apparent lack of professionalism.
Alright, I was just wondering if there was some sort of gameplay issue with them. To me, if skeletons can ride spiders, then I am just as dumbfounded about zombies riding chickens. So if it's going to be a small trend, I feel that it would fit. Chickens are small and the baby zombies physically fit it nicely.
As far as the technical aspect of it goes, I really like the addition of a mob being able to control what it's riding. Unfortunately it's very disappointing that it's not a feature that can be forced; this new mob-riding-AI feature is hard-coded and currently exclusive to zombies and chickens. No new NBT tags of sorts to allow for riding control with other mobs.
So maybe it's more of a proof of concept that turned into a feature? The Mojang crew are jokesters; you should see Dinnerbone's twitter feed. It doesn't surprise me that he would add something comedic like this, but I am glad that it was at least more than just slapping a zombie on a chicken (as the chicken would be in control, not the zombie). It may be a good sign for improved AI features in the future. Or it could just be used for comedic value. But yea, who knows.
Minecraft-things: http://skylinerw.com
More Minecraft-things: https://sourceblock.net
Guides for command-related features (eventually moving to Source Block): https://github.com/skylinerw/guides
I primarily hang out in the /r/MinecraftCommands discord, where there's a lot of people that help with commands: https://discord.gg/QAFXFtZ
Their corresponding subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftCommands/
That would be awesome if they made a new AI for mobs riding other mobs, which they should then apply to skeletons riding spiders as well. I would support that. Unfortunately as you pointed out, it's hard-coded, both for spider jockeys and chicken jockeys, which to me implies that they are just doing it for laughs, which is fine, but disappointing. When I started playing Minecraft, it was a unique and interesting game, but I would hardly have called it funny (quirky, yes, but not outright funny) or recommended it to my friends as a source of comedy. While I appreciate a good laugh once in a while, I hope Mojang won't change that too much more. Only time will tell.
8/10 at PVP
Well that's even more idiotic. It should at least be some kind of special fire-resistant hell-chicken...
Oh dear God... I didn't realize there were baby zombie pigmen as well... and now this... well at least I know what I'm going to do as soon as MCP and Forge update
Chickens that look like ducks, ridable pigs, punching trees.. all ok and a respectable game...
Baby Zombies riding chickens too much? ROFL.
Classical straw man. Congratulations on missing the point.
I did not miss the point and I did not at all use a straw man. I made an apples to apples comparison of features in the game.
The game is silly light-hearted fantasy. Why do YOU get decide where the 'too silly' line is?
Because that's our prerogative. Didn't you know? What do you mean otherwise? That because a game uses fantasy/fantastic elements I become forever barred from commenting on its level of realism, or silliness? How silly is that?
What you are essentially telling me is, if next thing they include skeletons with houses on their heads or a new mob called walking trousers (with opened zips) I cannot comment on whether I find this ridiculous. Probably you will want me to accept it and produce instead a rather lengthy discussion on the artistic quality of the 16 bit rendering and the subliminal social message.
We play the game. We can choose to like it or not. Find it realistic or not. Find it silly or not. Comment on these things and grade them even, if we want. It's our prerogative as players.
What I did not understand was why you needed to personally attack a developer just because he likes silly features and you don't. He lost your respect? So what, how does that add to the conversation?
Personally I wish that there was a config file that
letgave us really fine grained control over what features were enabled or disabled. That we folks like myself who like the sillier stuff could have it all turned on and you could turn it off. All without requiring either of us to download mods from third parties.My list off the top of my head goes like this:
1. Uncontrollable, rideable, pigs
2. Villagers that look and sound like Squidward (TM)
3. Mini-zombies riding chickens
4. Pumpkins that grow already carved with faces
5. Dragons that can fly through solid rock
Notice that this is not the same order I would put them in if we were talking 'plausibility' as opposed to 'silliness'.
They have not yet gone over the line for me. While some things are nonsensical in general, they all kind of make 'minecraft-sense' to me.
I didn't attack a developer. That wasn't me.
However what Divinius said was his personal opinion on a game developer. Something that he is entitled too. We do form opinions on people, as you may know and as you do too. And you aren't going to tell me you don't have opinions on people. What's your opinion on Electronic Arts CEO, for instance? Probably not good, despite the fact all you know from the man is what you read on the press.
So having an opinion on someone based on their behavior seems to me fair game. It's human nature. It's you, me, Divinius and everyone else. Don't be defensive just because he happens to be someone you like or does things you like.
I think too it's still pretty much ok. The game hasn't crossed my tolerance threshold yet. But I fear it walks in large strides in that direction. And this is where I can see the prior criticism coming and where I agree. It seems it will come to a point where the game will just become too ridicule for my taste, if things keep moving this way.
Sorry for my confusion.
I love the MC forums and reading everyone's opinions, I just wish people would throttle it back a little. It seems like every new feature becomes 'the straw that broke the camel's back' for someone. The changes to the rose are a perfect example.
In my opinion the mini-zombies riding the ducks (chickens
There is a big difference between "amusing fun" and "ridiculous pandering" when it comes to game elements. Minecraft was never a game that took itself super seriously, and that's fine. But as I said before, there's lines that can be crossed, and Dinnerbone has been crossing them.
Adding a silly and fun feature is one thing. Turning the game into a big developer joke because someone with the mentality of a 4-year-old was hired to write code for the game is another entirely.
The other developers (Notch originally, then Jens and others) enjoyed silly but fun things, and developed features for the game that appealed to the existing Minecraft audience. And they did so in a serious and (relatively) professional manner. You can be silly and fun and still be somewhat professional.
Dinnerbone, on the other hand, just hangs out with the "elite" clowns on Reddit all day, and they all circle-jerk stupid ideas with each other, and Dinnerbone implements them. He doesn't care about the rest of the community, about the state of the game itself, or about anything other than getting his rocks off by screwing around with the game and doing whatever stupid things that he and his niche Reddit cohorts want to do.
That isn't professional, and it isn't taking his job seriously. It's what happens when you give a kid the key to a candy store.
I'll admit, perhaps I'm biased, and perhaps if this was Jens's idea I wouldn't have reacted so harshly to it. But it just seems like every bad decision I've seen come out of the Mojang dev team recently has been entirely Dinnerbone's doing. So when I see a twitter post about "HAR HAR IMMA ADD BABY ZOMBIES RIDIN CHICKENZ!!" and then it's in the next snapshot, I just... well... see my avatar.
Jeb still runs the show and any decision by Dinnerbone isn't a decision at all until Jeb says ok. So, you can only blame Dinnerbone by proxy.
I do often find myself, err, rubbed the wrong way by how the Mojang team seems to pass their time. Some of these are people that went from being Mojang community to Mojang employees. And the detrimental side of it seems to be the fact they are surrounded, or surround themselves, with this circle of... I need to watch my blood pressure at this point... rooters in a sort of tightly closed inside jokes community with sort of a passive-aggressive attitude towards outsiders. And then there's the cult of personality I'm so chronically allergic to.
The thing is, I shouldn't care. It's none of my business. If not for the fact you can watch an entire workday pass by with dinnerbone, job, or a few others spending their entire time twitting or redditing or spewing any other type of internet diarrhea. Which makes me question, exactly on which bugs they worked that day. Or, for this particular matter, how much of the Mod API was developed that day.
Chicken Jockey: BAWK
You: AAAHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh......... (you run off)
Zombie: OH **** HE TOOK OUR DIRT!!
Chicken Jockey: eat my dust b*****s.also, WHAT IF CHICKEN ZOMBIES COULD BLOW UP!
THEY'd be like little TIMEBOMBS! LIKE IN REAL LIFE BABIES AND KIDS GO *Fart* and ur like, EWWWWW GROSS and the kids like MUHAHAHAHAHA I WILL RULE THE WORLD! and blows up.
You kind of touched on something here that is basically my main gripe. Hiring "fans" of the game to become "developers" of the game is very much a double-edged sword. You get people that enjoy the game and want to be working on it, but they come with all of their biases and niche opinions, and if they can't see past their own personal desires to focus on the greater good of the game (and community) as a whole, you get... well, you get people like Dinnerbone.
I agree with you, and I could fill pages with my rants about how social media is destroying society, but I'll spare the topic that diatribe. And you're right. We shouldn't care. But we do, because we love this game, and hate to see it faltering due to the dev team's apparent lack of professionalism.