They said they made it a 'Server Singleplayer', even though that was a few snapshots ago. They could have possibly updated it or changed it, and thats probably a reason. I'm getting the lag too.
Oh it's there, and it's certainly not a hardware issue.
The problem isn't immediately apparent, but the little delays and desynchronization issues really get annoying. Especially in combat situations.
Everyone is experiencing this issue. It has nothing to do with specs, and everything to do with the snapshot.
Psst. Not everybody is having the problem so don't be difficult, please.
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I was going to give you a +1, but then I saw your signature say, "If I helped you in any way, just click that plus sign over there!" So then I didn't give you your +1.
Yeah were having the same problem with our server..laughingcarrot I would have to disagree with you...pretty much everyone I know is having the problem.
Psst. Not everybody is having the problem so don't be difficult, please.
He seems hell bent on assuming everyone has the issues. So I'm sorta letting it go.
I'll agree a large amount of people here on the forums seem to be having difficulties. But this forum doesn't have every single Minecraft player on it.
Issues need to be fixed if people are having them. But it is very possible its a hardware/software issue. I have a quad core 3.1Ghz processor, 4Gb of RAM, and a Radeon HD 5450(not the greatest video card ever. But it handles Minecraft to my liking) and don't have any issues with block lag, mob lag, or anything else people are saying they have. My Minecraft is running just as well in the newest snapshot as it was when I was still in 1.2.5.
I know I'm not the only person not having issues with it.
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I'm usually not trying to be rude. So if a post comes across that way then sorry :]
I'm pretty sure this post is geared towards smp problems rather than single player and from my interpretation you seem to be implying that you are having no problems towards sp.
All I play is single player. I've tried playing on like two servers and even rented one for a month. Just didn't like it. I am talking about single player and I don't get any of the issues with lag people are talking about.
Edit: Actually I sorta lied. I did like one server I was on. But it was to laggy since it was hosted in the UK and I'm in the US.
In SSP I did notice slight lag not noticed before 12w25a, when placing blocks. In some cases, like when quickly filling creeper craters, there was momentary lag before placed blocks appearance and sound. When down in a mine placing blocks, there was only lag in the sound, not appearance.
No mob issues or lag at all breaking blocks.
i5 650 3.2 GHz, 8 GB, Nvidia GTX 550 Ti running 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10 Linux with lwjgl 2.6 (due to sticky movement keys w/2.4.2)). Typically 150+ to 250+ fps 1080p, down to around 70+ fps during heavy chunk loading everything fancy, but "normal" view distance.
I don't have the issue. I haven't had block lag or mob glitching in any of the recent snapshots.
I have I theory that it's your connection to your router that is affecting Single player play with the old terrible-server-like lag... Do you generally have good bandwidth?
I have I theory that it's your connection to your router that is affecting Single player play with the old terrible-server-like lag... Do you generally have good bandwidth?
My PC is connected to a Netgear router that's connected to another Netgear router. Its all wired though. This is my connection to a nearby server(by Speedtest. I don't think they're that accurate since I'm only supposed to get like 15Mbps though Comcast. Though they did say something about "speed boost" :/ ).
Your internet connection shouldn't come into play at all.
When you play on an online server your data needs to be sent from your PC, to the server, then back to your PC and to everyone else who is on the server(generally. Might be different for Minecraft. You might only receive data for other players position and such when they're in render distance).
Since your PC is the server here its not actually sending an receiving data from another source like a dedicated server. But I'm not exactly sure how it works and why there is more lag for some than there was in 1.2.5.
My best guess would be your RAM. Get to many people on a rented server with low RAM and you'll get issues like the ones reported. But some people have more RAM than me and have these issues. But I don't. Only thing I could think of there would be slower RAM? But I'm not sure.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm usually not trying to be rude. So if a post comes across that way then sorry :]
I was near a village with hundreds of people, I was at 35fps the whole time, then out of nowhere I feel as though I was jumping on the moon, it became lag like when you hook up lamps to a rapid pulser. I logged out and back in, it's perfectly smooth again.
I wish my eyes were real so I could look into my mirror again
I don't have the issue. I haven't had block lag or mob glitching in any of the recent snapshots.
Oh it's there, and it's certainly not a hardware issue.
The problem isn't immediately apparent, but the little delays and desynchronization issues really get annoying. Especially in combat situations.
Everyone is experiencing this issue. It has nothing to do with specs, and everything to do with the snapshot.
Psst. Not everybody is having the problem so don't be difficult, please.
He seems hell bent on assuming everyone has the issues. So I'm sorta letting it go.
I'll agree a large amount of people here on the forums seem to be having difficulties. But this forum doesn't have every single Minecraft player on it.
Issues need to be fixed if people are having them. But it is very possible its a hardware/software issue. I have a quad core 3.1Ghz processor, 4Gb of RAM, and a Radeon HD 5450(not the greatest video card ever. But it handles Minecraft to my liking) and don't have any issues with block lag, mob lag, or anything else people are saying they have. My Minecraft is running just as well in the newest snapshot as it was when I was still in 1.2.5.
I know I'm not the only person not having issues with it.
All I play is single player. I've tried playing on like two servers and even rented one for a month. Just didn't like it. I am talking about single player and I don't get any of the issues with lag people are talking about.
Edit: Actually I sorta lied. I did like one server I was on. But it was to laggy since it was hosted in the UK and I'm in the US.
No mob issues or lag at all breaking blocks.
i5 650 3.2 GHz, 8 GB, Nvidia GTX 550 Ti running 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10 Linux with lwjgl 2.6 (due to sticky movement keys w/2.4.2)). Typically 150+ to 250+ fps 1080p, down to around 70+ fps during heavy chunk loading everything fancy, but "normal" view distance.
actually it is sort of both
some people seem to get no lag at all
some seem to get a bit
and some see to get a lot.
I have I theory that it's your connection to your router that is affecting Single player play with the old terrible-server-like lag... Do you generally have good bandwidth?
My PC is connected to a Netgear router that's connected to another Netgear router. Its all wired though. This is my connection to a nearby server(by Speedtest. I don't think they're that accurate since I'm only supposed to get like 15Mbps though Comcast. Though they did say something about "speed boost" :/ ).
Your internet connection shouldn't come into play at all.
When you play on an online server your data needs to be sent from your PC, to the server, then back to your PC and to everyone else who is on the server(generally. Might be different for Minecraft. You might only receive data for other players position and such when they're in render distance).
Since your PC is the server here its not actually sending an receiving data from another source like a dedicated server. But I'm not exactly sure how it works and why there is more lag for some than there was in 1.2.5.
My best guess would be your RAM. Get to many people on a rented server with low RAM and you'll get issues like the ones reported. But some people have more RAM than me and have these issues. But I don't. Only thing I could think of there would be slower RAM? But I'm not sure.
I was near a village with hundreds of people, I was at 35fps the whole time, then out of nowhere I feel as though I was jumping on the moon, it became lag like when you hook up lamps to a rapid pulser. I logged out and back in, it's perfectly smooth again.
It only causes extreme lag at night or raining.
Edit: It's only from rain for me.