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Quote from TheMrMan Does that seed website from beta still work, havent checked.
Quote from Boilingfort Use the command /seed.
Quote from Codiferus17 Might just be me, but this doesn't work in SSP unless you're on creative.
Quote from TheMrMan You have to have Cheats enabled to do any commands, even ones like that.
Quote from Codiferus17 Cheats = Creative...or at the very least the ability to switch back and forth.
Twitter: @EvanLange7737
Sure does!
Might just be me, but this doesn't work in SSP unless you're on creative.
You have to have Cheats enabled to do any commands, even ones like that.
Cheats = Creative...or at the very least the ability to switch back and forth.
No... cheats work in every gamemode. They are defaulted to "on" in creative worlds and are defaulted to "off" for survival and hardcore.
Twitter: @EvanLange7737