I got the new snapshot when i spawned in a jungle biome after spawn i saw a weird looking plant on a jungle tree so switched to creative and punched it and coco beans came out!
Yes they were introduced in an earlier snapshot. You can plant the cocoa beans on any jungle wood blocks to get more, even jungle wood not attached to trees, so you can grow cocoa at home and make cookies.
Read the change logs on the wiki before you post your "discoveries". Understood?
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"Science isn't a matter of WHY, it's a matter of WHY NOT? WHY is so much of our science dangerous? Why don't you marry safe science if you love it so much? In fact, why don't you invent a special safety door that won't slam you in the butt on your way out? BECAUSE YOU ARE FIRED!" -Cave Johnson
Jungle Biomes New Plant?!(Coco Beans)Snapshot 12w22a