this thread should never die until mojang respond to this issues and not just ignore them and pretend they never happened, (and now am going into the speech the again)
we as a community need to help make the game better for us all if thats pointing out bugs which need to be fixed to us suggesting features we would love to have added into the game, but right now its clear the most that mojang does not think much about us and i find that sad for the fact before 1.8 i thought they cared very much about there user base but now its clear they don't care a single thing about us, but when a big group of players cant play the game due to lag in which there PC can run 1.7 fine and it is more powerful then the required needs for the game, yet they say that those are the problems we need to fix or were using out dated JAVA and just passing the bullet to the next guy which is a very poor way out of the proplem this thread should stay active until they fix there mistakes
Psshh, Minecraft 1.9 is coming at our faces soon, no need to keep going about this thread
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I know what it feels like to be rekt. Check out Mineplex, it's a very popular crappy server.
I'm stuck at home , yay!
Oi, do you want to change the world? Yup
Then get off your bottom and see how many things you can do to help the environment.
I Think what happened is we all got spoiled so much with 1.6 and 1.7 that anything not perfect and you guys cannot appreciate it, I greatly enjoyed 1.8, thats my opinion, is my opinion wrong? No, becuase its my opinion. Is you opinion wrong? No, becuase its your opinion, all of you sitting here argue about whos right and wrong, isnt solving anything!!! Mojang isnt going to scrap 8 months of work, just becuase a handful of players are unappreciative. End of Discussion.
Also, I just found out that Armor Stands were stinkin' stripped off of the BiblioCraft mod, and Mojang didn't even give credit.
Actually, they werent 'stripped off'. Its mojang design, lots of mods have armor stands not just Bibliocraft. The only thing mojang used the actuall design for was the horses from Mo' Creatures, and if you watch the credits, they give them credit for the design and mechanics.
I Think what happened is we all got spoiled so much with 1.6 and 1.7 that anything not perfect and you guys cannot appreciate it, I greatly enjoyed 1.8, thats my opinion, is my opinion wrong? No, becuase its my opinion. Is you opinion wrong? No, becuase its your opinion, all of you sitting here argue about whos right and wrong, isnt solving anything!!! Mojang isnt going to scrap 8 months of work, just becuase a handful of players are unappreciative. End of Discussion.
I agree, Just this post and then the nice mods will lock this, I wasn't THAT involved so much.
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I know what it feels like to be rekt. Check out Mineplex, it's a very popular crappy server.
I'm stuck at home , yay!
Oi, do you want to change the world? Yup
Then get off your bottom and see how many things you can do to help the environment.
I Think what happened is we all got spoiled so much with 1.6 and 1.7 that anything not perfect and you guys cannot appreciate it, I greatly enjoyed 1.8, thats my opinion, is my opinion wrong? No, becuase its my opinion. Is you opinion wrong? No, becuase its your opinion, all of you sitting here argue about whos right and wrong, isnt solving anything!!! Mojang isnt going to scrap 8 months of work, just becuase a handful of players are unappreciative. End of Discussion.
i some what agree with that statement i don't think 1.6 and by far not 1.7 was perfect i hated 1.7 but i do think instead of getting this thread locked i think both sides haters and lovers should work together to get a solution to many of these problems i think as a community we need to work together to help this game get better i think we should take all the reasons why we hate this update and the reasons why we love this update and put them together into an official report and show mojang how torn the community was with this update and have them open there blind eyes are work together to help this game get better for all..
Well, mabye things will speed up now Microsoft now owns Mojang.
A mod should lock this thread, its getting out of hand.
a mod should never lock this thread until we work up a simple solution of how mojang should fix the lag and work with the community instead of against them and even if this thread gets locked others will just keep coming up, i will personal make other threads just like this one if it gets locked cause if we locked this thread we simply just dismissing are problems with this game and they will never get solved
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"good night, good luck" -dying light
i think we should all use common sense and logic when we answer and ask a question but always stay open minded
just cause science fails to explain something does not mean its real (afterlife,big foot, ghosts etc..) does not mean its fake try to stay opened mined instead of closed
In any case. I've enjoyed this updatel. I'm using a lot of the new blocks in builds, even retro fitting some of my old ones. The few glitches that I've encountered I've delt with.
Even if their were issues, I spent $20.00 4 years ago. Best bang for my bucks in a very long time.
i some what agree with that statement i don't think 1.6 and by far not 1.7 was perfect i hated 1.7 but i do think instead of getting this thread locked i think both sides haters and lovers should work together to get a solution to many of these problems i think as a community we need to work together to help this game get better i think we should take all the reasons why we hate this update and the reasons why we love this update and put them together into an official report and show mojang how torn the community was with this update and have them open there blind eyes are work together to help this game get better for all..
a mod should never lock this thread until we work up a simple solution of how mojang should fix the lag and work with the community instead of against them and even if this thread gets locked others will just keep coming up, i will personal make other threads just like this one if it gets locked cause if we locked this thread we simply just dismissing are problems with this game and they will never get solved
It will be okay, maybe the mods will make it so people get a warning for posting a thread like this
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I know what it feels like to be rekt. Check out Mineplex, it's a very popular crappy server.
I'm stuck at home , yay!
Oi, do you want to change the world? Yup
Then get off your bottom and see how many things you can do to help the environment.
So, if you hate pretty much the last 2+ years worth of updates, then why the heck are you even still playing it!? No, the community should not have to pull together to fix 1.8, because 1.8 doesn't need fixing, very few of you think it does.
In any case. I've enjoyed this updatel. I'm using a lot of the new blocks in builds, even retro fitting some of my old ones. The few glitches that I've encountered I've delt with.
Even if their were issues, I spent $20.00 4 years ago. Best bang for my bucks in a very long time.
So, if you hate pretty much the last 2+ years worth of updates, then why the heck are you even still playing it!? No, the community should not have to pull together to fix 1.8, because 1.8 doesn't need fixing, very few of you think it does.
then clearly your a blind fan boy if you think this update needs no fixing... i try to answer your post respectfully and i get this blind fanboyism... for every single person out who is having a large amount of lag should just forget about getting a fix for there issues.... 1.8 is a broken flawed update i know mojang will do nothing about this update but god this game will be dead in a year from now if they keep there updates the same way there going like some one told way back down in the posts the forums are dead and so is the community ever since 1.8 dropped so many people have just left the forums and moved on am thinking of doing the same of how broken this game is.
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"good night, good luck" -dying light
i think we should all use common sense and logic when we answer and ask a question but always stay open minded
just cause science fails to explain something does not mean its real (afterlife,big foot, ghosts etc..) does not mean its fake try to stay opened mined instead of closed
a mod should never lock this thread until we work up a simple solution of how mojang should fix the lag and work with the community instead of against them and even if this thread gets locked others will just keep coming up
Doesn't look like anybody has found one simple solution in this 95 page long thread. And also they can lock them faster than anyone can make them.
French Fry man is here! Either that, or the "Bright Blue and inhumanly thin" guys will attack minecraft.
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Teddwa (The Fakemon in my avatar) belongs to ReallyDarkAndWindie and that is used with permission from him.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
Click on this Spoiler to see misc. banners and whatnot!
Im not refering to the lag, im refering to the fact that most of you are solely complaining about the update itself, all updates lag, they always fix it, im not fanboying as you called it, im just pointing out the fact that you are all a bunch of ungreatful spoiled little crybabys who act like jerks when they dont get thier way.
Psshh, Minecraft 1.9 is coming at our faces soon, no need to keep going about this thread
Check out Mineplex, it's a very
popularcrappy server.I'm stuck at home , yay!
Oi, do you want to change the world? Yup
Then get off your bottom and see how many things you can do to help the environment.
My Youtube Channel:
Actually, they werent 'stripped off'. Its mojang design, lots of mods have armor stands not just Bibliocraft. The only thing mojang used the actuall design for was the horses from Mo' Creatures, and if you watch the credits, they give them credit for the design and mechanics.
My Youtube Channel:
A mod should lock this thread, its getting out of hand.
I agree, Just this post and then the nice mods will lock this, I wasn't THAT involved so much.
Check out Mineplex, it's a very
popularcrappy server.I'm stuck at home , yay!
Oi, do you want to change the world? Yup
Then get off your bottom and see how many things you can do to help the environment.
I agree, this thread created 100 pages of people turning against each other, it should indeed be locked.
My Youtube Channel:
i some what agree with that statement i don't think 1.6 and by far not 1.7 was perfect i hated 1.7 but i do think instead of getting this thread locked i think both sides haters and lovers should work together to get a solution to many of these problems i think as a community we need to work together to help this game get better i think we should take all the reasons why we hate this update and the reasons why we love this update and put them together into an official report and show mojang how torn the community was with this update and have them open there blind eyes are work together to help this game get better for all..
a mod should never lock this thread until we work up a simple solution of how mojang should fix the lag and work with the community instead of against them and even if this thread gets locked others will just keep coming up, i will personal make other threads just like this one if it gets locked cause if we locked this thread we simply just dismissing are problems with this game and they will never get solved
"good night, good luck" -dying light
i think we should all use common sense and logic when we answer and ask a question but always stay open minded
just cause science fails to explain something does not mean its real (afterlife,big foot, ghosts etc..) does not mean its fake try to stay opened mined instead of closed
In any case. I've enjoyed this updatel. I'm using a lot of the new blocks in builds, even retro fitting some of my old ones. The few glitches that I've encountered I've delt with.
Even if their were issues, I spent $20.00 4 years ago. Best bang for my bucks in a very long time.
It will be okay, maybe the mods will make it so people get a warning for posting a thread like this
Check out Mineplex, it's a very
popularcrappy server.I'm stuck at home , yay!
Oi, do you want to change the world? Yup
Then get off your bottom and see how many things you can do to help the environment.
My Youtube Channel:
Agreed 100%
My Youtube Channel:
then clearly your a blind fan boy if you think this update needs no fixing... i try to answer your post respectfully and i get this blind fanboyism... for every single person out who is having a large amount of lag should just forget about getting a fix for there issues.... 1.8 is a broken flawed update i know mojang will do nothing about this update but god this game will be dead in a year from now if they keep there updates the same way there going like some one told way back down in the posts the forums are dead and so is the community ever since 1.8 dropped so many people have just left the forums and moved on am thinking of doing the same of how broken this game is.
"good night, good luck" -dying light
i think we should all use common sense and logic when we answer and ask a question but always stay open minded
just cause science fails to explain something does not mean its real (afterlife,big foot, ghosts etc..) does not mean its fake try to stay opened mined instead of closed
Maybe its something specific to your machine, driver, or playstyle.
Doesn't look like anybody has found one simple solution in this 95 page long thread. And also they can lock them faster than anyone can make them.
If you clicked on the link above, you will die in seven days.
Because it's bland seeing a thousand Steve skins on a crowded server, so Mojang added another default skin to add variety.
You can unwatch threads, you know..
French Fry man is here! Either that, or the "Bright Blue and inhumanly thin" guys will attack minecraft.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
What? How?! Ive been trying to figure that out for months... so many stupid threads on my watch list just because I looked at them.... ugg...
Cast aside your festive doylaks: dragon stuff is about to happen.
Multiplayer is lonely once you understand how it actually works.
Alpha 1.0.4
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