
General discussion about Minecraft, Minecraft development and anything that doesn't fit into the other specific sections.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
First piece of Minecraft merch? >>
by crickef
0 43
snapshot 24w08a went missing >>
by MeSoEpic123
0 92
Nether portals won’t link please help!! >>
by jemxs
1 100
1.6, was this a glitch or feature? >>
by erl1
2 257
Java Bedrock Why Microsoft has done account system so damn difficult? >>
by Jafarin
0 62
Personality Quiz: What Minecraft mob are you? >>
by ahjfcshfghb
88 21,477
Java Question about carpets! >>
by medu54
3 95
Java Is this an rare bug? >>
by Noobus420
3 138
Piglins and religions >>
by AC_DC
1 85
Education What if Blaze rods were a real element >>
by CoolEdd
1 85
deleting a post >>
by AC_DC
0 64
Java how do you kill a villager with an anvil? >>
by targetyk
2 104
by Porky8211
3 122
Java Is this rare? >>
by Noobus420
1 143
Armor Stand >>
by Keoa4918
0 100
Java What’s the First Farm You Build in a Survival/Hardcore World? >>
by Gezzus_exe
17 700
Java Most versions prior to release 1.5 have a glitch that invert the colors red and blue. Need help. >>
by JoeTheDauntless
4 5,293
How do I run MC 1.7?(Lost version) >>
by Steve404_
3 131
Java Rabbit Jumping >>
by Big_Ginge17
2 119
Does Microsoft read their forums ? >>
by Shmokeonly
4 181
Java How do I modify Java Edition Indev 0.31 20100124-2310? >>
by HalalLanthanum68
2 91
Java Minecraft Combat Mode: Sword Animation Issues with Auto Kill Option (Wurst Mod) >>
by Hvitserk
0 77
Help plz >>
by Borgovis
0 70
Minecraft Feedback is broken >>
by dominusanimum
5 1,638
What is your favorite version to play multiplayer, preferably an old version. >>
by Overallsteak748
25 952
Feather falling needs a change. >>
by Dixvt
10 2,219
Java How to fill chest containers randomly? >>
by globalovski
0 52
One question about populating a village >>
by chaskuchar2
3 141
Java I can't startup minecraft in batch file, how do that? >>
by MaxSarana12
2 123
Java Allay spawned randomly in the middle of an ocean? >>
by pacnano
5 587