History: Everything started with just a Steve in the World, no speinting, no hunger bar.
Then Minecarts came and were the common ability to get fast from A to B, and quickly boats were a thing too. This lead to build great waterways and railways upon the world.
But then in beta 1.8 sprinting was added and nuked this system. Boats were still worths it tho and minecarts were still a thing for player with too much iron. A while after that the horse update (1.6) finally made minecarts pretty much obsolete as horses are just way more flexible, easier and faster. Still, old boats were still the kings of the water.
With 1.9 an updated version of boats were served to us - allowing easier control and no breaking upon land collision. But they are now very fast on ice and nuked railways even more. Horses were still the lord of the land because building a highway is some work. At the same time then - one item to rule them all - the elytra got added into the game. Allowing super fast travel over land and water without effort. The riptide trident made them even more powerfull. A few versions later blueice was added, making boats insanely fast.
I still use minecarts instead of horses because they are much more convenient to use, essentially being automatic without needing to control them or know exactly where to go (just get in and and press W for a few seconds, an exception being when I make intersections, which require right-clicking another minecart). Mineshafts are so abundant in 1.6.4 (at least further away from the origin/spawn) that I only need about a tenth of the rails I collect from them, otherwise great amounts of iron can be extracted from an average cave system (about the same density everywhere below sea level as 1.18 has over a small range near its peak), as alluded in these threads:
So what can I do with all this iron? Making minecart tracks is useless... All I have to do is go down into the cave system and break the tracks in the mineshaft. So that's not an option.
I'm talking large enough to spend half an IRL day on, fuel the world's furnace demands with coal, and fill chests with iron BLOCKS just by spelunking alone
I imagine that 1.18 also made things worse for horses by increasing height variation, either way, you'd want to make a path between two locations you frequently travel between, much as you have to lay down track for a minecart (I place them in 1x2 tunnels just below sea level, this also yields a fair amount of the iron I'd need to make rails, and plenty of gold if you make them deeper, and is completely safe from mobs).
The main issue I see with rail is that minecarts only work in loaded chunks and you need way more powered rails to effectively use storage minecarts (which is a bit odd since a minecart with a mob or player moves a lot further than an empty one).
As for newer methods of transportation, elytra are no doubt the most influential by far as the ability to cover thousands of blocks with ease, vastly shrinking the perceived size of of the world (I see modern players saying that even the much larger biomes feel small at times, structures are too common (a product of the increased scale of world generation leading to more structures per biome and faster transportation), world sizes of multiple gigabytes are normal, etc), aided by the increased incentives to explore to find rare biomes and structures. I'll note though that a Nether rail system effectively moves faster, 64 m/s, and the difference after I started using it was very apparent, just a minute or so to travel 5000 blocks (elytra can be used in the Nether for even faster speeds, often by exploiting bugs to get on top of the Nether ceiling; it seems that many of the methods of breaking bedrock came about after 1.6, and any of them could easily be patched by simply not allowing it to be replaced, I also added a debug stacktrace if something does attempt it, thus leading to the exact code responsible).
Also, fun fact - boats going insanely fast on ice was considered to be a bug for three years before Mojang just decided to make it a feature:
We could make that minecarts are able to load new (existing) chunks. Maybe also in a dead state , like no entities only blocks to know where to pathfind. Riding a minecart could be done by an automatic rail just like the rail that automatically throws you out of the minecarts.
Im not saying that i find all those abilities bad (including the nether top) but they are too easy. Elytra should be harder to get and should need to be more maintained. Just like horses might need some maintaining like feeding, rest etc. (in reality there always where like stations for horses, sometimes changing them)
Elytra should be harder to get and should need to be more maintained.
Just making Mending work like renaming used to, with the requirement to use resources to repair items with the anvil (the original way of repairing things) using its original mechanics (repair cost is based on the costs of the enchantments and item durability / durability restored, not just 2 levels / 1 per unit) would go a long way towards balancing many aspects of the game since you can't automatically repair items and need resources, although Mojang would understandably be reluctant to make such a major change as the majority of players would now have useless gear (the old anvil repair system only let you put 2-3 enchantments on most items before they became too expensive, or it became much harder/less efficient to repair them; for example, a diamond pickaxe with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III costs 33 levels to repair with a new item, 31 levels if you damage it just enough to still take advantage of the 12% durability bonus the anvil gives. With Fortune III added the cost is now 37 levels for a single diamond, times four to fully repair it (though such incremental repairs have the advantage of not having to watch the durability so much as it nears 0).
There's also the fact you'd have to keep collecting resources to repair any items, especially netherite (one possible solution - have Fortune apply to ancient debris if you mine it with a netherite pickaxe, the logic being that you have to find some in the first place, then enchant a pickaxe with Fortune. Or, just make it so you can repair netherite with diamond, seeing that it is already based on diamond, restoring the durability of the diamond item, while a single netherite ingot (instead of 4) fully repairs it. Either way, a single mining session should yield enough for a good while for most players (I often get told that they would need to constantly mine in order to get enough resources, using my own playstyle as an example, yet I use barely any of what I collect).
Of course, Mojang already did this when they removed the ability to rename an item to keep the cost down in 1.8, so existing gear became obsolete overnight (Mending wasn't added for more than a year so there was no way to indefinitely repair items for that entire time. I'll note that the way renaming worked wasn't intended (perhaps as a per-rename reduction of the penalty, an idea I added myself for items which would be too expensive with Mending, in the form of using a ruby to reduce the penalty by 6 levels, or 3 workings, each) but either way the fact it was known since they added anvils in 1.4 (this was one of the first things the Wiki documented about anvils) yet the fact they never did anything about it until they completely revamped anvil mechanics is telling, IMO making it a case of bug-into-feature (there are other bugs which haven't been fixed or even became official features, like boats on ice, or zombie pigmen dropping XP and rare drops without having to be killed by a player, known since 1.8 snapshots (it never should have made it to the full release), yet Mojang had more recently refused to fix underlying issues in fear of breaking such farms, illustrating changes to the way they approach things, understandably, given how popular the game has become and past instances of backlash from the community over even minor changes (at the same time they still make controversial changes, as seen by any of the "update opinion" threads).
I don't understand this fascination some people seem to have where if certain modes of travel are better than another, that the better one should be removed/nerfed, or else that thing should be buffed.
I mean, I understand the innate desire to make them all viable, but you're not going to be able to make them all equally viable. Certain modes of travel are just going to be better. Rail would have been niche even before sprinting was added, so the disparity may have gotten worse with that change (and then more worse with future additions/changes), but pretending like it was equal from the start, and horses and elytra where what ruined it, isn't something I agree with.
I found horses cumbersome when they were added, and I had a fair rail network in my world at the time. Minecraft's forests don't accommodate them well, nor does water (so much fun trying to cross a river on one), and nor does height changes over a block high. I mostly used horses along paths/rail networks I had already set up, so... it seems to me that horses don't totally overshadow everything else.
Elytra does, but... good luck putting that one back in the bag.
The way I see it is this. While a disparity between modes of travel has grown, the player's ability to travel has improved a lot with it. I see that as a positive.
Unfortunately, you can't take a game where multiple modes of travel exist and make them equal, and if you think about it for a moment, you shouldn't even want to accomplish that. Why? Because then the player needs to invest all the effort into obtaining and setting up everything required for all of those modes of travel or else they lose out. Some things are just more niche, but they still bring benefit.
Food has the same problem; some are just worse. Others overshadow most of the rest.
Certain modes of travel could use some quality of life changes to make them more appealing, but you're never going to able to make them all, equally viable.
The way I see it is this. While a disparity between modes of travel has grown, the player's ability to travel has improved a lot with it. I see that as a positive.
Except Mojang has been forcing players to have to travel more; you even said that world sizes of multiple gigabytes was now more or less the norm:
10 GB is, in my opinion, up there for a world file size for a single player. Or maybe I should say "was". I'm sort of looking at it from the standpoint of pre-elytra so it's probably not that much anymore.
I just checked my current hardcore world and it's at 5.57 GB
For comparison, my first world is 800 MB and I doubt that many players explored 3-5000 blocks from spawn in every direction back in the 1.6 days because there was really no point, unless say, you are like Zeno410 and want to map out a continent (regardless of how slowly I may explore it does add up over time).
For another example, in my current (modded) world I needed rubies in order to indefinitely repair a "Smelting" pickaxe due to being too expensive to add Mending to it and I hadn't found a biome with them yet so I went out of my way (quite unusual for my playstyle) to find one, which was only about 1000 blocks from spawn - and wasn't even the closest such biome, with two more since found to the west and north, both about half as far away, so exploring a level 3 map (1024x1024 blocks) centered around 0,0 would have been plenty (I looked around a map centered at 512,512 since I'd already been exploring it):
This shows the path I actually took, followed by a recent map of the entire world; the biome in question ("Rocky Mountains") is the gray area at the bottom edge, with another visible on the northern edge of the full map, as well as an "Autumnal Forest" to the west (the area with red/orange/yellow speckles), spawn itself is to the northwest of the mesa biome near the center (you can see my main base as a darker spot in the western side of a plains-like biome):
While this is only one world these biomes, and others with rubies, existed within 512 blocks of spawn / the origin in every previous world since I added them, and many test worlds, so it is safe to say that you rarely need to travel that far to find them:
A collection of 4 randomly generated seeds within 512 blocks of the origin; three have a Rocky Mountains (gray), two have Savanna Mountains (lighter yellow), two have Autumnal Forest (reddish orange), and one has Volcanic Wastelands (pinkish-gray, and three of them at that, for a "rarer" biome):
The word "except" implies an exception, but you're simply referencing something else entirely insofar as what I was stating there.
I'm not sure how "the scale of the world size has gone up" is an exception to an opinion statement of "I personally think that the way the modes of transport compare having changed over the years isn't a particularly big issue, because transportation is better overall now in my opinion, and that matters more to me than trying to achieve the impossible 'perfect balanced' state".
...you even said that world sizes of multiple gigabytes was now more or less the norm...
No, I didn't say that? How did you misinterpret that from it?
What I was saying there was primarily these two things...
1. "I personally think a world save size of 10 GB is 'getting up there'."
2. "Perhaps it is or isn't 'up there' to the same degree today, because Elytra probably results in larger world sizes on average."
That's about it.
I then gave examples of some data using world sizes of my own, but nowhere did I present these as a representation for "the norm".
I don't have access to the data necessary to make claims about it either way. Thus, I wouldn't make such a claim, and anything I would say on it would just be guesses at best. Kind of like right there, where I used the words "in my opinion" pretty early on, no? And even then, I never made a claim of what was or wasn't the norm.
10GB seems large, unless the file system is less efficient these days. In my current world, with a large continent (probably) almost mapped, the save file is 2.79 GB.
I get that you might have to travel large distances for a Woodland Mansion, but that's still only out and back - it's not that enormous.
My preferred travel is boat. It goes lots of places, and you don't have to prep the ground. The amount of work to build a path/trail/railway is large enough that from an efficiency standpoint it only makes sense for something you plan to travel a lot, and I prefer a Nether connection for that kind of thing.
Horses seem like they'd be good, but I was really put off the first time I tried riding one and it glitched through some ice and drowned. I still remember the screams.
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
Minecarts don't have to be as good as all the other transport systems, but right now they really aren't worth the cost of setting them up. Horses should just get frost walker.
10GB seems large, unless the file system is less efficient these days. In my current world, with a large continent (probably) almost mapped, the save file is 2.79 GB.
The save format since 1.13 does require more space (I can't find the source but one of the developers mentioned this in a post on Reddit, explaining it was because of the palette and stuff), along with entities and other things being split off into their own region files, and the region file format is less efficient for smaller amounts of data since every chunk takes up at least one 4 KB sector, even a "void" world will be at least 4 MB per region (which does compress down many fold if you compress the whole file, otherwise only individual chunks within the file are compressed).
Then there is the increased average ground depth/height in 1.18 (a big one) as well as increased complexity in general, best illustrated by comparing my own mods (TMCWv5 and TripleHeightTerrain, which had 3 times the ground depth but was otherwise near vanilla in composition, this world also isn't large enough to contain multiple fully explored regions) to vanilla (World1), itself larger than a fresh/typical player's world (you'd be surprised at how much space all the lightmap data from lighting up caves takes up; the uncompressed size is always the same, 2 KB per section, but once you light up caves it will be much harder to compress than an array of mostly 0s. Otherwise, most of the increase over vanilla is due to more complex world generation):
Example of "deadspace" within a region file; "normal" is from a default 1.6.4 world while "MaxHeight" is from a Superflat world filled with only stone up to the height limit, and has over 3 times more blocks as a result:
The largest region from TMCWv5, as well as a look at what it actually contains; most of the increase compared to other fully explored regions appears to be due to what is underground, and more specifically, the volume that I lit up due to having several of the largest underground features (there are about 15,000 torches and a underground volume of nearly 3 million blocks below sea level, or 19.3% of all blocks on layers 4-62; the average is about 11%); by contrast, the surface was mostly closer to vanilla 1.6.4 in average depth, with some more mountainous terrain more similar to vanilla Extreme Hills, and mostly had biomes with larger trees ("Big Oak Forest, with all big oak trees, including larger sizes than vanilla, "Mega Forest", with the largest trees in TMCW, up to 64 blocks tall, and "Big Birch Forest", with larger variants of birch trees. The trees themselves may be less complex compression-wise due to the use of all-bark logs for their branches, whereas vanilla uses sideways logs with two different data values, but they are much larger with more complex shapes than a vanilla forest):
Here is a post which computed the average size per chunk in various versions; one thing that is missing is an analysis of 1.13, particularly in the Nether, as this would better show the differences caused by the change to the save format:
1.1 - 3,976 bytes per chunk
1.8.8 - 5,617 bytes per chunk
1.12.2 - 5,836 bytes per chunk
1.16.5 - 6,475 bytes per chunk
1.17.1 - 7,963 bytes per chunk
1.18.2 - 11,176 bytes per chunk
1.19 - 10,891 bytes per chunk
1.1 - 3,795 bytes per chunk
1.8.8 - 3,795 bytes per chunk
1.12.2 - 3,805 bytes per chunk
1.16.5 - 6,971 bytes per chunk
1.17.1 - 6,236 bytes per chunk
1.18.2 - 6,790 bytes per chunk
1.19 - 6,513 bytes per chunk
Most of the increase between 1.1 and 1.8 is also due to a single change: the 1.8 stone variants, as the size of TMCW's region files jumped significantly after I added them due to the metadata array becoming much more complex, with further increases in TMCWv5 due to all the additional blocks and block variants added (if TMCW had the same depth as 1.18, or TripleHeightTerrain, it would be significantly larger).
10GB seems large, unless the file system is less efficient these days.
The world that quote referred to consisted largely of 1.6 and earlier era generation, and would have been updated to no later than 1.10 back when I was actively playing it (a very late stint in 1.11 aside, before eventually updated to 1.19, but then it got trimmed and is no longer anywhere near that large). Needless to say, the current saving methods would have nothing to do with it since... it's dealing with older versions. It was simply a large save because it was a world with a very large region of terrain (20k x 20k for the core region, and then some other areas, plus the nether, end, and all the other files).
I don't think it's much less efficient these days anyway. At least, that's not the impression I get looking at averages for an older and newer world. I just looked at two worlds, one in 1.10 and another in 1.20, and took the total data size from the "region" folder and divided it by the number of files within that folder to arrive at an average size. Both worlds have many, many hundreds of regions (the larger has over a thousand) so this should be a sufficiently large sampling size to rule out margin of error from outliers. Anyway, doing this with my 1.10 world gave me an average region size of ~6.3 MB, and doing this with my 1.20 world gave me an average region size of ~8.2 MB. That makes the older version a bit less than a quarter smaller on average. So, it's larger for the newer version, but 1.18+ is also dealing with deeper terrain and probably more terrain above sea level on average as well, so it being larger doesn't surprise me. Offhand, I'd guess they don't seem wildly apart in sizing if you were to try and account for that.
I was also surprised you didn't mentioned airships as your favorite method of travel. They'd probably be mine (depending highly on how they functioned), if they existed in vanilla.
Well, airships are modded, and not even a particularly common mod, so it seemed off topic.
But even with them, I wouldn't call airships my *favorite* type of travel. They're slower than boats or horses; the views are great but on repeated travel I prefer the faster methods. In my current world, I normally prefer boating to get back and forth between the Pantheon and the chateau. There's no river route between the chateau and my starter base, so that I'd normally do by airship, but I haven't for a while and might never do again. So even with airships boating is my favorite form of travel, although it's close.
20k x 20k makes for an awesome world and a great accomplishment, but I think it's decidedly *not* typical. I'm a pretty aggressive explorer and I've never done that much, although I do change worlds every year or so for modding reasons. It takes (normally) years of play *plus* a substantial interest in exploration to get something that big.
It makes sense that the current system uses somewhat more disk space but not an enormous amount.
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I don't travel much to start as I find it invites hassle, bugs, and slow loading time into the game for me. I'll get to where I need to on foot. In rare cases, I will use portals to shorten very long travels such as to mansions.
Well, airships are modded, and not even a particularly common mod, so it seemed off topic.
It exists, and you play with it, so it counts! This forum category isn't only for vanilla discussion so it wouldn't have been off topic; making a note that it is modded would have been enough.
But even with them, I wouldn't call airships my *favorite* type of travel. They're slower than boats or horses; the views are great but on repeated travel I prefer the faster methods.
I definitely considered such things, which is why I said it would depend on how they were implemented. I'm only familiar with the ones you've described, and those probably wouldn't be ones I was too fond of either. They would need to be faster (and I'm not sure how large they can be made?), but I don't think Minecraft was really ever made to accommodate masses of moving blocks. I've never tried any mods that implement such things to observe how they work either.
As a concept, I tend to like airships in general though, hence may statement. No reason for loving them, I'm sure...
20k x 20k makes for an awesome world and a great accomplishment, but I think it's decidedly *not* typical.
It's definitely not typical.
I can't claim having accomplished that through exploration though. It was pre-generated.
Originally, I think it was 10k x 10k and then I did it again to enlarge it. The purpose of this was avoid the chunk transitions from the changed terrain generation between 1.6 and 1.7. Once I had a 20k x 20k size world, plus some other areas, the world save as a whole was around 10 GB in size. Before that, when it was 10k x 10k, I think it was a couple/few GB in size?
The space itself was no problem for me. In the grand scheme of things, a few GB is tiny these days. It became a bit more noticeable when backing up said world to an HDD though, which is primarily where I noticed it.
If we're counting worlds explored through manual travel, I think my current hardcore world that I've explored on foot (no elytra allowed) is one of my largest worlds I've ever created? It's 5.38 GB.
My first (failed) hardcore world where I did use elytra is 3.01 GB.
The world that used to be 10 GB (my original long term world) was trimmed when I updated it to 1.19 (because the terrain blending feature would now allow me to avoid the chunk transitions), so it's down to 2.64 GB now.
My second long term world is my largest at 6.43 GB. In my non-hardcore worlds, I tend to generate a lot of terrain, with pre-generation before or with elytra now. I find it useful for having that surface level information accessible in third party map applications (like UnMined) to plan my worlds or plan my adventures.
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So boats and horses (as well as Donkeys, Mules, and probably Llamas and Pigs), are probably the easiest methods of travel, with the least amount of bugs or issues related to them.
Elytras are usually seen as the best method, since you can travel large distances with minimal setup. Rockets are fairly easy to come by with the right foresight.
Minecarts just seem to be left in the dust because of the set up needed to use them. Unless you have spare Iron from mining or an Iron farm, or have raided several mineshafts, setting a system up seems pointless when you can just tame a horse and move about as fast with enough luck in the right stats.
Tridents and Elytra (using both at the same time) are only useful in water, or rain.
Boats on Ice, again, requires set up beforehand to use effectively. But when used in the Nether, becomes probably one of the better transportation methods.
Me personally, I just use the /tp command. I generally only use it to get from one spot to another after walking there, or using one of the easier methods to get from place to place. Using an Elytra, chunks don't load fast enough on my computer so I end up flying into things and dying too easy. I'm also lazy, so doing any kind of real set up for Nether boating, or minecarts is not something I want to invest time in. Horses and similar ilk are too slow.
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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times, hold up, rewind, That's not even possible.
I think minecraft should make the Minecart with furnace useful by making him pushing the minecart even faster (not too much), or just making minecart faster... like maybe 16 blocs per second?
I still use minecarts in my immediate area of my long-term world, and have a whole complete circuit that runs through the 3 - 4 different parts of the world. From the main home to the Chunk Plaza station, from there to the halfway house. Monorail from the halfway house to the castle, regular minecart line from the castle back to the church and the last line from the church to back home. With various other ice lines,
I tend to use my elytra mainly for wider adventuring - and boat. Sometimes there's still nothing like just setting out across the ocean on a boat, you can keep them in your inventory for walking too. Again, horses and donleys have the problems of going over water and snagging on trees. Thus my horses and donkeys tend to sit at home these days with any fur/hair going gray from old age. For someone that has constantly updated his world and not stuck to one version, I have always had to do the "go to new chunks" to find some of the new stuff added to the game, Only keeping areas where important things are as in previus times the forld has been 4 - 7GB. Now I can keep a world download at a trim 1.56Gb roughly.
As for making Elytra harder to get, they are end game materials, and I personally think it's enough work to get them, and you do have to put the intita; work in, beat the dragon, go find end cities, I think the key thing is NOT to make them to easy to get the way armor, particularly diamond armor has become via trading. Why put in all the hard work and mine when you can just buy your gear and tools? If your speedrunning that's one thing, but armor shouldn't be so easy to get IMo of trading. I know I worked and mined for my armor and built it up at the time (1.14.2) without the need to have to downgrade a world, ever.
Unpopular opinion? Upgrading to nethertite was fine as it was, now all this things with templates just to convert from diamond to netherite is a bit too overblown now. This however is going off at a tagent, so I will end there and try to keep to the topic of transportation.
History: Everything started with just a Steve in the World, no speinting, no hunger bar.
Then Minecarts came and were the common ability to get fast from A to B, and quickly boats were a thing too. This lead to build great waterways and railways upon the world.
But then in beta 1.8 sprinting was added and nuked this system. Boats were still worths it tho and minecarts were still a thing for player with too much iron. A while after that the horse update (1.6) finally made minecarts pretty much obsolete as horses are just way more flexible, easier and faster. Still, old boats were still the kings of the water.
With 1.9 an updated version of boats were served to us - allowing easier control and no breaking upon land collision. But they are now very fast on ice and nuked railways even more. Horses were still the lord of the land because building a highway is some work. At the same time then - one item to rule them all - the elytra got added into the game. Allowing super fast travel over land and water without effort. The riptide trident made them even more powerfull. A few versions later blueice was added, making boats insanely fast.
Minecraft 1.6.4 Performance Comparison
I still use minecarts instead of horses because they are much more convenient to use, essentially being automatic without needing to control them or know exactly where to go (just get in and and press W for a few seconds, an exception being when I make intersections, which require right-clicking another minecart). Mineshafts are so abundant in 1.6.4 (at least further away from the origin/spawn) that I only need about a tenth of the rails I collect from them, otherwise great amounts of iron can be extracted from an average cave system (about the same density everywhere below sea level as 1.18 has over a small range near its peak), as alluded in these threads:
I imagine that 1.18 also made things worse for horses by increasing height variation, either way, you'd want to make a path between two locations you frequently travel between, much as you have to lay down track for a minecart (I place them in 1x2 tunnels just below sea level, this also yields a fair amount of the iron I'd need to make rails, and plenty of gold if you make them deeper, and is completely safe from mobs).
The main issue I see with rail is that minecarts only work in loaded chunks and you need way more powered rails to effectively use storage minecarts (which is a bit odd since a minecart with a mob or player moves a lot further than an empty one).
As for newer methods of transportation, elytra are no doubt the most influential by far as the ability to cover thousands of blocks with ease, vastly shrinking the perceived size of of the world (I see modern players saying that even the much larger biomes feel small at times, structures are too common (a product of the increased scale of world generation leading to more structures per biome and faster transportation), world sizes of multiple gigabytes are normal, etc), aided by the increased incentives to explore to find rare biomes and structures. I'll note though that a Nether rail system effectively moves faster, 64 m/s, and the difference after I started using it was very apparent, just a minute or so to travel 5000 blocks (elytra can be used in the Nether for even faster speeds, often by exploiting bugs to get on top of the Nether ceiling; it seems that many of the methods of breaking bedrock came about after 1.6, and any of them could easily be patched by simply not allowing it to be replaced, I also added a debug stacktrace if something does attempt it, thus leading to the exact code responsible).
Also, fun fact - boats going insanely fast on ice was considered to be a bug for three years before Mojang just decided to make it a feature:
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
We could make that minecarts are able to load new (existing) chunks. Maybe also in a dead state , like no entities only blocks to know where to pathfind. Riding a minecart could be done by an automatic rail just like the rail that automatically throws you out of the minecarts.
Im not saying that i find all those abilities bad (including the nether top) but they are too easy. Elytra should be harder to get and should need to be more maintained. Just like horses might need some maintaining like feeding, rest etc. (in reality there always where like stations for horses, sometimes changing them)
Minecraft 1.6.4 Performance Comparison
Just making Mending work like renaming used to, with the requirement to use resources to repair items with the anvil (the original way of repairing things) using its original mechanics (repair cost is based on the costs of the enchantments and item durability / durability restored, not just 2 levels / 1 per unit) would go a long way towards balancing many aspects of the game since you can't automatically repair items and need resources, although Mojang would understandably be reluctant to make such a major change as the majority of players would now have useless gear (the old anvil repair system only let you put 2-3 enchantments on most items before they became too expensive, or it became much harder/less efficient to repair them; for example, a diamond pickaxe with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III costs 33 levels to repair with a new item, 31 levels if you damage it just enough to still take advantage of the 12% durability bonus the anvil gives. With Fortune III added the cost is now 37 levels for a single diamond, times four to fully repair it (though such incremental repairs have the advantage of not having to watch the durability so much as it nears 0).
There's also the fact you'd have to keep collecting resources to repair any items, especially netherite (one possible solution - have Fortune apply to ancient debris if you mine it with a netherite pickaxe, the logic being that you have to find some in the first place, then enchant a pickaxe with Fortune. Or, just make it so you can repair netherite with diamond, seeing that it is already based on diamond, restoring the durability of the diamond item, while a single netherite ingot (instead of 4) fully repairs it. Either way, a single mining session should yield enough for a good while for most players (I often get told that they would need to constantly mine in order to get enough resources, using my own playstyle as an example, yet I use barely any of what I collect).
Of course, Mojang already did this when they removed the ability to rename an item to keep the cost down in 1.8, so existing gear became obsolete overnight (Mending wasn't added for more than a year so there was no way to indefinitely repair items for that entire time. I'll note that the way renaming worked wasn't intended (perhaps as a per-rename reduction of the penalty, an idea I added myself for items which would be too expensive with Mending, in the form of using a ruby to reduce the penalty by 6 levels, or 3 workings, each) but either way the fact it was known since they added anvils in 1.4 (this was one of the first things the Wiki documented about anvils) yet the fact they never did anything about it until they completely revamped anvil mechanics is telling, IMO making it a case of bug-into-feature (there are other bugs which haven't been fixed or even became official features, like boats on ice, or zombie pigmen dropping XP and rare drops without having to be killed by a player, known since 1.8 snapshots (it never should have made it to the full release), yet Mojang had more recently refused to fix underlying issues in fear of breaking such farms, illustrating changes to the way they approach things, understandably, given how popular the game has become and past instances of backlash from the community over even minor changes (at the same time they still make controversial changes, as seen by any of the "update opinion" threads).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
I don't understand this fascination some people seem to have where if certain modes of travel are better than another, that the better one should be removed/nerfed, or else that thing should be buffed.
I mean, I understand the innate desire to make them all viable, but you're not going to be able to make them all equally viable. Certain modes of travel are just going to be better. Rail would have been niche even before sprinting was added, so the disparity may have gotten worse with that change (and then more worse with future additions/changes), but pretending like it was equal from the start, and horses and elytra where what ruined it, isn't something I agree with.
I found horses cumbersome when they were added, and I had a fair rail network in my world at the time. Minecraft's forests don't accommodate them well, nor does water (so much fun trying to cross a river on one), and nor does height changes over a block high. I mostly used horses along paths/rail networks I had already set up, so... it seems to me that horses don't totally overshadow everything else.
Elytra does, but... good luck putting that one back in the bag.
The way I see it is this. While a disparity between modes of travel has grown, the player's ability to travel has improved a lot with it. I see that as a positive.
Unfortunately, you can't take a game where multiple modes of travel exist and make them equal, and if you think about it for a moment, you shouldn't even want to accomplish that. Why? Because then the player needs to invest all the effort into obtaining and setting up everything required for all of those modes of travel or else they lose out. Some things are just more niche, but they still bring benefit.
Food has the same problem; some are just worse. Others overshadow most of the rest.
Certain modes of travel could use some quality of life changes to make them more appealing, but you're never going to able to make them all, equally viable.
Except Mojang has been forcing players to have to travel more; you even said that world sizes of multiple gigabytes was now more or less the norm:
For comparison, my first world is 800 MB and I doubt that many players explored 3-5000 blocks from spawn in every direction back in the 1.6 days because there was really no point, unless say, you are like Zeno410 and want to map out a continent (regardless of how slowly I may explore it does add up over time).
For another example, in my current (modded) world I needed rubies in order to indefinitely repair a "Smelting" pickaxe due to being too expensive to add Mending to it and I hadn't found a biome with them yet so I went out of my way (quite unusual for my playstyle) to find one, which was only about 1000 blocks from spawn - and wasn't even the closest such biome, with two more since found to the west and north, both about half as far away, so exploring a level 3 map (1024x1024 blocks) centered around 0,0 would have been plenty (I looked around a map centered at 512,512 since I'd already been exploring it):
While this is only one world these biomes, and others with rubies, existed within 512 blocks of spawn / the origin in every previous world since I added them, and many test worlds, so it is safe to say that you rarely need to travel that far to find them:
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
The word "except" implies an exception, but you're simply referencing something else entirely insofar as what I was stating there.
I'm not sure how "the scale of the world size has gone up" is an exception to an opinion statement of "I personally think that the way the modes of transport compare having changed over the years isn't a particularly big issue, because transportation is better overall now in my opinion, and that matters more to me than trying to achieve the impossible 'perfect balanced' state".
No, I didn't say that? How did you misinterpret that from it?
What I was saying there was primarily these two things...
1. "I personally think a world save size of 10 GB is 'getting up there'."
2. "Perhaps it is or isn't 'up there' to the same degree today, because Elytra probably results in larger world sizes on average."
That's about it.
I then gave examples of some data using world sizes of my own, but nowhere did I present these as a representation for "the norm".
I don't have access to the data necessary to make claims about it either way. Thus, I wouldn't make such a claim, and anything I would say on it would just be guesses at best. Kind of like right there, where I used the words "in my opinion" pretty early on, no? And even then, I never made a claim of what was or wasn't the norm.
10GB seems large, unless the file system is less efficient these days. In my current world, with a large continent (probably) almost mapped, the save file is 2.79 GB.
I get that you might have to travel large distances for a Woodland Mansion, but that's still only out and back - it's not that enormous.
My preferred travel is boat. It goes lots of places, and you don't have to prep the ground. The amount of work to build a path/trail/railway is large enough that from an efficiency standpoint it only makes sense for something you plan to travel a lot, and I prefer a Nether connection for that kind of thing.
Horses seem like they'd be good, but I was really put off the first time I tried riding one and it glitched through some ice and drowned. I still remember the screams.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
Minecarts don't have to be as good as all the other transport systems, but right now they really aren't worth the cost of setting them up. Horses should just get frost walker.
The save format since 1.13 does require more space (I can't find the source but one of the developers mentioned this in a post on Reddit, explaining it was because of the palette and stuff), along with entities and other things being split off into their own region files, and the region file format is less efficient for smaller amounts of data since every chunk takes up at least one 4 KB sector, even a "void" world will be at least 4 MB per region (which does compress down many fold if you compress the whole file, otherwise only individual chunks within the file are compressed).

Then there is the increased average ground depth/height in 1.18 (a big one) as well as increased complexity in general, best illustrated by comparing my own mods (TMCWv5 and TripleHeightTerrain, which had 3 times the ground depth but was otherwise near vanilla in composition, this world also isn't large enough to contain multiple fully explored regions) to vanilla (World1), itself larger than a fresh/typical player's world (you'd be surprised at how much space all the lightmap data from lighting up caves takes up; the uncompressed size is always the same, 2 KB per section, but once you light up caves it will be much harder to compress than an array of mostly 0s. Otherwise, most of the increase over vanilla is due to more complex world generation):
Example of "deadspace" within a region file; "normal" is from a default 1.6.4 world while "MaxHeight" is from a Superflat world filled with only stone up to the height limit, and has over 3 times more blocks as a result:
The largest region from TMCWv5, as well as a look at what it actually contains; most of the increase compared to other fully explored regions appears to be due to what is underground, and more specifically, the volume that I lit up due to having several of the largest underground features (there are about 15,000 torches and a underground volume of nearly 3 million blocks below sea level, or 19.3% of all blocks on layers 4-62; the average is about 11%); by contrast, the surface was mostly closer to vanilla 1.6.4 in average depth, with some more mountainous terrain more similar to vanilla Extreme Hills, and mostly had biomes with larger trees ("Big Oak Forest, with all big oak trees, including larger sizes than vanilla, "Mega Forest", with the largest trees in TMCW, up to 64 blocks tall, and "Big Birch Forest", with larger variants of birch trees. The trees themselves may be less complex compression-wise due to the use of all-bark logs for their branches, whereas vanilla uses sideways logs with two different data values, but they are much larger with more complex shapes than a vanilla forest):
(5:0),Wood Planks,223
(5:1),Wood Planks,1349
(5:2),Wood Planks,280
(5:3),Wood Planks,1931
(14:0),Gold Ore,6693
(14:5),Gold Ore,4
(14:6),Gold Ore,15
(14:7),Gold Ore,18
(15:0),Iron Ore,75216
(15:5),Iron Ore,185
(15:6),Iron Ore,622
(15:7),Iron Ore,183
(16:0),Coal Ore,137139
(16:5),Coal Ore,275
(16:6),Coal Ore,778
(16:7),Coal Ore,225
(17:1),Pine Wood,11591
(17:2),Birch Wood,7054
(18:1),Pine Leaves,99608
(18:2),Birch Leaves,147340
(18:4),Leaves (Permanent),13
(21:0),Lapis Lazuli Ore,3410
(21:5),Lapis Lazuli Ore,4
(21:6),Lapis Lazuli Ore,17
(21:7),Lapis Lazuli Ore,22
(31:0),(Unused Shrub),16642
(39:0),Brown Mushroom,825
(39:1),Brown Mushroom,374
(39:2),Brown Mushroom,504
(39:3),Brown Mushroom,440
(39:4),Brown Mushroom,378
(48:0),Moss Stone,230
(52:0),Monster Spawner,9
(56:0),Diamond Ore,1660
(56:6),Diamond Ore,6
(62:3),Lit Furnace,16
(64:1),Wooden Door,1
(64:3),Wooden Door,1
(64:8),Wooden Door,2
(73:0),Redstone Ore,13851
(73:5),Redstone Ore,12
(73:6),Redstone Ore,115
(73:7),Redstone Ore,15
(75:1),Redstone Torch (off),20
(75:2),Redstone Torch (off),11
(75:3),Redstone Torch (off),13
(75:4),Redstone Torch (off),14
(78:0),Snow Layer,80965
(83:0),Sugar Cane,3
(97:0),Hidden Silverfish (Smooth Stone),4309
(97:6),Hidden Silverfish (Smooth Stone),320
(97:7),Hidden Silverfish (Smooth Stone),479
(97:8),Hidden Silverfish (Smooth Stone),485
(98:0),Stone Bricks,825
(98:1),Mossy Stone Bricks,188
(98:2),Cracked Stone Bricks,105
(99:1),Huge Brown Mushroom (Northwest),37
(99:2),Huge Brown Mushroom (North),32
(99:3),Huge Brown Mushroom (Northeast),37
(99:4),Huge Brown Mushroom (West),32
(99:5),Huge Brown Mushroom (Top),146
(99:6),Huge Brown Mushroom (East),32
(99:7),Huge Brown Mushroom (Southwest),37
(99:8),Huge Brown Mushroom (South),32
(99:9),Huge Brown Mushroom (Southeast),37
(99:10),Huge Brown Mushroom (Stem),55
(99:11),Huge Brown Mushroom,5
(100:1),Huge Red Mushroom (Northwest),52
(100:2),Huge Red Mushroom (North),43
(100:3),Huge Red Mushroom (Northeast),52
(100:4),Huge Red Mushroom (West),44
(100:5),Huge Red Mushroom (Top),152
(100:6),Huge Red Mushroom (East),44
(100:7),Huge Red Mushroom (Southwest),54
(100:8),Huge Red Mushroom (South),46
(100:9),Huge Red Mushroom (Southeast),54
(100:10),Huge Red Mushroom (Stem),70
(100:11),Huge Red Mushroom,20
(129:0),Emerald Ore,1106
(129:6),Emerald Ore,1
(160:0),Future Block!,36
(161:0),Future Block!,103084
(161:3),Future Block!,971
(162:0),Future Block!,966
(164:1),Future Block!,72
(164:2),Future Block!,53
(164:3),Future Block!,72
(164:4),Future Block!,53
(164:5),Future Block!,136
(164:6),Future Block!,53
(164:7),Future Block!,72
(164:8),Future Block!,53
(164:9),Future Block!,72
(164:10),Future Block!,80
(164:11),Future Block!,5
(165:1),Future Block!,51
(165:2),Future Block!,45
(165:3),Future Block!,51
(165:4),Future Block!,45
(165:5),Future Block!,207
(165:6),Future Block!,45
(165:7),Future Block!,51
(165:8),Future Block!,45
(165:9),Future Block!,51
(165:10),Future Block!,76
(165:11),Future Block!,10
(166:1),Future Block!,51
(166:2),Future Block!,45
(166:3),Future Block!,51
(166:4),Future Block!,45
(166:5),Future Block!,183
(166:6),Future Block!,45
(166:7),Future Block!,51
(166:8),Future Block!,45
(166:9),Future Block!,51
(166:10),Future Block!,73
(166:11),Future Block!,5
(168:12),Future Block!,33286
(168:13),Future Block!,77029
(168:14),Future Block!,34722
(168:15),Future Block!,43758
(174:0),Future Block!,3662
(174:1),Future Block!,2781
(174:2),Future Block!,3466
(175:0),Future Block!,54
(175:1),Future Block!,44
(175:2),Future Block!,5394
(175:4),Future Block!,110
(175:5),Future Block!,26
(185:0),Future Block!,2025
(185:1),Future Block!,1
(185:8),Future Block!,4654
(185:13),Future Block!,3
(186:0),Future Block!,938
(186:8),Future Block!,2012
(186:13),Future Block!,4
(187:0),Future Block!,156
(187:8),Future Block!,332
(188:0),Future Block!,1615
(188:1),Future Block!,10
(188:2),Future Block!,6
(188:3),Future Block!,13
(188:4),Future Block!,6
(188:5),Future Block!,13
(188:6),Future Block!,16
(188:7),Future Block!,4
(188:8),Future Block!,12
(188:9),Future Block!,12
(188:10),Future Block!,12
(191:5),Future Block!,76
(200:0),Future Block!,356
Item,Rotten Flesh,8
Here is a post which computed the average size per chunk in various versions; one thing that is missing is an analysis of 1.13, particularly in the Nether, as this would better show the differences caused by the change to the save format:
Most of the increase between 1.1 and 1.8 is also due to a single change: the 1.8 stone variants, as the size of TMCW's region files jumped significantly after I added them due to the metadata array becoming much more complex, with further increases in TMCWv5 due to all the additional blocks and block variants added (if TMCW had the same depth as 1.18, or TripleHeightTerrain, it would be significantly larger).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
The world that quote referred to consisted largely of 1.6 and earlier era generation, and would have been updated to no later than 1.10 back when I was actively playing it (a very late stint in 1.11 aside, before eventually updated to 1.19, but then it got trimmed and is no longer anywhere near that large). Needless to say, the current saving methods would have nothing to do with it since... it's dealing with older versions. It was simply a large save because it was a world with a very large region of terrain (20k x 20k for the core region, and then some other areas, plus the nether, end, and all the other files).
I don't think it's much less efficient these days anyway. At least, that's not the impression I get looking at averages for an older and newer world. I just looked at two worlds, one in 1.10 and another in 1.20, and took the total data size from the "region" folder and divided it by the number of files within that folder to arrive at an average size. Both worlds have many, many hundreds of regions (the larger has over a thousand) so this should be a sufficiently large sampling size to rule out margin of error from outliers. Anyway, doing this with my 1.10 world gave me an average region size of ~6.3 MB, and doing this with my 1.20 world gave me an average region size of ~8.2 MB. That makes the older version a bit less than a quarter smaller on average. So, it's larger for the newer version, but 1.18+ is also dealing with deeper terrain and probably more terrain above sea level on average as well, so it being larger doesn't surprise me. Offhand, I'd guess they don't seem wildly apart in sizing if you were to try and account for that.
I was also surprised you didn't mentioned airships as your favorite method of travel. They'd probably be mine (depending highly on how they functioned), if they existed in vanilla.
Well, airships are modded, and not even a particularly common mod, so it seemed off topic.
But even with them, I wouldn't call airships my *favorite* type of travel. They're slower than boats or horses; the views are great but on repeated travel I prefer the faster methods. In my current world, I normally prefer boating to get back and forth between the Pantheon and the chateau. There's no river route between the chateau and my starter base, so that I'd normally do by airship, but I haven't for a while and might never do again. So even with airships boating is my favorite form of travel, although it's close.
20k x 20k makes for an awesome world and a great accomplishment, but I think it's decidedly *not* typical. I'm a pretty aggressive explorer and I've never done that much, although I do change worlds every year or so for modding reasons. It takes (normally) years of play *plus* a substantial interest in exploration to get something that big.
It makes sense that the current system uses somewhat more disk space but not an enormous amount.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I don't travel much to start as I find it invites hassle, bugs, and slow loading time into the game for me. I'll get to where I need to on foot. In rare cases, I will use portals to shorten very long travels such as to mansions.
It exists, and you play with it, so it counts! This forum category isn't only for vanilla discussion so it wouldn't have been off topic; making a note that it is modded would have been enough.
I definitely considered such things, which is why I said it would depend on how they were implemented. I'm only familiar with the ones you've described, and those probably wouldn't be ones I was too fond of either. They would need to be faster (and I'm not sure how large they can be made?), but I don't think Minecraft was really ever made to accommodate masses of moving blocks. I've never tried any mods that implement such things to observe how they work either.
As a concept, I tend to like airships in general though, hence may statement. No reason for loving them, I'm sure...
It's definitely not typical.
I can't claim having accomplished that through exploration though. It was pre-generated.
Originally, I think it was 10k x 10k and then I did it again to enlarge it. The purpose of this was avoid the chunk transitions from the changed terrain generation between 1.6 and 1.7. Once I had a 20k x 20k size world, plus some other areas, the world save as a whole was around 10 GB in size. Before that, when it was 10k x 10k, I think it was a couple/few GB in size?
The space itself was no problem for me. In the grand scheme of things, a few GB is tiny these days. It became a bit more noticeable when backing up said world to an HDD though, which is primarily where I noticed it.
If we're counting worlds explored through manual travel, I think my current hardcore world that I've explored on foot (no elytra allowed) is one of my largest worlds I've ever created? It's 5.38 GB.
My first (failed) hardcore world where I did use elytra is 3.01 GB.
The world that used to be 10 GB (my original long term world) was trimmed when I updated it to 1.19 (because the terrain blending feature would now allow me to avoid the chunk transitions), so it's down to 2.64 GB now.
My second long term world is my largest at 6.43 GB. In my non-hardcore worlds, I tend to generate a lot of terrain, with pre-generation before or with elytra now. I find it useful for having that surface level information accessible in third party map applications (like UnMined) to plan my worlds or plan my adventures.
So boats and horses (as well as Donkeys, Mules, and probably Llamas and Pigs), are probably the easiest methods of travel, with the least amount of bugs or issues related to them.
Elytras are usually seen as the best method, since you can travel large distances with minimal setup. Rockets are fairly easy to come by with the right foresight.
Minecarts just seem to be left in the dust because of the set up needed to use them. Unless you have spare Iron from mining or an Iron farm, or have raided several mineshafts, setting a system up seems pointless when you can just tame a horse and move about as fast with enough luck in the right stats.
Tridents and Elytra (using both at the same time) are only useful in water, or rain.
Boats on Ice, again, requires set up beforehand to use effectively. But when used in the Nether, becomes probably one of the better transportation methods.
Me personally, I just use the /tp command. I generally only use it to get from one spot to another after walking there, or using one of the easier methods to get from place to place. Using an Elytra, chunks don't load fast enough on my computer so I end up flying into things and dying too easy. I'm also lazy, so doing any kind of real set up for Nether boating, or minecarts is not something I want to invest time in. Horses and similar ilk are too slow.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times, hold up, rewind, That's not even possible.
Using the ignore feature here is kinda weird.
I think minecraft should make the Minecart with furnace useful by making him pushing the minecart even faster (not too much), or just making minecart faster... like maybe 16 blocs per second?
I still use minecarts in my immediate area of my long-term world, and have a whole complete circuit that runs through the 3 - 4 different parts of the world. From the main home to the Chunk Plaza station, from there to the halfway house. Monorail from the halfway house to the castle, regular minecart line from the castle back to the church and the last line from the church to back home. With various other ice lines,
I tend to use my elytra mainly for wider adventuring - and boat. Sometimes there's still nothing like just setting out across the ocean on a boat, you can keep them in your inventory for walking too. Again, horses and donleys have the problems of going over water and snagging on trees. Thus my horses and donkeys tend to sit at home these days with any fur/hair going gray from old age. For someone that has constantly updated his world and not stuck to one version, I have always had to do the "go to new chunks" to find some of the new stuff added to the game, Only keeping areas where important things are as in previus times the forld has been 4 - 7GB. Now I can keep a world download at a trim 1.56Gb roughly.
As for making Elytra harder to get, they are end game materials, and I personally think it's enough work to get them, and you do have to put the intita; work in, beat the dragon, go find end cities, I think the key thing is NOT to make them to easy to get the way armor, particularly diamond armor has become via trading. Why put in all the hard work and mine when you can just buy your gear and tools? If your speedrunning that's one thing, but armor shouldn't be so easy to get IMo of trading. I know I worked and mined for my armor and built it up at the time (1.14.2) without the need to have to downgrade a world, ever.
Unpopular opinion? Upgrading to nethertite was fine as it was, now all this things with templates just to convert from diamond to netherite is a bit too overblown now. This however is going off at a tagent, so I will end there and try to keep to the topic of transportation.
Closed old thread
16yrs+ only