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time is of the essence
NamePerson was_taken
Quote from NamePers0n» time is of the essence
What is this, you loaded a 1.14 world in Alpha 0.8? You applied a 0.8 texture to 1.14 and then edited the F3 or edited the screenshot? What are you trying to say with this enigmatic sentence?
Nah, just found a mod that combines beta and modern Minecraft, it's called Modern Beta
Quote from NamePers0n» Nah, just found a mod that combines beta and modern Minecraft, it's called Modern Beta
Well maybe it would be pertinent to say that next time in the original post instead of cryptic idiom + dots. Cool.
time is of the essence
NamePerson was_taken
What is this, you loaded a 1.14 world in Alpha 0.8? You applied a 0.8 texture to 1.14 and then edited the F3 or edited the screenshot?
What are you trying to say with this enigmatic sentence?
Nah, just found a mod that combines beta and modern Minecraft, it's called Modern Beta
NamePerson was_taken
Well maybe it would be pertinent to say that next time in the original post instead of cryptic idiom + dots.