Whats the point in moderating chat for communities who moderate themselves? I can already see a plethora of dodgy workarounds to stop servers from sending UUID's, servers treating all messages as system messages to stop reporting etc. Whats the point in providing server files if you have to play by their policy anyway? This is by far the most worrying thing about microsofts takeover.
Make your voices heard! We do not want chat moderation!
As a side note, I'd like to see Bedrock lean more towards optional censorship for private servers, rather than having a report system do it for them. It's annoying, trying to name a weapon for it to only be deemed "inappropriate," cause there's an "ass" in "assassin." Would like to see this worked on.
Whats the point in moderating chat for communities who moderate themselves? I can already see a plethora of dodgy workarounds to stop servers from sending UUID's, servers treating all messages as system messages to stop reporting etc. Whats the point in providing server files if you have to play by their policy anyway? This is by far the most worrying thing about microsofts takeover.
Make your voices heard! We do not want chat moderation!
Couldn't of said it better, I really hope it doesn't come to that though...The Regular game on the PC is thankfully not moderated!
- "The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us." - Voltaire
As a side note, I'd like to see Bedrock lean more towards optional censorship for private servers, rather than having a report system do it for them. It's annoying, trying to name a weapon for it to only be deemed "inappropriate," cause there's an "ass" in "assassin." Would like to see this worked on.