Hey guys, I guess I'm one of the many out there struggling watching their favorite game slowly fall away from them. I've been playing since 2012 so I've seen it in all of its glory. The game is still great and the improvements typically better the game and community. It's just that the magic is gone for me. I logged into a server I played for 3-4 years and used to have about 300+ online all the time and it was dead with something like 50. The game makes me sad to play now. Heck, I even went back and watched some old YT videos for the nostalgia.
I struggle to feel the magic of the game. What do you guys do to keep the magic and the heart of it alive?
Believe me, I used to play on two different servers about 5 or 6 years ago that also had 300+ at any given time but now struggle to get 25. I also built some really amazing things on them over the years. My top tip: all servers die, all games die. What I like to do is when I see that the time comes, I take screenshots of all my builds and I also try to get the contact information of people I became partial towards. At least you can move on as a community that way.
Other than that I really just play modded packs w/ quests nowadays. I was always a Minecraft loner, but I just enjoy grinding away for hours on end in some of the tough ones. Try some of those packs with friends though.
I'm feeling my time with Minecraft lessening these days. I used to love it about 1-2 years ago around 1.11 at least. But 1.12.2 was the version that made me go, eh/*shrug* I don't know about playing it anymore/staying with the community. The only things I do with the game now is: 1.make modpacks, 2.test mods for Rift & Fabric (the only reason I even use my launchers these days really) aka test mods and datapacks for 1.13/1.14 versions of the game if your unfamiliar with Rift & Fabric Modloaders. 3.stick with community content of the adventure map, datapacks and mod varieties. Otherwise I don't bother with survivals too much anymore for anything between 1.2.5 to 1.12.2 like I used to.
These days I only make wikis for mods or sometimes look up the odd things in the community (edited to include this these red coloured sentences/paragraphs of 24th May 2023). Then again I made obviously the various forums I have in my signature too as just mod updates, an archive for Liteloader mods and I make wikis nowadays pretty much besides only strictly Legacy Fabric/Cursed Fabric mod posts and that's about it.
But I just made videos on mods and other fan content during 2018 to 2021. I liked seeing what the community offered. Snapshots were fine but Fabric mods on snapshots made me keep up with them as the snapshots themselves were fine but not exciting to me as much update to update. Obviously I kept helping out niche and upcoming mod makers, I made let's plays for a few versions and archived some dead mods with my modpacks which is nice.
Fan content kept me going. If it wasn't for Rift/Fabric I'd have given up as to me Forge modding/Liteloader modding was fine but it wasn't getting that exciting you see some for 1.8 to 1.10.2 with niche mods as big ones and you've seen them all. Some inbetween sure were exciting but only so many ideas come around after a while. While sure Rift/Fabric aren't that different from mod offerings (even if code is and performance differences) it made covering content as a creator interesting to me going oh what's this offer I guess.
I mean even the Fabric projects made me go oh cool, make wikis/videos on them and see legacy fabric, jumploader, cursed fabric, patchwork/forgework API, Fabriccraft the ForgeCraft like mod author server experience was so cool to put to video sure people get busy but hey who can say they experienced a forgecraft like experience it was really cool see work in progress 1.16.2 mods at the time and i made my own mockup release versions of the mods modpack at the time I loved bringing that experience to video form for players to see just like playing out a Direwolf20/others video but for Fabric mods that were up and coming.
I got into supporting Forge projects like APortingCore as a 1.7.10 with 1.8 mods project, I helped out with the Asphodel Meadows and other SirPumpkinStein datapacks for a brief amount of time hanging out, giving feedback and making videos on content/how to play the datapack, I didn't help with the development just suggestions. Then when making this post and even now I collect physical games for retro/current consoles so there is also that. Minecraft is far from the only game I play.
I had a lot of fun from 1.13 to 1.17 Pre-Releases. While now I just make wikis and see what the community is up to these days as too busy to play the game or got other games I'd rather play right now.
If it wasn't for 1.13/1.14 modloaders/datapacks I'd have quit the game already but I find them interesting enough to keep me in the community and sometimes check out the snapshots (obviously 1.14 at the moment) even if the mods are literally things I've witnessed before already, while others sometimes make me go 'well that's cool' and stick around a bit longer.
The game is still great, just I've not played a game so much or came back to it/find updates for it as much as Minecraft. Even my nostalgic games of the past I drop because I just can't anymore. Either to break away from nostalgia or I just can't be bothered anymore with them and am looking for other things to play/do. I've not put as many hours in Minecraft compared to any game ever so. Starting from 1.4.5 and experiencing almost everything I can of the game vanilla or community content wise besides coding my own mod compared to making mods with Mcreator I've somewhat done. Or using minetweaker/crafttweaker, world edit and other third party tools I feel I've played every version I care to play for mods or just vanilla and otherwise don't have much else to say about it and I just stick around really. Even 1.7.10 I started to feel it a bit when I was going for addons of mods before making my way to the niche downloads/other creative mod ideas people had and I got into more niche community content, games and other things and I still do these days since I appreciate them more than the things out I know about already or don't care to try out because I know I don't like it.
For youtube videos I only watch snapshot or community discussion now, no Let's Plays or anything since they don't have the mods I'm looking for since I've gone to the 'niche and other side' rather than the same mainstream mods I've seen and played for years now. I make youtube videos on 1.13/1.14 modloaders and mods and datapacks these days with tutorials and mod spotlights. I even struggle to find time to cover the mods I want to in a Let's Play since I just can't get motivated to do so which would save my 'no one plays the mods I'm into thing yes'. Either due to time or mining and finding the resources to do mods gets tedious for me and I rarely mix up world gen either since I don't get much out of it or the game crashes if I change it up too much. And after using mods I know what works for me usually to come to this point. I don't do much else really anymore. But I stick around. Never stuck with a game for 5+ years constantly before but I'm feeling it now the need to just give up or take a bigger rest than I do and come back.
Become a storyteller, using Minecraft as your set. Even if you don't share it with others, you can create a world of your own. There's even some nifty tools (which are intended more for tabletop gaming) to help you out, such as World Anvil.
My interest has definitely lessened, but not gone. This also has nothing to do with the game having gone a bad route; it's purely because I've been playing it on and off since 2012 and it's more or less the same things (not a bad thing at all) despite the many, many changes. It helps to play other games, but other than that, my interest stayed because I play Minecraft SPECIFICALLY for my one world, so I really play my own custom story and world as a sort of RPG and explorer building the world up and making a history rather than anything else. My interest wanes on and off, but I haven't quit.
I played a bunch through about 2012 and had an absolute blast doing it! I've since taken about a 7 year break but recently found a new way to make it fun again. My friends and I have started streaming together and uploading a multiplayer series to youtube and if you're into that stuff I would highly recommend you do that too! It not only gives the game a new sort of purpose but it also makes it fun for your friends and you again!
I've been playing the game pretty much the same way for nearly 6 years with at least 5,600 hours of playtime, even on the same version (I started playing on 1.5.1 and have never updated past 1.6.4; the only real change in 1.6 for me is coal blocks), with a relatively simple playstyle that most would find to be boring, yet I find it just as fun and play as much as I did years ago; in fact, I've even recently broken years-old personal records, while my last modded world averaged the most playtime per session of any world (ranging from 2.59 to 3.85 hours per session, nearly every day).
That said, one factor may be that I can make my own mods to add my own content into the game, making it just the way I like it and having more fun making the mods themselves than actually playing with them (I actually don't really need most of what I've added in TMCW; most of my playtime is on my first world, which is basically vanilla plus a few minor tweaks; likewise, my current world is a recreation of an early modded world which only changed cave generation and the spawn point/world type in the same seed as my first world, same for quite a few of my earlier worlds where I also just bypassed most of the game (getting resources and all that) by copying over a base and items).
All those saying "mc isn't good anymore it was better back when I was playing at version blah blah blah",like another person said up there, you've simply gotten bored cuz you've been playing for too darn long.It's not the game going bad it's you having played it for years and eventually started losing interest.Don't you find it weird that there's not a single version people claiming mc was good at but like almost all of them?It's not that those versions are any better than the rest, it's that those players started playing at those versions.Minecraft is getting better even if me and you don't like the new versions, we've already been playing for years already so it's normal.
Over the years I've mostly played vanilla and have come and go. But recently I've jumped into modded Minecraft and it's like a brand new game. Now I build engineered kingdoms.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I usually like to play on economy servers that get resets ever now and then which makes it fun to start a new. I like to build large farms that make a lot of money and rank up and stuff and make shops that have products I get from my farms. I really enjoy it. And I like to make fun builds around my farm. I’ve been playing since early 2012.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Build a town with all the buildings a town needs. Make houses, stores, restaurants, and forest reserves. Also build roads with sidewalks and place a bunch of villagers to make it seem more lively.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Upplands Väsby
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Upplands Väsby, Sweden
Avion Photon
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Sadly I haven't lately.. Tried so much to get someone to play on my world on survival world on Realms, I think I got burnt out. Together with real-life stuff, being unemployed for many months, asking for social aid to have food and pay rent etc. Also I have this idea for a game which would be a combination of a top-view RTS and FP action+sandbox that just won't leave me alone. Basically the game would combine something like Starcraft, a MOBA (A.I. conflict), but have a reverse take on most such games; for the players ending the conflict would be the aim, leaving the game in something like Minecraft survival on peaceful. Would take I don't know, 15 years to make though? Feels crazy and I just don't know where to go with it.
I was just replying to another thread like this, but I'll sum up my thoughts here.
The community around minecraft has changed over time and I think it's largely drifted away from factions and economy servers into mainly minigames. Right now, around 1 AM EST mc.hypixel.net has nearly 15000 players online for example and I'm not sure they do anything else anymore. There are still a lot of players playing, but the community has changed.
As for specific advice, I'd say hold onto that nostalgia and invite some friends to play with you. Just because the larger community has moved on that doesn't mean that you have to join them.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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That seems to be the problem isn't it? A lot of us just don't feel Minecraft is the same and It ain't an issue of we've just gotten bored of the game or anything along that lines as we still find fun doing things in older versions or made from older versions of the community. It ain't just a small amount of us growing old either a lot people talk about this so many videos are out about it so its obvious its agreed upon by multiple people. The real issue is I don't really think anyone's trying to ask why, we know its different the updates don't feel the same but what about them isn't the same? And I think I finally have my answer. Minecraft's development direction has completely changed, Minecraft's not the same anymore as it once was and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. What I mean by this is when was the last time you felt effort for collecting diamonds, or really thought there was a value to exploring and collecting chest loot? Diamonds and diamond tools now have so many ways to become accessible and because their are not only enchantments but ways to get them for cheap (trading) the effort to get them doesn't feel worth anything anymore. One of the things I think most people enjoyed about Minecraft wasn't just its freedom of creativity and sandbox aspects, but the fact that the genuine effort put into such feats that now are more attainable actually made it feel like you achieved something and that such goals were worth putting time into. Before the age of automatic farms or crater making machines massive builds and projects were but a fantasy, something beyond the scopes of those but the most dedicated of mad-lads. Now with pickaxes that shred through chunks and the ability to require less work for it just makes those things seem trivial and only the larger among scales that are within the 1000's of chunks are really worth anything anymore. And the only things in the game that make you work for it (such as Netherite) don't give you much as a reward bragging rights only went so far because It still was worth something, and its not better that it downplays the value of diamonds even more making you really question if you can have villagers that mass produce the stuff for no effort, and machines that can make any form of hard work easy as hell what really has value to be putting your time in nowadays?
Hey guys, I guess I'm one of the many out there struggling watching their favorite game slowly fall away from them. I've been playing since 2012 so I've seen it in all of its glory. The game is still great and the improvements typically better the game and community. It's just that the magic is gone for me. I logged into a server I played for 3-4 years and used to have about 300+ online all the time and it was dead with something like 50. The game makes me sad to play now. Heck, I even went back and watched some old YT videos for the nostalgia.
I struggle to feel the magic of the game. What do you guys do to keep the magic and the heart of it alive?
I build. I have a massive underground hive thingy that I've been working on forever and will probably just turn into a never-ending project.
Believe me, I used to play on two different servers about 5 or 6 years ago that also had 300+ at any given time but now struggle to get 25. I also built some really amazing things on them over the years. My top tip: all servers die, all games die. What I like to do is when I see that the time comes, I take screenshots of all my builds and I also try to get the contact information of people I became partial towards. At least you can move on as a community that way.
Other than that I really just play modded packs w/ quests nowadays. I was always a Minecraft loner, but I just enjoy grinding away for hours on end in some of the tough ones. Try some of those packs with friends though.
I'm feeling my time with Minecraft lessening these days. I used to love it about 1-2 years ago around 1.11 at least. But 1.12.2 was the version that made me go, eh/*shrug* I don't know about playing it anymore/staying with the community. The only things I do with the game now is: 1.make modpacks, 2.test mods for Rift & Fabric (the only reason I even use my launchers these days really) aka test mods and datapacks for 1.13/1.14 versions of the game if your unfamiliar with Rift & Fabric Modloaders. 3.stick with community content of the adventure map, datapacks and mod varieties. Otherwise I don't bother with survivals too much anymore for anything between 1.2.5 to 1.12.2 like I used to.
These days I only make wikis for mods or sometimes look up the odd things in the community (edited to include this these red coloured sentences/paragraphs of 24th May 2023). Then again I made obviously the various forums I have in my signature too as just mod updates, an archive for Liteloader mods and I make wikis nowadays pretty much besides only strictly Legacy Fabric/Cursed Fabric mod posts and that's about it.
But I just made videos on mods and other fan content during 2018 to 2021. I liked seeing what the community offered. Snapshots were fine but Fabric mods on snapshots made me keep up with them as the snapshots themselves were fine but not exciting to me as much update to update. Obviously I kept helping out niche and upcoming mod makers, I made let's plays for a few versions and archived some dead mods with my modpacks which is nice.
Fan content kept me going. If it wasn't for Rift/Fabric I'd have given up as to me Forge modding/Liteloader modding was fine but it wasn't getting that exciting you see some for 1.8 to 1.10.2 with niche mods as big ones and you've seen them all. Some inbetween sure were exciting but only so many ideas come around after a while. While sure Rift/Fabric aren't that different from mod offerings (even if code is and performance differences) it made covering content as a creator interesting to me going oh what's this offer I guess.
I mean even the Fabric projects made me go oh cool, make wikis/videos on them and see legacy fabric, jumploader, cursed fabric, patchwork/forgework API, Fabriccraft the ForgeCraft like mod author server experience was so cool to put to video sure people get busy but hey who can say they experienced a forgecraft like experience it was really cool see work in progress 1.16.2 mods at the time and i made my own mockup release versions of the mods modpack at the time I loved bringing that experience to video form for players to see just like playing out a Direwolf20/others video but for Fabric mods that were up and coming.
I got into supporting Forge projects like APortingCore as a 1.7.10 with 1.8 mods project, I helped out with the Asphodel Meadows and other SirPumpkinStein datapacks for a brief amount of time hanging out, giving feedback and making videos on content/how to play the datapack, I didn't help with the development just suggestions. Then when making this post and even now I collect physical games for retro/current consoles so there is also that. Minecraft is far from the only game I play.
I had a lot of fun from 1.13 to 1.17 Pre-Releases. While now I just make wikis and see what the community is up to these days as too busy to play the game or got other games I'd rather play right now.
If it wasn't for 1.13/1.14 modloaders/datapacks I'd have quit the game already but I find them interesting enough to keep me in the community and sometimes check out the snapshots (obviously 1.14 at the moment) even if the mods are literally things I've witnessed before already, while others sometimes make me go 'well that's cool' and stick around a bit longer.
The game is still great, just I've not played a game so much or came back to it/find updates for it as much as Minecraft. Even my nostalgic games of the past I drop because I just can't anymore. Either to break away from nostalgia or I just can't be bothered anymore with them and am looking for other things to play/do. I've not put as many hours in Minecraft compared to any game ever so. Starting from 1.4.5 and experiencing almost everything I can of the game vanilla or community content wise besides coding my own mod compared to making mods with Mcreator I've somewhat done. Or using minetweaker/crafttweaker, world edit and other third party tools I feel I've played every version I care to play for mods or just vanilla and otherwise don't have much else to say about it and I just stick around really. Even 1.7.10 I started to feel it a bit when I was going for addons of mods before making my way to the niche downloads/other creative mod ideas people had and I got into more niche community content, games and other things and I still do these days since I appreciate them more than the things out I know about already or don't care to try out because I know I don't like it.
For youtube videos I only watch snapshot or community discussion now, no Let's Plays or anything since they don't have the mods I'm looking for since I've gone to the 'niche and other side' rather than the same mainstream mods I've seen and played for years now. I make youtube videos on 1.13/1.14 modloaders and mods and datapacks these days with tutorials and mod spotlights. I even struggle to find time to cover the mods I want to in a Let's Play since I just can't get motivated to do so which would save my 'no one plays the mods I'm into thing yes'. Either due to time or mining and finding the resources to do mods gets tedious for me and I rarely mix up world gen either since I don't get much out of it or the game crashes if I change it up too much. And after using mods I know what works for me usually to come to this point. I don't do much else really anymore. But I stick around. Never stuck with a game for 5+ years constantly before but I'm feeling it now the need to just give up or take a bigger rest than I do and come back.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Become a storyteller, using Minecraft as your set. Even if you don't share it with others, you can create a world of your own. There's even some nifty tools (which are intended more for tabletop gaming) to help you out, such as World Anvil.
My interest has definitely lessened, but not gone. This also has nothing to do with the game having gone a bad route; it's purely because I've been playing it on and off since 2012 and it's more or less the same things (not a bad thing at all) despite the many, many changes. It helps to play other games, but other than that, my interest stayed because I play Minecraft SPECIFICALLY for my one world, so I really play my own custom story and world as a sort of RPG and explorer building the world up and making a history rather than anything else. My interest wanes on and off, but I haven't quit.
I played a bunch through about 2012 and had an absolute blast doing it! I've since taken about a 7 year break but recently found a new way to make it fun again. My friends and I have started streaming together and uploading a multiplayer series to youtube and if you're into that stuff I would highly recommend you do that too! It not only gives the game a new sort of purpose but it also makes it fun for your friends and you again!
Check us out on YouTube!
I've been playing the game pretty much the same way for nearly 6 years with at least 5,600 hours of playtime, even on the same version (I started playing on 1.5.1 and have never updated past 1.6.4; the only real change in 1.6 for me is coal blocks), with a relatively simple playstyle that most would find to be boring, yet I find it just as fun and play as much as I did years ago; in fact, I've even recently broken years-old personal records, while my last modded world averaged the most playtime per session of any world (ranging from 2.59 to 3.85 hours per session, nearly every day).
That said, one factor may be that I can make my own mods to add my own content into the game, making it just the way I like it and having more fun making the mods themselves than actually playing with them (I actually don't really need most of what I've added in TMCW; most of my playtime is on my first world, which is basically vanilla plus a few minor tweaks; likewise, my current world is a recreation of an early modded world which only changed cave generation and the spawn point/world type in the same seed as my first world, same for quite a few of my earlier worlds where I also just bypassed most of the game (getting resources and all that) by copying over a base and items).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Uhh .. For me .. I work on an MMORPG Server basically to bring new features in Minecraft.
I enjoy working now more than playing.
All those saying "mc isn't good anymore it was better back when I was playing at version blah blah blah",like another person said up there, you've simply gotten bored cuz you've been playing for too darn long.It's not the game going bad it's you having played it for years and eventually started losing interest.Don't you find it weird that there's not a single version people claiming mc was good at but like almost all of them?It's not that those versions are any better than the rest, it's that those players started playing at those versions.Minecraft is getting better even if me and you don't like the new versions, we've already been playing for years already so it's normal.
I scored 73% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
<a href="http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english"><img src="http://img.10fastfingers.com/badge/typing-test_1_CD.png" alt="Typing Test" /></a><p>Visit the <a href="http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english">Typing Test</a> and try!</p>
Over the years I've mostly played vanilla and have come and go. But recently I've jumped into modded Minecraft and it's like a brand new game. Now I build engineered kingdoms.
I usually like to play on economy servers that get resets ever now and then which makes it fun to start a new. I like to build large farms that make a lot of money and rank up and stuff and make shops that have products I get from my farms. I really enjoy it. And I like to make fun builds around my farm. I’ve been playing since early 2012.
Build a town with all the buildings a town needs. Make houses, stores, restaurants, and forest reserves. Also build roads with sidewalks and place a bunch of villagers to make it seem more lively.
Sadly I haven't lately.. Tried so much to get someone to play on my world on survival world on Realms, I think I got burnt out. Together with real-life stuff, being unemployed for many months, asking for social aid to have food and pay rent etc. Also I have this idea for a game which would be a combination of a top-view RTS and FP action+sandbox that just won't leave me alone. Basically the game would combine something like Starcraft, a MOBA (A.I. conflict), but have a reverse take on most such games; for the players ending the conflict would be the aim, leaving the game in something like Minecraft survival on peaceful. Would take I don't know, 15 years to make though? Feels crazy and I just don't know where to go with it.
PMC's Pumpkin Carving Solo Contest Entry
I was just replying to another thread like this, but I'll sum up my thoughts here.
The community around minecraft has changed over time and I think it's largely drifted away from factions and economy servers into mainly minigames. Right now, around 1 AM EST mc.hypixel.net has nearly 15000 players online for example and I'm not sure they do anything else anymore. There are still a lot of players playing, but the community has changed.
As for specific advice, I'd say hold onto that nostalgia and invite some friends to play with you. Just because the larger community has moved on that doesn't mean that you have to join them.
That seems to be the problem isn't it? A lot of us just don't feel Minecraft is the same and It ain't an issue of we've just gotten bored of the game or anything along that lines as we still find fun doing things in older versions or made from older versions of the community. It ain't just a small amount of us growing old either a lot people talk about this so many videos are out about it so its obvious its agreed upon by multiple people. The real issue is I don't really think anyone's trying to ask why, we know its different the updates don't feel the same but what about them isn't the same? And I think I finally have my answer. Minecraft's development direction has completely changed, Minecraft's not the same anymore as it once was and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. What I mean by this is when was the last time you felt effort for collecting diamonds, or really thought there was a value to exploring and collecting chest loot? Diamonds and diamond tools now have so many ways to become accessible and because their are not only enchantments but ways to get them for cheap (trading) the effort to get them doesn't feel worth anything anymore. One of the things I think most people enjoyed about Minecraft wasn't just its freedom of creativity and sandbox aspects, but the fact that the genuine effort put into such feats that now are more attainable actually made it feel like you achieved something and that such goals were worth putting time into. Before the age of automatic farms or crater making machines massive builds and projects were but a fantasy, something beyond the scopes of those but the most dedicated of mad-lads. Now with pickaxes that shred through chunks and the ability to require less work for it just makes those things seem trivial and only the larger among scales that are within the 1000's of chunks are really worth anything anymore. And the only things in the game that make you work for it (such as Netherite) don't give you much as a reward bragging rights only went so far because It still was worth something, and its not better that it downplays the value of diamonds even more making you really question if you can have villagers that mass produce the stuff for no effort, and machines that can make any form of hard work easy as hell what really has value to be putting your time in nowadays?
Structures make up most of my interest.