Well, obviously, my house. the initial version. Since then, it was reconstructed and added to it many times, but everything happened long time ago and since then I've build another one, much larger. My new house doesn't have everything in it yet, but my old house is not used that much. And it is still where it was back then, when I started. That house will remain there, as a museum. Basically, everything there will remain, only chests will be emptied.
Back then, it was oak planks. Obviously. Then, cobble stone. Then rebuild again, with stone. Yes, stone itself, not stone bricks. Then add another part. There is also very slim tower, the diorite tower, very first to reach build limit, with special end on top. Some time after, it was rebuild again with stone bricks, old staircase has been removed, new central one done, new section 2× larger than previous build was added, then later on, the roof has been modified, I had nether portal on it, that has later moved somewhere else, to it's own building…
Yeah, there is history. And the same, maybe even more, is with the very next building I built. Vertical animal farm. It was pretty large for it's time it was built very early on, and I use it since then. that means additions, modernizations, expansions… However, it's in crammed space, so there are limitations with what I can do. Maybe, one day, I build new one. With modern parameters. But currently, I don't even have land…
I remember building a base into a mountain. The top of the mountain was more of a plateau, so I had a farm up there. I had to use a door to keep mobs off my plants (pre fence gate days) and I built a river for fast transport between that base and a snow area I liked (pre rivers in world gen). I had a chest of porkchops and I remember making a special altar when cakes were released to admire the fancy new food. I also recall setting up some tracks and using the old minecart speed glitch to propel my cart out to a tree house. Good times
My first that I kept was a basic generic, square cobble fort on top of a mountain. No terraforming. Just built as is on the first day. I spawned way back on the beach below far behind the first picture.
Starting fort: Spawned on the beach way back from this mountain top.
Following morning I built the bridge across, and a wooden hut on the next mountain top. It was very empty though - cobble floor awful fake looking stove and a dirt ceiling/roof with glass block skylights here and there. Not in shapes, just a glass block here and there on it's own in the ceiling.
The next day I made the bridge wider and added fences to the sides of the bridge for safety whilst finishing the home.The next bridge (Originally I wanted to be glass) ended up cobble and x3 times longer across the sky to the next mountain top and next fort home.) In hindsight now it wasn't a good place to build and was very narrow inside
After the 3rd home, I got burnt out and left it for 4/5 months before going back to it; leaving all the overworld buildings and converting a huge cave between mountains #1 & #2.
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
Ignoring the literal (a part dirt/part cobble hovel dug partly into a hill, or the 'staircase mine' down from it), I think a mob farm…
A very simple affair it was; comprised of a 2x2 dark hall a couple of chunks long with a 1x2 bottom-slab floored/ top-slab roofed corridor that let me fail away at anything that spawned in it. (The other side of the corridor had a 3 wide dark hall added a coupla of days later — with a second killing/collection corridor on the far side when I came to understand the rules for spider spawning… :facepalm: )
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why does everything have to be so stoopid?" Harvey Pekar (from American Splendor)
WARNING: I have an extemely "grindy" playstyle; YMMV — if this doesn't seem fun to you, mine what you can from it & bin the rest.
I barely remember my first, I remember my first built upon structure build I did and am still very fond of it that I made a video about it.
But otherwise I don't remember my first before that one. It was probably a cave I dug out or a simple house, which I usually still do these days as I'm not much of a builder really and use it just to store things due to being a modded player rather than come up with ideas to add flare or improve it for various reasons due to a lack of ideas to add to it or function which I sometimes or always go for.
First Major Additions to a structure (Desert Temple, and are my favourite Minecraft structure to renovate and improve upon these days, but I struggle to find them as Minecraft versions have gone on as well as Desert biomes infrequently) to live in I remember fondly, but not my first build, no way would my first build proper 'not building it myself from scratch' be like this.
This was back in 1.4.5 ok just to clarify. Which is the start of my Minecraft Java Edition beginning. So the version I started in was correct for first, but the build was a bit later than this I think. I still have Worlds 1, 2 & 3 I believe. As I think this was my second world?
I called it 'World 2' though and World 1 was pretty average and just for adjusting to the controls or a few things I think. But World 2 I keep dear to me anyways that I make sure to bring it forward in updates sometimes but never do much with it otherwise and keep it for memories rather than adding to it since I don't have much other ideas to add to it.
Not anymore anyways.
Part 1 of Tour:
Part 2 of Tour:
Ok, I just went back to World 1 to see what it was like, and this was what I built. It's basic but it fits what I do now, digging out stone and putting a bit around it, or chest purpose (function) over great ideas. And World 3 I believe was just me trying out enchantments in a jungle. That world I do remember surprisingly well for it being barely anything at all. Weird. Anyways. That's my builds/world I guess. From simple, to renovation of a Desert Temple, to more builds being the World 1 style 'FOREVER'.
World 1 images below, I loaded the world in 1.13.2 since 1.14 snapshots just didn't work out for me to load me in the proper place but 1.13.2 loaded the 1.4.5 well so go figure there. Thought I'd have to load it in 1.11 or 1.12 like I did my World 2 video being in 1.11 as the 'bring forward version'.
I playMinecraft game since 2012 and surely built more than 1,000 things. You?
Well, obviously, my house. the initial version. Since then, it was reconstructed and added to it many times, but everything happened long time ago and since then I've build another one, much larger. My new house doesn't have everything in it yet, but my old house is not used that much. And it is still where it was back then, when I started. That house will remain there, as a museum. Basically, everything there will remain, only chests will be emptied.
Back then, it was oak planks. Obviously. Then, cobble stone. Then rebuild again, with stone. Yes, stone itself, not stone bricks. Then add another part. There is also very slim tower, the diorite tower, very first to reach build limit, with special end on top. Some time after, it was rebuild again with stone bricks, old staircase has been removed, new central one done, new section 2× larger than previous build was added, then later on, the roof has been modified, I had nether portal on it, that has later moved somewhere else, to it's own building…
Yeah, there is history. And the same, maybe even more, is with the very next building I built. Vertical animal farm. It was pretty large for it's time it was built very early on, and I use it since then. that means additions, modernizations, expansions… However, it's in crammed space, so there are limitations with what I can do. Maybe, one day, I build new one. With modern parameters. But currently, I don't even have land…
I remember building a base into a mountain. The top of the mountain was more of a plateau, so I had a farm up there. I had to use a door to keep mobs off my plants (pre fence gate days) and I built a river for fast transport between that base and a snow area I liked (pre rivers in world gen). I had a chest of porkchops and I remember making a special altar when cakes were released to admire the fancy new food. I also recall setting up some tracks and using the old minecart speed glitch to propel my cart out to a tree house. Good times
My first that I kept was a basic generic, square cobble fort on top of a mountain. No terraforming. Just built as is on the first day. I spawned way back on the beach below far behind the first picture.
Following morning I built the bridge across, and a wooden hut on the next mountain top. It was very empty though - cobble floor awful fake looking stove and a dirt ceiling/roof with glass block skylights here and there. Not in shapes, just a glass block here and there on it's own in the ceiling.
The next day I made the bridge wider and added fences to the sides of the bridge for safety whilst finishing the home.The next bridge (Originally I wanted to be glass) ended up cobble and x3 times longer across the sky to the next mountain top and next fort home.) In hindsight now it wasn't a good place to build and was very narrow inside
After the 3rd home, I got burnt out and left it for 4/5 months before going back to it; leaving all the overworld buildings and converting a huge cave between mountains #1 & #2.
Initial pic:
Closed old thread
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
16yrs+ only
Ignoring the literal (a part dirt/part cobble hovel dug partly into a hill, or the 'staircase mine' down from it), I think a mob farm…
A very simple affair it was; comprised of a 2x2 dark hall a couple of chunks long with a 1x2 bottom-slab floored/ top-slab roofed corridor that let me fail away at anything that spawned in it. (The other side of the corridor had a 3 wide dark hall added a coupla of days later — with a second killing/collection corridor on the far side when I came to understand the rules for spider spawning… :facepalm: )
I barely remember my first, I remember my first built upon structure build I did and am still very fond of it that I made a video about it.
But otherwise I don't remember my first before that one. It was probably a cave I dug out or a simple house, which I usually still do these days as I'm not much of a builder really and use it just to store things due to being a modded player rather than come up with ideas to add flare or improve it for various reasons due to a lack of ideas to add to it or function which I sometimes or always go for.
First Major Additions to a structure (Desert Temple, and are my favourite Minecraft structure to renovate and improve upon these days, but I struggle to find them as Minecraft versions have gone on as well as Desert biomes infrequently) to live in I remember fondly, but not my first build, no way would my first build proper 'not building it myself from scratch' be like this.
This was back in 1.4.5 ok just to clarify. Which is the start of my Minecraft Java Edition beginning. So the version I started in was correct for first, but the build was a bit later than this I think. I still have Worlds 1, 2 & 3 I believe. As I think this was my second world?
I called it 'World 2' though and World 1 was pretty average and just for adjusting to the controls or a few things I think. But World 2 I keep dear to me anyways that I make sure to bring it forward in updates sometimes but never do much with it otherwise and keep it for memories rather than adding to it since I don't have much other ideas to add to it.
Not anymore anyways.
Part 1 of Tour:
Part 2 of Tour:
Ok, I just went back to World 1 to see what it was like, and this was what I built. It's basic but it fits what I do now, digging out stone and putting a bit around it, or chest purpose (function) over great ideas. And World 3 I believe was just me trying out enchantments in a jungle. That world I do remember surprisingly well for it being barely anything at all. Weird. Anyways. That's my builds/world I guess. From simple, to renovation of a Desert Temple, to more builds being the World 1 style 'FOREVER'.
World 1 images below, I loaded the world in 1.13.2 since 1.14 snapshots just didn't work out for me to load me in the proper place but 1.13.2 loaded the 1.4.5 well so go figure there. Thought I'd have to load it in 1.11 or 1.12 like I did my World 2 video being in 1.11 as the 'bring forward version'.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
I made a staircase out of planks and dirt on my Xbox 360 tutorial world. I still have the world.
I don't even play Minecraft much anymore yet here I am on the Minecraft forums for some reason...