So basically, whats the point of multiplayer? i dont get it at all, i joined a server and could do nothing, or maybe lost, i spawned in a city, couldnt break any block and didnt understand nothing in the chat
So basically, whats the point of multiplayer? i dont get it at all, i joined a server and could do nothing, or maybe lost, i spawned in a city, couldnt break any block and didnt understand nothing in the chat
If you've ever played Garry's mod, you can kind of relate this to Minecraft multiplayer. There are many different kinds of servers and they won't all be the same. Some servers host minigames you can play with others, some are PvP factions where you join groups to fight other players, some are moddec pve survival where you will be progressing in the game while playing with other players. There are still tons of other options, so its hard to ask your question.
On a more serious note, it sounds like you would prefer a SMP server, which is a multiplayer Survival Mode server. Do some poking around, you might find a good one.
So basically, whats the point of multiplayer? i dont get it at all, i joined a server and could do nothing, or maybe lost, i spawned in a city, couldnt break any block and didnt understand nothing in the chat
If you've ever played Garry's mod, you can kind of relate this to Minecraft multiplayer. There are many different kinds of servers and they won't all be the same. Some servers host minigames you can play with others, some are PvP factions where you join groups to fight other players, some are moddec pve survival where you will be progressing in the game while playing with other players. There are still tons of other options, so its hard to ask your question.
I see, never played that tho, so is thereany server where i can mine and build? dont like pvp
Sure. Just look around a little.
At the top of the forum, there is a tab labeled "Servers" probably would be a good place to start looking for a server that is suitable to you.
Sounds like you're looking for a nice quiet PvE server.
Lots of servers, perhaps most, would let you mine and stuff, unless they're specialized, but you'd probably have to go out into the wilderness.
Protections against breaking blocks would most likely only apply to the area around spawn and towns or reserved plots.
You'd have to read the rules and info about the server, could be posted at spawn or just a link to a web page.
You could be on probation as a newcomer to discourage griefers.
It's possible that you would have to earn a plot to be able to mine but more likely you only need a plot to protect your house etc.
Just testing.
Meh, multiplayer.
On a more serious note, it sounds like you would prefer a SMP server, which is a multiplayer Survival Mode server. Do some poking around, you might find a good one.