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I am a high school student, and i need to do the dissertation
So I did this a questionnaire of about Minecraft
Minecraft Questionnaire
I hope you can help me
Thank you
(my english is not good, so please forgive me)
Took your survey for funsises. The following are some question restructures that will get your point across clearer in English:
Do you play Minecraft?
How many hours do you play Minecraft per day?
Do you know about broadcast and streaming sites (like twitch)?
Which game mechanics do you most enjoy?
What do you like about mob in the Minecraft
Other questions translated fine.
I wonder what my grade will be.
Lol. This is pretty good.. but how is it even close to a virus?
I was kind of hoping it was the type where you get a rating of sort. :c Anyways, neat!
Figured it was time for a change.
I am a high school student, and i need to do the dissertation
So I did this a questionnaire of about Minecraft
Minecraft Questionnaire
I hope you can help me
Thank you
(my english is not good, so please forgive me)
Took your survey for funsises. The following are some question restructures that will get your point across clearer in English:
Do you play Minecraft?
How many hours do you play Minecraft per day?
Do you know about broadcast and streaming sites (like twitch)?
Which game mechanics do you most enjoy?
What do you like about mob in the Minecraft
Other questions translated fine.
I wonder what my grade will be.
Lol. This is pretty good.. but how is it even close to a virus?
I was kind of hoping it was the type where you get a rating of sort. :c Anyways, neat!
Figured it was time for a change.