I need to know how many enchantments can be put on a single item at one time in Vanilla Survival?
I figure it will be different for, say a sword and a chestplate, so a list of the maximum amount of enchantments each item could hold at would be appreciated.
Max on a sword: Sharpness 5 OR Smite 5 OR Bane of Arthropods 5, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Unbreaking 3, Fire Aspect 2.
I prefer Sharpness over Smite, actively avoid Bane of Arthropods. I also try to avoid Fire Aspect, as I prefer to have the option of selling raw meat from slaughtered livestock to villagers for emeralds, and to cook meat I'm gonna eat myself with charcoal and thus get XP in the bargain. Knockback is useful more often than not, but can be an annoyance in some situations.
Max on an Axe/Pick/Shovel: Fortune 3 OR Silk Touch 1, Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3
Unbreaking is the only really useful thing to put on shovels and axes, efficiency just makes them harder to control, but if you can handle the speed, go for it. Fortune and Silk Touch are mostly wasted on them unless you really love or hate flint, but the occasional silk touch shovel is useful for collecting podzol or mycelium. Enchanted diamond picks of almost any sort are some of the most useful and valuable gear you can get in the game.
Max on Shears: Silk Touch I, Unbreaking 3
Shears with Silk Touch are the only way to get cobwebs, and if you're gonna slap silk touch on a pair of shears, might as well slap Unbreaking 3 on them as well.
Max on a Bow: Power 5, Unbreaking 3, Infinity 1, Flame 1, Punch 2
Keep a full stack of arrows on you at all times and you can probably dispense with the Infinity enchantment, but it is occasionally useful. Even if you don't like Fire Aspect on your swords, enemies you engage at long range can't set you on fire with a touch attack, so go ahead and light them up with the Flame 1 Enchantment. And any really powerful bow should really have Unbreaking 3 on it, although plain bows to combine with your enchanted one for repair purposes aren't usually hard to come by.
Max on a Helmet: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Respiration 3, Aqua Affinity 1, Unbreaking 3
Respiration is more important than Aqua Affinity in most cases, but both are quite useful.
Max on a Chestplate: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 3
Thorns is nice but can be dispensed with if you wish, as it tends to make the item wear out faster. Definitely have Unbreaking 3 if you're gonna add Thorns to something.
Max on Leggings: Protection (Or a variant thereof) 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 3
No point adding thorns to your pants if your shirt already has it. In general terms, you're usually best off with two items of Protection 4 and two items of Fire Protection 4 on your body at all times, but don't turn your nose up at a Projectile Protection when caving and thus likely to encounter groups of skeletons at once.
Max on Boots: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Fall 4, Unbreaking 3
Probably not a lot of point putting both Depth Strider and Feather Fall on the same pair of boots.
Max on a fishing rod: Lure 3, Luck of the Sea 3, Unbreaking 3
Best to combine everything when it comes to fishing rods. Unbreaking 3 really extends their lifetime; Lure 3 shortens interval between catches and increases the proportion of catches that are fish rather than junk or treasure; Luck of the Sea 3 lengthens the interval between catches a bit, but grealy increases the percentage of all catches that are treasure rather than fish or junk. Let the bad parts of Lure/Luck of the Sea cancel each other off.
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but the occasional silk touch shovel is useful for collecting podzol or mycelium.
OTOH, unless you're digging out a huge area where the correct-tool speed bonus would make a difference, you're better served with Silk Touch Shears since those don't lose durability when breaking most blocks. Same goes for all the other Silk-Touchable blocks listed here without the "T" superscript.
Max on a Helmet: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Respiration 3, Aqua Affinity 1, Unbreaking 3
Max on Boots: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Fall 4, Unbreaking 3
You can also get Thorns on these. And the max level for Thorns is 3, not 2.
Thorns is nice but can be dispensed with if you wish, as it tends to make the item wear out faster. Definitely have Unbreaking 3 if you're gonna add Thorns to something.
Thorns sucks for PvE, the loss of durability (50%–75%) isn't worth it when fighting mobs.
Quote from MartinTheMess�Luck of the Sea 3 lengthens the interval between catches a bit, but grealy increases the percentage of all catches that are treasure rather than fish or junk.
False. Interval is not affected. It increases treasure and decreases junk, no effect on fish. If you're wanting max treasure per durability, go for LotS without Lure. If you're wanting max treasure per time, word is that the speed bonus from LotS+Lure overcomes the decreased chances.
Also, you can get Unbreaking 3 on Hoe, Flint and Steel, and Carrot on a Stick. You can also get a Carrot on a Stick with Lure 3 and LotS 3 if you craft it with a Fishing Rod having those enchantments.
I figure it will be different for, say a sword and a chestplate, so a list of the maximum amount of enchantments each item could hold at would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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I prefer Sharpness over Smite, actively avoid Bane of Arthropods. I also try to avoid Fire Aspect, as I prefer to have the option of selling raw meat from slaughtered livestock to villagers for emeralds, and to cook meat I'm gonna eat myself with charcoal and thus get XP in the bargain. Knockback is useful more often than not, but can be an annoyance in some situations.
Max on an Axe/Pick/Shovel: Fortune 3 OR Silk Touch 1, Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3
Unbreaking is the only really useful thing to put on shovels and axes, efficiency just makes them harder to control, but if you can handle the speed, go for it. Fortune and Silk Touch are mostly wasted on them unless you really love or hate flint, but the occasional silk touch shovel is useful for collecting podzol or mycelium. Enchanted diamond picks of almost any sort are some of the most useful and valuable gear you can get in the game.
Max on Shears: Silk Touch I, Unbreaking 3
Shears with Silk Touch are the only way to get cobwebs, and if you're gonna slap silk touch on a pair of shears, might as well slap Unbreaking 3 on them as well.
Max on a Bow: Power 5, Unbreaking 3, Infinity 1, Flame 1, Punch 2
Keep a full stack of arrows on you at all times and you can probably dispense with the Infinity enchantment, but it is occasionally useful. Even if you don't like Fire Aspect on your swords, enemies you engage at long range can't set you on fire with a touch attack, so go ahead and light them up with the Flame 1 Enchantment. And any really powerful bow should really have Unbreaking 3 on it, although plain bows to combine with your enchanted one for repair purposes aren't usually hard to come by.
Max on a Helmet: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Respiration 3, Aqua Affinity 1, Unbreaking 3
Respiration is more important than Aqua Affinity in most cases, but both are quite useful.
Max on a Chestplate: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 3
Thorns is nice but can be dispensed with if you wish, as it tends to make the item wear out faster. Definitely have Unbreaking 3 if you're gonna add Thorns to something.
Max on Leggings: Protection (Or a variant thereof) 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 3
No point adding thorns to your pants if your shirt already has it. In general terms, you're usually best off with two items of Protection 4 and two items of Fire Protection 4 on your body at all times, but don't turn your nose up at a Projectile Protection when caving and thus likely to encounter groups of skeletons at once.
Max on Boots: Protection (OR a variant thereof) 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Fall 4, Unbreaking 3
Probably not a lot of point putting both Depth Strider and Feather Fall on the same pair of boots.
Max on a fishing rod: Lure 3, Luck of the Sea 3, Unbreaking 3
Best to combine everything when it comes to fishing rods. Unbreaking 3 really extends their lifetime; Lure 3 shortens interval between catches and increases the proportion of catches that are fish rather than junk or treasure; Luck of the Sea 3 lengthens the interval between catches a bit, but grealy increases the percentage of all catches that are treasure rather than fish or junk. Let the bad parts of Lure/Luck of the Sea cancel each other off.
Actually you can get Efficiency 5 by combining two Efficiency 4 pickaxes.
Efficiency 5, as already noted. Also, an Axe can also get Sharpness 5 OR Smite 5 OR Bane of Arthropods 5.
OTOH, unless you're digging out a huge area where the correct-tool speed bonus would make a difference, you're better served with Silk Touch Shears since those don't lose durability when breaking most blocks. Same goes for all the other Silk-Touchable blocks listed here without the "T" superscript.
Also Efficincy 5, not that you're likely to want it.
You can also get Thorns on these. And the max level for Thorns is 3, not 2.
Thorns sucks for PvE, the loss of durability (50%–75%) isn't worth it when fighting mobs.
False. Interval is not affected. It increases treasure and decreases junk, no effect on fish. If you're wanting max treasure per durability, go for LotS without Lure. If you're wanting max treasure per time, word is that the speed bonus from LotS+Lure overcomes the decreased chances.
Also, you can get Unbreaking 3 on Hoe, Flint and Steel, and Carrot on a Stick. You can also get a Carrot on a Stick with Lure 3 and LotS 3 if you craft it with a Fishing Rod having those enchantments.