So basically here you are going to post the best creation you have ever made in Minecraft (no pictures needed). The best one Minersof49ers has ever made is a giant castle in Minecraft with 3 floors and an amazing outside decor! The best one I (AJPirate) have ever made is a (not very impressive) house with at least 2 floors and cool colors with a pretty cool redstone lighting system and full view windows ( with the excetion of the door) and I know I put mine in much more detail than Miners' but to be fair his was A LOT more impressive in terms of looks than mine!
I'm building a city that is approx 2000 x 2000 blocks wide for the moment and its growing very slowly but surely. I actually have a thread of it in the screenshots section. It's called "City of Waterton | Capital of Hutaria".
I made a redstone calculator that can add and subtract. I tried to add multiplying, and screwed everything up. I am now working on a add/subtract/multiply/divide calculator. I am lagging as hell when i load the map.
I made a redstone calculator that can add and subtract. I tried to add multiplying, and screwed everything up. I am now working on a add/subtract/multiply/divide calculator. I am lagging as hell when i load the map.
Wow, and I thought I was good at redstone! Good job!
It was this house I built at the bottom of an open ravine in a snowy taiga in creative mode... It had a food supply, dog shelter, potion room, emergency shelter, and a small jungle I had built in a small room that was supposed to contain a bunch of ocelots (to my dismay, I had discovered that mobs eventually despawn; I was still a bit of a noob to Minecraft when I built that house...) It also had 3-4 bedrooms, and it was attached to this massive theatre I had built on the surface... But I have long since lost that house...
I made a "sky castle" that was pretty basic. Not much really in the way design principles. It had a central hub with areas branching off from it.
Eventually one of the areas led to teleporter (with command blocks obviously). The passageway and the teleporter itself was encased in glass. It would teleport you to a library that had a hidden enchanting table in an open ended room. The passage way was also open air with a pulsing light that goes towards the crafting table. The open-ended room had a bit of glass on the roof in the center portion.
The "Central Hub" area had a big table with lots of chairs (high-backed chairs). This gave the effect of a banquet room. The floor was lined with blue carpet with red trim to give it a royal effect (but in hindsight I think maybe purple carpet would have worked better). One side of the wall was lined with paintings. The other side was lined with mob heads (alternating from Skele heads and Zombie Heads)
There was an "Air Garden" that linked with the "Hub". It was all open air and all used Quartz. There was a tree in the Center of the garden with glass that surrounded it.
There was a super long passage way that are lined with paintings and item frames with random items in them. This long passageway led to a "patio" of sorts. With lights that activated when it turned nighttime. Unfortunately I haven't worked out the timings yet (and I figured I should have just linked them to a single daylight sensor). There was also a pool with redstone lamps that lined its edges that also were linked up to a daylight sensor. The pool itself had a glass bottom with random bits of glowstone to light the bottom.
The Entryway has a pool of water on each side with glass windows. The pools of water had glowstone in the bottoms to provide some light. The water also has scattered Lilly Pads. There are also some lights in the ceiling that activate at night time. There are Quartz Pillars in this room, as well. The door itself is a 3x2 piston door.
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"It's not enough you have the will to care. What are you going to do to show it?"
I'm going to have to build something really cool soon. That sky castle sounds awesome! If you all want, you can post a map download link and we'll try them out! a diamond for all of you "to share" -----> (one of you get's this to get the diamond -----> )
*sarcastic comment*
*disapproving look*
*sarcastic comment*
*disapproving look*
Figured it was time for a change.
*sarcastic comment*
*disapproving look*
Wow, and I thought I was good at redstone! Good job!
*sarcastic comment*
*disapproving look*
I post pretty rarely nowadays. Gosh, I wish this place weren't so... empty...
My interests are playing Games (Minecraft, of course), computers and tinkering, also Graphic Design!
If you need design done, I'm up to the job!
*sarcastic comment*
*disapproving look*
Eventually one of the areas led to teleporter (with command blocks obviously). The passageway and the teleporter itself was encased in glass. It would teleport you to a library that had a hidden enchanting table in an open ended room. The passage way was also open air with a pulsing light that goes towards the crafting table. The open-ended room had a bit of glass on the roof in the center portion.
The "Central Hub" area had a big table with lots of chairs (high-backed chairs). This gave the effect of a banquet room. The floor was lined with blue carpet with red trim to give it a royal effect (but in hindsight I think maybe purple carpet would have worked better). One side of the wall was lined with paintings. The other side was lined with mob heads (alternating from Skele heads and Zombie Heads)
There was an "Air Garden" that linked with the "Hub". It was all open air and all used Quartz. There was a tree in the Center of the garden with glass that surrounded it.
There was a super long passage way that are lined with paintings and item frames with random items in them. This long passageway led to a "patio" of sorts. With lights that activated when it turned nighttime. Unfortunately I haven't worked out the timings yet (and I figured I should have just linked them to a single daylight sensor). There was also a pool with redstone lamps that lined its edges that also were linked up to a daylight sensor. The pool itself had a glass bottom with random bits of glowstone to light the bottom.
The Entryway has a pool of water on each side with glass windows. The pools of water had glowstone in the bottoms to provide some light. The water also has scattered Lilly Pads. There are also some lights in the ceiling that activate at night time. There are Quartz Pillars in this room, as well. The door itself is a 3x2 piston door.
"It's not enough you have the will to care. What are you going to do to show it?"
*sarcastic comment*
*disapproving look*