Oh, this thread again. If you don't want random people hoping on the server and dropping dirty words or language, white list the server; create a form (google docs has plenty of methods) for others to request server access; and ban offenders. Only those that you add to the white list can play, and the IP is generated from that form. Easy peasy.
I'm not going to say it's hard, but I don't want anyone policing me or any servers I create into compliance when I don't think compliance is needed.
Moving to Discussion, this isn't a suggestion for Mojang to implement.
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People like you make me want to swear double the amount I do.
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May the bringer of peace be with you.
If you insist on addressing me by name just say Adsper. It's annoying when people say my full out username. "Oh hey AdswordTheBaws54763721" ~Mount and Blade
The tough answer here is that you may just have to do the work to find a server that is kid friendly, then permit the child to go to that server.
I realize that it is easier to ask the community to change itself, rather than seek out a place where your child is in an environment you approve of, however in the big picture your request is actually impossible. You've probably heard the saying 'you can please some people most of the time, or you can please most people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time'? This holds true here as well, if we made a list of everything parents wanted removed / limited / controlled in the game, there would be chaos. The millions of requests for 'moderation' would result in things like 'no mobs' as you whack them to kill them. The wolf to dog bit would be gone, along with farmlands once a hardcore 'animal rights' parent complained about promotion of keeping animals fenced in. Lava would probably even offend someone at some point once their kid falls into it and bursts out into tears. The Nether is pretty much similar to Hell, which is no place access should be allowed to go. The list goes on until there is little of the game left.
I'm not saying that you are being this extreme, but to start to cave into changing the world to fit the individual we open the doors to removing everything.
My suggestion stands however, monitor the server your kid plays on, test the server and get to know it in a way to 'approve of it' and know that stuff still happens, but you can do what you can to find the right place for your child to play so you can enjoy a tv show and not worry about it so much.
There are many servers that have anti-curse filters. The problem is that people can use symbols in place of letters in the words, so your child may still hear them. I suggest contacting the server owner, becuase it is actually pretty rare to find a server that is FUN to play on AND has an anti curse filter, do NOT play on any small-time vanilla servers, becuase one time i went on one and there were about 50 F-bombs in the chat box. Oh, and this suggestion might work for you: You can simply make it so your child cannot see any chat by clicking esc, then clicking multiplayer settings, then selecting chat to hidden.
And as ebiladdress said, censorship is becoming an issue in video games. My family is VERY anti-censorship, and here are some pushing-the-limit accusations i have heard parents make of minecraft: One parent complained that minecraft's unrealistic-ness caused her child to fail in school. I mean, really? Or, Minecraft is anti-christian because the Nether is like Satan's realm, and because you get good materials there it encourages that Satan's Hometown is a positive place. Or that the Orespawn mod encourages domestic violence, i mean, some people are crazy.
But back to your idea: In my opinion, the servers are fine how they are now and there ARE servers with anti-curse filters. Also you can just hide the chat altogether. Also ebiladdress said that it would be a good idea to simply monitor your child playing, but that might be illogical at times, so in my opinion you can A.) hide the chat, B.) find a server that has an anti-swear filter, C.) Don't play multiplayer altogether.
Hope i helped! I did not intend to offend anyone, nor do i think i did, but i was just putting my opinion down. Good luck, and remember, the internet is full of bad people, but there are plenty of good sites, and, minecraft servers out there!
Yes, because it's not like every single server already has a no-swearing rule, which they CONSTANTLY kick you for! On some servers, they kick you every single time you say ANY swearword. EVERY. SINGLE. DAMN. TIME. It gets SO annoying!
I mean seriously, the child-friendly aspect of multiplayer is already reinforced to oblivion. Why on minecraft would it be necessary to enforce it even further?
Okay, this may seem a little stupid, but I find that whenever you're on a server SOMEONE is cussing and swearing and just NOT being appropriate. Now, you might not mind this, but there are small children playing and you don't want them LEARNING these bad words, do you? I'm not trying to ban cussing on Minecraft, but I think that people should STOP.
If you agree (or disagree) with me, please comment below!
Kids will hear worse at their middle school. I heard worse at my middle school than I do in an R rated movie and I am sure that kids havent become more polite in the 8 years since then.
If they cannot handle the language then don't play on that server... why do people want to child proof everything?
If you want a server like this, just Google family friendly mc server or something like that. I'm not really trying to advertise one but Intercraften is a good one. It is whitelist though.
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"bad words" are subjectively bad sounds coming from your mouth. You chose to take offense to them, which is silly. Most of them just describe parts of the human body or functions of human body... Honestly, I think it's time society do away with the concept of a "bad word." Furthermore, cussing is not in any way related to safety (a cuss word cannot harm someone) and therefor is not relevant to the title of this post.
In my server, rule #6 reads: cussing is allowed. If you cannot handle cussing, leave. We aim not attract young children who cannot handle it.
A complete waste of time to enforce. Don't go around trying to police the entire community just because some children and parents take offense. When something is inappropriate for a child, the solution is NOT to cover your child's ears and try to outlaw it. It's to get out and go somewhere else, it's not the world's job babysit your child.
Are we playing the same game? There are servers where you aren't allowed to swear, they are absolutely everywhere and heavily enforced. Worrying children are going to pick up bad words should be nearly at the bottom of your list of concerns. Unless your child lives in the basement in a wooden box their entire life, they WILL learn these words. I've heard all of these words every day since I was six just going to school. Let alone the the internet.
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Let me know if my posts are helpful or if you like them. That's what I'm here for.
I am currently lurking more than I am posting. I haven't gone anywhere.
Cussing and swearing often includes calling people names and swearing at them rudely for no reason or idk what else. If someone just randomly said the bad f-word because a creeper blew up while he was mining Diamonds I wouldn'T take offense in that because it wasn't aimed at me. But if he aimed that at me in the sense of that I should (insert profanity here) off or something alike I would take offense in it because it was meant to be offensive. You can't just bluntly say it cannot harm anyone.
Why are words like "jerk, hate, meanie, stupid " appropriate to use? They mean the same thing. They mean to offend. If a word having a negative connotation makes it bad, what makes any other word better? If a swear word used to hurt someone's feelings, why are the words bad and it isn't just the fact that the person was very rude? If the same person called someone stupid, why is that treated any different?
Language is a system we use to express thoughts, feelings and knowledge with fellow humans. ANY word could be used to hurt someone else. What do we have to gain for having banned words we can't use just because some people don't like them? Hurting someone is hurting someone. What words and means we use to do it is irrelevant. Banning the words we don't like saves nobody. Taking a stand against that sort of behavior does.
The word harmed nobody, it's the message the person is sending behind it. If they used any other word in it's place, you wouldn't feel any different.
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Let me know if my posts are helpful or if you like them. That's what I'm here for.
I am currently lurking more than I am posting. I haven't gone anywhere.
I don't see this as something Mojang would implement ever. This is because the servers managed by 3rd parties (i.e. random people). It's your responsibility to know what servers your kids are playing on, and it's also your responsibility to know what your kids are doing on the Internet. It's a parenting thing (ironically enough I am not even a parent).
That said, you should verify the rules of any given server your child takes interest in. Also I believe that before a certain age your child shouldn't spam the "F word" like crazy. While I believe world-proofing your child is not the best idea, dropping them in cold-turkey is also a bad idea (IMO).
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"It's not enough you have the will to care. What are you going to do to show it?"
Hug me plz
Mojang doesn't control the server owners.
No Support,
I'm not going to say it's hard, but I don't want anyone policing me or any servers I create into compliance when I don't think compliance is needed.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
May the bringer of peace be with you.
If you insist on addressing me by name just say Adsper. It's annoying when people say my full out username. "Oh hey AdswordTheBaws54763721" ~Mount and Blade
No support because you could just have your kids go on a no-swearing server
He scream
I realize that it is easier to ask the community to change itself, rather than seek out a place where your child is in an environment you approve of, however in the big picture your request is actually impossible. You've probably heard the saying 'you can please some people most of the time, or you can please most people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time'? This holds true here as well, if we made a list of everything parents wanted removed / limited / controlled in the game, there would be chaos. The millions of requests for 'moderation' would result in things like 'no mobs' as you whack them to kill them. The wolf to dog bit would be gone, along with farmlands once a hardcore 'animal rights' parent complained about promotion of keeping animals fenced in. Lava would probably even offend someone at some point once their kid falls into it and bursts out into tears. The Nether is pretty much similar to Hell, which is no place access should be allowed to go. The list goes on until there is little of the game left.
I'm not saying that you are being this extreme, but to start to cave into changing the world to fit the individual we open the doors to removing everything.
My suggestion stands however, monitor the server your kid plays on, test the server and get to know it in a way to 'approve of it' and know that stuff still happens, but you can do what you can to find the right place for your child to play so you can enjoy a tv show and not worry about it so much.
All respects.
gg dice
And as ebiladdress said, censorship is becoming an issue in video games. My family is VERY anti-censorship, and here are some pushing-the-limit accusations i have heard parents make of minecraft: One parent complained that minecraft's unrealistic-ness caused her child to fail in school. I mean, really? Or, Minecraft is anti-christian because the Nether is like Satan's realm, and because you get good materials there it encourages that Satan's Hometown is a positive place. Or that the Orespawn mod encourages domestic violence, i mean, some people are crazy.
But back to your idea: In my opinion, the servers are fine how they are now and there ARE servers with anti-curse filters. Also you can just hide the chat altogether. Also ebiladdress said that it would be a good idea to simply monitor your child playing, but that might be illogical at times, so in my opinion you can A.) hide the chat, B.) find a server that has an anti-swear filter, C.) Don't play multiplayer altogether.
Hope i helped! I did not intend to offend anyone, nor do i think i did, but i was just putting my opinion down. Good luck, and remember, the internet is full of bad people, but there are plenty of good sites, and, minecraft servers out there!
I mean seriously, the child-friendly aspect of multiplayer is already reinforced to oblivion. Why on minecraft would it be necessary to enforce it even further?
Just. Get out.
The golden age: it's not the game, it's you ⋆ Why Minecraft should not be harder ⋆ Spelling hints
You deserve a cookie.
Kids will hear worse at their middle school. I heard worse at my middle school than I do in an R rated movie and I am sure that kids havent become more polite in the 8 years since then.
If they cannot handle the language then don't play on that server... why do people want to child proof everything?
Making Minecraft more dang AWESOME, one block at a time.
In my server, rule #6 reads: cussing is allowed. If you cannot handle cussing, leave. We aim not attract young children who cannot handle it.
Are we playing the same game? There are servers where you aren't allowed to swear, they are absolutely everywhere and heavily enforced. Worrying children are going to pick up bad words should be nearly at the bottom of your list of concerns. Unless your child lives in the basement in a wooden box their entire life, they WILL learn these words. I've heard all of these words every day since I was six just going to school. Let alone the the internet.
Why are words like "jerk, hate, meanie, stupid " appropriate to use? They mean the same thing. They mean to offend. If a word having a negative connotation makes it bad, what makes any other word better? If a swear word used to hurt someone's feelings, why are the words bad and it isn't just the fact that the person was very rude? If the same person called someone stupid, why is that treated any different?
Language is a system we use to express thoughts, feelings and knowledge with fellow humans. ANY word could be used to hurt someone else. What do we have to gain for having banned words we can't use just because some people don't like them? Hurting someone is hurting someone. What words and means we use to do it is irrelevant. Banning the words we don't like saves nobody. Taking a stand against that sort of behavior does.
The word harmed nobody, it's the message the person is sending behind it. If they used any other word in it's place, you wouldn't feel any different.
That said, you should verify the rules of any given server your child takes interest in. Also I believe that before a certain age your child shouldn't spam the "F word" like crazy. While I believe world-proofing your child is not the best idea, dropping them in cold-turkey is also a bad idea (IMO).
"It's not enough you have the will to care. What are you going to do to show it?"