Best type of Minecraft server? (See text after poll)
Poll: Check all that apply. Remember, all numbers are USD/month.
Log in with your Curse username to vote in this poll.
Check all that apply. Remember, all numbers are USD/month. - Multiple Choice
- RP Server: $0/month 25.7% of Users - 9 votes
- RP Server: $5/month 5.7% of Users - 2 votes
- RP Server: $10/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- RP Server: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- RP Server: $20+/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- RP/Combat: $0/month 8.6% of Users - 3 votes
- RP/Combat: $5/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- RP/Combat: $10/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
- RP/Combat: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- RP/Combat: $20+/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Hunger Games/Walls: $0/month 17.1% of Users - 6 votes
- Hunger Games/Walls: $5/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
- Hunger Games/Walls: $10/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
- Hunger Games/Walls: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Hunger Games/Walls: $20+/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
- Build: $0/month 22.9% of Users - 8 votes
- Build: $5/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Build: $10/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Build: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Build: $20+/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Survival: $0/month 37.1% of Users - 13 votes
- Survival: $5/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
- Survival: $10/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
- Survival: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Survival: $20+/month 5.7% of Users - 2 votes
- Factions/Combat: $0/month 20% of Users - 7 votes
- Factions/Combat: $5/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Factions/Combat: $10/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Factions/Combat: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Factions/Combat: $20+/month 5.7% of Users - 2 votes
- Creative: $0/month 17.1% of Users - 6 votes
- Creative: $5/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Creative: $10/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Creative: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Creative: $20+/month 5.7% of Users - 2 votes
- Kit PVP: $0/month 5.7% of Users - 2 votes
- Kit PVP: $5/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Kit PVP: $10/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
- Kit PVP: $15/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- Kit PVP: $20+/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- FTB/Tekkit: $0/month 11.4% of Users - 4 votes
- FTB/Tekkit: $5/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- FTB/Tekkit: $10/month 0% of Users - 0 votes
- FTB/Tekkit: $15/month 5.7% of Users - 2 votes
- FTB/Tekkit: $20+/month 2.9% of Users - 1 votes
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I'm here to ask you all for a favor; just to answer a simple poll, both as a public service duty to anyone trying to start up a server, and for me and my AP statistics project. Thanks in advance!
So basically, there's 2 parts to this survey. 1: What kind of server you like playing on. 2: The max amount of much you'd be willing to pay monthly to play on that server. There's one important thing that you must assume; when you pay, assume that you'd be getting perks, and that this was the absolute best server of its kind. If realize that some servers are not restricted to only one type of the above listed "server types," so if you would only pay for a server with certain mixed archetypes, then just mark all your favorite types, and pretend that it's one server.
Though of course you don't have to, I just recommend going down the list, and parking one choice for each server type. Thanks!
FYI: I realize many people might think that "creative" and "build" are the same thing; but I assure you, they are not. Creative is literally people buying plots, and building whatever the hell they want. Build is more of an organized, community, effort to build a unified build that actually looks good.
What's you're favorite type of server? How much (US dollars) would you be willing to pay for it monthly? Vote above!
Have a great day!
Devoted Simmer, Builder, and Forum Helper.
I should clarify something to you, and actually will do it to the actual poll to avoid future confusion. The numbers listed are dollars that you would donate.
Also, I forgot to mention that I personally love role-play servers. Though many servers labeled as "serious RP" may seem too fantasy-based for most people, I find that a large part of creating good role-play immersion is to have fantastic and realistic builds. For that reason, often the best role-play servers also have the best builds.
Role-playing, that is one thing we have in common, I am an active writer, so creating characters is a thrill, but taking it to the next level and being my character is an entirely different and exhilarating experience! I definitely agree with your insight in the world of role-playing, how could you play the role in an inadequate setting? Perhaps I may try a role-play devoted server in the future. Any recommendations?
Devoted Simmer, Builder, and Forum Helper.
As of now, I've actually taken a hiatus from minecraft BECAUSE of this lack of good role-play servers. As I'm entering my junior year of high school now, I don't have much time to play anyway, but second semester senior year, I'm planning of making a large scale, pay-to-play (but not pay--win) role-play server with a giant custom map. Basically, I have big plans, but for now, I just want data to help with my stats project.
though, I keep running into the issue of a HEAVY amount of rules on PvP servers. like...
1) no raiding, faction land.
2) you can raid if you at war.
3) no pvping......uhmm...but you say your a pvp server. this rule contradicts what your advertiseing...
gawd. that's just annoying. but, pvp survival servers. Hunger games are fun too.
I reamber when they used to be called "Last Player Standing" games.
switching to creative is to....?....easy?.. temptive your's does sound interesting
That's another thing I don't like modpacks, or FTB servers either. But yes I love my server. Hopefully others will too.
Guys, I would really like to emphasize; Assume that each server is the best of its kind.
I agree. Assuming that "donation" actually means donation, and not pay-for-perks.
I prefer Survival Build servers (I'm not sure if the genre has a proper name, but I'll call it "Survive and Thrive").
I've been playing on the same server (that I also own) for almost 3 years. I've never donated to a server, nor would I ever expect my players to donate to me (and in fact, none have). Servers are pretty cheap to run if you have a low player count. There will always be free servers, so you would just have to find the best server that is still free.
I never "donated" either, I purchased kits. All of the servers I have played on I end up spending money at their store.
I hope the 200 person modded servers stay open now that no one can buy kits. I am not willing to just give my money away for no return, so my paying of money to servers has ended.
I want to pay my fair share, but everyone must pay too. Ill freeride till then I guess. If a hi population / quality modded server is out there that has a monthly recurring access fee I am unaware of it.
I can't promise that is high quality, but it certainly is high population.
It's run by an admin I once knew, but I find that his management style is horrific. I won't rage about him here, but I'm just providing this server as one of many examples of a pay-to-play server.
Is the server hardware costs $600 to buy, and you can run one or more servers on it........ just imagine if they had even 50 players paying $5/month. After barely 2 months, they're already skyrocketing into profit with barely any operating expenses.
The "donors" are usualy between 1-5% of the server population, the majority of people never buy a thing, they just play for free.
Plenty of games require you to pay to play.
Back around 2002 when Graal Online was popular, the 2 most popular servers cost around $7/month I think ($20 for 3 months if I remember correctly). There was a lot of free servers, but they usually had a lot less players.
World of Warcraft is $15/month (and that doesn't even have a single player mode!)