I paid for VIP on just one minigame of my favorite servers. I didn't necessarily want a ticket to win. I just wanted more content to keep me going from time to time, once I got everything (It's a mob arena type thing, with a 1v1 thing, which I seldom use anyways because I never really liked pvp.). I take offense to being viewed as a jerk that wanted a ticket to win. Sure, my sword has a special ability to heal me in the mob arena, though it's terribly nerfed against people (can't full heal against them). I don't see anything wrong with stuff like that, if there's checks and balances in place. I personally am more against the EULA than for it. I don't necessarily like pay to win, but when content offered isn't terribly unbalanced and the server is seeking only to maintain itself, I'm okay with it.
This could either way. It could be the start of a golden age, but I'm leaning more towards the beginning of the end. Hopefully, they can get everything better situated for mods again, so my favorite mods can be on the same update more frequently. I sure miss modding the heck of this game on singleplayer. Before getting into servers, as in mostly pre-1.2.5 full ver, I used to play a variety of awesome mods that added to, but didn't completely change the game some of the Tekkit and Feed the Beast stuff does. Oh well, I know at least one of my favorite servers can sustain itself sans the store though.
Really, the VIP rank on one server was the most extreme case for anything I've gotten. I got perks on another server when I got the chance to, but they're basically mob catcher and a thing called craftbook. Oh, and every one of these was under $20 and until this EULA crap came up, were meant to be perma, not monthly or anything.
That's the whole reason why EULA is even taking action in the first place. The gameplay IS unbalanced with all these donator kits and packs. Minecraft should NOT be pay to win. I cannot stress that enough. And that's what these server administrators cannot seem to understand. It really pisses me off when they say that EULA is going to "break Minecraft"
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PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional
I feel for you, bro, but let's be honest now; somebody who pays money for a server to keep up in exchange for overpowered things like these aren't donors, they're jerks who want a ticket to win. Luckily, Mojang doesn't like this either and I can't wait for the EULA to take effect, which should get rid of these players' pay-to-win-craving attitudes and flush all these crap servers down the drain.
I agree. That really proves how bad a player is, when they have to use real-world currency, just to have the ability to progress within the game. They're so bad, that they're willing to buy OP armor so they can seem good at something. That's NOT skill. Skill is progressing when gameplay is balanced. Not when it is so unbalanced that you can play God.
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PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional
I'm in agreement with this. I even avoid using different classes that are purchased through in game currency (gems and whatnot) just so I don't have an advantage. I want to be good at something because I'm good at it, not because I used my money to buy a diamond sword.
The EULA is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it eliminates the excessive donator perks on servers, I'll be able to take a look in a shop and know that I can buy anything from it.
On the other hand... You could get stopped at the logging in screen with a message that says "you are not whitelisted on this server, donate to our website to join!" or they'll use a "Pay to get this snazzy hat in the lobby!" (which I'm perfectly okay with) They'll most likely use both.
Donator servers may suck... a lot, but I'd rather "Pay to Win" than "Pay to Join" and pay to join is legal in the EULA.
Can I charge for access to my server?
Yes. How players join a server is up to you. Single entrance fees or subscriptions are both allowed.
Don't get me started most of the donors I've encountered are generally complete jerks. The way to just deal with it is ignore it and don't end up in a verbal or physical fight with them.
I currently play a factions pvp server which I will not name, but this server is very well balanced all 'god' considered items have been obtained through crafting or purchasing from the in game shop with in game cash. And most of the donors are are decent.
Mineplex, well there's just a bunch of ****y donors on there that think they own at everything. I know one of the devs from mineplex that used to own a well known pvp server and it was more of pay to win back then. I know how you feel though.
Just avoid them and play the game as you desire you are the best out of everyone on there to your standard. And your probably right most donors are like 13 or under so there mostly immature little shites.
Agreed. Play time is fair game. Just trying to play devils advocate. Granted there are times when I do get frustrated over this. I have to work to pay for my game and my internet to play the game and I get killed by some immature kid who gets to play all day and then calls me a newb because im in leather armor while he is in full diamond enchanted armor because ye gets to play all the time. So shouldnt I have a way to level that playing field?
Mojang has also had enough. They updated the EULA recently so that things like that (known as Play-to-Win) won't occur anymore (or, if they do, it's probably illegal).
While this is a great idea, do we know how they're going to enforce that? Is Mojang going to ban the server IP from accepting connections from validated clients or something? Or do they just get a stern talking to?
There's nothing wrong with donating to OptiFine because the cape doesn't give you any illegal perks or anything. It's not the result from a transaction, it's actually a thank-you for donating, unlike server perks.
Only people with OptiFine can even see the cape. So it's quite likely that you paid for a cape that only you and maybe a few other people you come across can see. I think I also remember Mojang specifically saying that paid capes are not allowed anymore per the EULA, though.
Not until August 1st. And I can't just "not play on the server", considering every single server has some form of unfair ranks.
Sure you can. There are TONS of servers that don't have paid ranks. And starting August 1st, there will be NO servers that to have paid ranks. The perks will either be free, or every single player will get charged to play on the server (and then they will all have the perks).
I'm personally against ranked users getting the ability to mute, kick, or ban people from servers. That's something I completely agree with. I think it's not just bs for the normal people, but moronic. I don't think these are abilities that any non-staff members, especially ranked people should get. There's a reason most everything has staff members set aside for that purpose. It's even worse when people who think they're privileged because they bought a rank get those capabilities. I can't say everyone who gets staff deserves it, but there's often checks and balances to prevent too much abuse of power. It's often harder to control this when ranked people get these abilities.
I still think the EULA's a little over the top. I hope it doesn't drive too many people away, especially the ones who love these ranks. I mainly got mine on that one server because it wasn't too overpriced (unlike other servers) and they moved two things that everyone used to be able to get (except you had to rank up a several times if you weren't VIP) over to it. I would never pay fifty dollars (the price of a new game few years back), let alone one hundred dollars (we're getting a little into console pricing here) for anything on a server. Oh, and if subscriptions and pay to enter's become the norm, which I've been assured won't happen on the main one I play, consider me out on those servers.
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"I don't plan to add a new dimension at the moment. It's just to performance heavy on servers, and the current dimensions need more attention before we start adding new ones." < Yeah, like biomes or actual varied terrain in the nether. Nether ruins didn't do the trick at all.
Just an FYI, the term is donor, not donator Both are words but donor is the proper term, just like conversating and conversing.
Anyways OT, this topic has been talked to death, we all know donor ranks are overpowered and until now there was nothing to be done about it. Even with the EULA falling into place, some servers may not even follow it, is it illegal? Yes. There have been many EULAs in the past that have been broken and more will be broken, it will be up to Mojang to handle how they will punish EULA breakers.
The best thing anyone can do is just avoid servers that are P2W. Soon the forums will be filled with people complaining that servers are now Pay to Play, which its definitely a possibility that Hypixel and Mineplex wiill do. They have a large enough playerbase to know that if someone is donating for kits and ranks, they will donate to get in and play. The ones that won't be able to get in are the ones you see in this topic, the ones that can't donate for ranks and kits.
It's a vicious cycle. I wish donor packages were all just aesthetic, then there wouldn't be a problem.
Time really makes the difference ! But only for those who do not need . Why ?
Because no matter how much time a kid plays ! I can always do more than one child ! Simply because as a kid takes hours to do something , I do quickly .
while a boy takes hours to do anything, I take minutes ! and honestly, most of the kids, do not know much !
I have a realm, and I know the age of almost all players !
young players take several days and often can not do what a player, experienced and mature does in just one day of play..
Players with more time, just do more of what they already know to do..
Having more time does not make player be better, just have more items
I've seen players kill the dragon with only iron armor. and alone. ( old players )
I've seen players lose to the dragon with diamond armor enchanted, enchanted bow, enchanted apple and playing in pairs ( young player )
it takes me hours to make a kid understand various things in the game.
older just looking already understand .
so I repeat : Time really makes the difference ! But only for those who do not need !
Only people with OptiFine can even see the cape. So it's quite likely that you paid for a cape that only you and maybe a few other people you come across can see. I think I also remember Mojang specifically saying that paid capes are not allowed anymore per the EULA, though.
Actually if I read it correctly the first time, that only applies to servers. Mods are free to have as many capes as they want.
Well, you do realize that with the EULA donations will essentially become extinct. Without any income the owners will be forced to charge a join fee.
Think about it. $20 every month for decent sized servers(On most hosts). I think most people can pay $20. Most big servers have teams of like 15 people. I think they can afford 2.50 a month.
While this is a great idea, do we know how they're going to enforce that? Is Mojang going to ban the server IP from accepting connections from validated clients or something? Or do they just get a stern talking to?
They shutdown the login servers for that server. At least that's what I think they will.
ikr i hate Mineplex ultras! They use op things against people and are just rude!
but i like Wynncraft v.i.ps! They help me out a lot heck they are almost like normal players with a green name but get 1 class that isn't op.
I hate Hypixel v.i.ps ! They are the same as Mineplex.
I like Oc.tc donator's though they only get to choose their team and get reserved slots which i personally don't care about because its so non-gameplay enhancing
basically the p2w servers are brainwashing you guys into thinking any one who purchases a package is BAAAAD but really it depends on the server I hate how mojang is not hunting down the REAL pay to win ones but just takes every server with them.
Think about it. $20 every month for decent sized servers(On most hosts). I think most people can pay $20. Most big servers have teams of like 15 people. I think they can afford 2.50 a month.
^^^^ THIS.
Finally someone gets it. Anyway, I am a donor myself on a few servers, and I am not upset for the new EULA to take effect, so more players will have more fair game, and prevent Minecraft from becoming a pay-to-win game. And I am sick of donor's that think they have it all and are so pompous and disrespectful, and this is coming from another donor here, so yeah. And it is absolute blasphemy on just how some servers reward their donors. Seeing from what Aeor mentioned earlier, that is the most stupid thing I have yet to hear. It's not that I don't believe you, it's the other way around! That doesn't help my view of Hypixel since he stopped making the maps we all knew and loved.
Server owners can charge for purely cosmetic things such as hats, colored names, ect. Rich people with little sense would probably find that a valid transaction.
Server owners want to charge an entrance fee? Go ahead. There are other options. That would be the server owner's way of killing off it's own server. Seems like everything and anything is about how much money you can make nowadays.
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PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional
Just an FYI, the term is donor, not donator Both are words but donor is the proper term, just like conversating and conversing.
Anyways OT, this topic has been talked to death, we all know donor ranks are overpowered and until now there was nothing to be done about it. Even with the EULA falling into place, some servers may not even follow it, is it illegal? Yes. There have been many EULAs in the past that have been broken and more will be broken, it will be up to Mojang to handle how they will punish EULA breakers.
The best thing anyone can do is just avoid servers that are P2W. Soon the forums will be filled with people complaining that servers are now Pay to Play, which its definitely a possibility that Hypixel and Mineplex wiill do. They have a large enough playerbase to know that if someone is donating for kits and ranks, they will donate to get in and play. The ones that won't be able to get in are the ones you see in this topic, the ones that can't donate for ranks and kits.
It's a vicious cycle. I wish donor packages were all just aesthetic, then there wouldn't be a problem.
Hypixel and Mineplex can go right on ahead and charge a membership fee. They can kill their own servers. Doesn't matter to me anyway, I'm already perm banned from both for discussing the same exact arguments in which I'm discussing now.
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PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional
That's the whole reason why EULA is even taking action in the first place. The gameplay IS unbalanced with all these donator kits and packs. Minecraft should NOT be pay to win. I cannot stress that enough. And that's what these server administrators cannot seem to understand. It really pisses me off when they say that EULA is going to "break Minecraft"
PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional
I agree. That really proves how bad a player is, when they have to use real-world currency, just to have the ability to progress within the game. They're so bad, that they're willing to buy OP armor so they can seem good at something. That's NOT skill. Skill is progressing when gameplay is balanced. Not when it is so unbalanced that you can play God.
PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional
The EULA is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it eliminates the excessive donator perks on servers, I'll be able to take a look in a shop and know that I can buy anything from it.
On the other hand... You could get stopped at the logging in screen with a message that says "you are not whitelisted on this server, donate to our website to join!" or they'll use a "Pay to get this snazzy hat in the lobby!" (which I'm perfectly okay with) They'll most likely use both.
Donator servers may suck... a lot, but I'd rather "Pay to Win" than "Pay to Join" and pay to join is legal in the EULA.
Can I charge for access to my server?
Yes. How players join a server is up to you. Single entrance fees or subscriptions are both allowed.
I currently play a factions pvp server which I will not name, but this server is very well balanced all 'god' considered items have been obtained through crafting or purchasing from the in game shop with in game cash. And most of the donors are are decent.
Mineplex, well there's just a bunch of ****y donors on there that think they own at everything. I know one of the devs from mineplex that used to own a well known pvp server and it was more of pay to win back then. I know how you feel though.
Just avoid them and play the game as you desire you are the best out of everyone on there to your standard. And your probably right most donors are like 13 or under so there mostly immature little shites.
While this is a great idea, do we know how they're going to enforce that? Is Mojang going to ban the server IP from accepting connections from validated clients or something? Or do they just get a stern talking to?
Only people with OptiFine can even see the cape. So it's quite likely that you paid for a cape that only you and maybe a few other people you come across can see. I think I also remember Mojang specifically saying that paid capes are not allowed anymore per the EULA, though.
Sure you can. There are TONS of servers that don't have paid ranks. And starting August 1st, there will be NO servers that to have paid ranks. The perks will either be free, or every single player will get charged to play on the server (and then they will all have the perks).
I still think the EULA's a little over the top. I hope it doesn't drive too many people away, especially the ones who love these ranks. I mainly got mine on that one server because it wasn't too overpriced (unlike other servers) and they moved two things that everyone used to be able to get (except you had to rank up a several times if you weren't VIP) over to it. I would never pay fifty dollars (the price of a new game few years back), let alone one hundred dollars (we're getting a little into console pricing here) for anything on a server. Oh, and if subscriptions and pay to enter's become the norm, which I've been assured won't happen on the main one I play, consider me out on those servers.
Anyways OT, this topic has been talked to death, we all know donor ranks are overpowered and until now there was nothing to be done about it. Even with the EULA falling into place, some servers may not even follow it, is it illegal? Yes. There have been many EULAs in the past that have been broken and more will be broken, it will be up to Mojang to handle how they will punish EULA breakers.
The best thing anyone can do is just avoid servers that are P2W. Soon the forums will be filled with people complaining that servers are now Pay to Play, which its definitely a possibility that Hypixel and Mineplex wiill do. They have a large enough playerbase to know that if someone is donating for kits and ranks, they will donate to get in and play. The ones that won't be able to get in are the ones you see in this topic, the ones that can't donate for ranks and kits.
It's a vicious cycle. I wish donor packages were all just aesthetic, then there wouldn't be a problem.
Because no matter how much time a kid plays ! I can always do more than one child ! Simply because as a kid takes hours to do something , I do quickly .
while a boy takes hours to do anything, I take minutes ! and honestly, most of the kids, do not know much !
I have a realm, and I know the age of almost all players !
young players take several days and often can not do what a player, experienced and mature does in just one day of play..
Players with more time, just do more of what they already know to do..
Having more time does not make player be better, just have more items
I've seen players kill the dragon with only iron armor. and alone. ( old players )
I've seen players lose to the dragon with diamond armor enchanted, enchanted bow, enchanted apple and playing in pairs ( young player )
it takes me hours to make a kid understand various things in the game.
older just looking already understand .
so I repeat : Time really makes the difference ! But only for those who do not need !
Actually if I read it correctly the first time, that only applies to servers. Mods are free to have as many capes as they want.
Think about it. $20 every month for decent sized servers(On most hosts). I think most people can pay $20. Most big servers have teams of like 15 people. I think they can afford 2.50 a month.
Nice to see you guys again.
They shutdown the login servers for that server. At least that's what I think they will.
Nice to see you guys again.
but i like Wynncraft v.i.ps! They help me out a lot heck they are almost like normal players with a green name but get 1 class that isn't op.
I hate Hypixel v.i.ps ! They are the same as Mineplex.
I like Oc.tc donator's though they only get to choose their team and get reserved slots which i personally don't care about because its so non-gameplay enhancing
basically the p2w servers are brainwashing you guys into thinking any one who purchases a package is BAAAAD but really it depends on the server I hate how mojang is not hunting down the REAL pay to win ones but just takes every server with them.
^^^^ THIS.
Finally someone gets it. Anyway, I am a donor myself on a few servers, and I am not upset for the new EULA to take effect, so more players will have more fair game, and prevent Minecraft from becoming a pay-to-win game. And I am sick of donor's that think they have it all and are so pompous and disrespectful, and this is coming from another donor here, so yeah. And it is absolute blasphemy on just how some servers reward their donors. Seeing from what Aeor mentioned earlier, that is the most stupid thing I have yet to hear. It's not that I don't believe you, it's the other way around! That doesn't help my view of Hypixel since he stopped making the maps we all knew and loved.
Figured it was time for a change.
Server owners can charge for purely cosmetic things such as hats, colored names, ect. Rich people with little sense would probably find that a valid transaction.
Server owners want to charge an entrance fee? Go ahead. There are other options. That would be the server owner's way of killing off it's own server. Seems like everything and anything is about how much money you can make nowadays.
PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional
Hypixel and Mineplex can go right on ahead and charge a membership fee. They can kill their own servers. Doesn't matter to me anyway, I'm already perm banned from both for discussing the same exact arguments in which I'm discussing now.
PC specs: Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 @ 3.16ghz / XFX Radeon HD 6670 2GB DDR3 / 6GB 1666MHz DDR3 RAM / Windows 7 Professional