You have to walk before you run, but this kid seems to have gotten the privilege of being able run when they're supposed to be walking. This causes them to generally abuse their powers to the extreme, going on killing and banning sprees. For the love of pete, make sure to see if there's an age part of the moderator application BEFORE you go onto a server, as that would mean there would be less of these little tyrants running around.
2: The idiot banner
Sometimes, you have to wonder, how can anyone this stupid get mod/admin privileges? (The better question may be how they know how to use the computer) Well take off that dunce cap and get your badge...that says dunce. But hey, you're an OP now! Now you can blah blah blah blah. The idiot can't understand what the Owner is saying, and that's bad, because during that, the owner probably said "and don't ban people for no good reason" but he durred too hard to hear that. So what does the idiot do? The complete opposite of that! Herp! And the worst part is when the owner doesn't pay any attention to that. Herp Derp!
3: The overreactor
"Oh, you accidently broke one block that was owned by somebody else? OMG YOU'RE BANNED FOR LIFE FROM THIS SERVER AND IT'S FORUMS AND YOU'LL NEVER EVER EVER X10000000000000000000 BE ABLE TO GET BACK ON HERE AGAIN YOU GRIEFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Geez dude, calm down, just because you're a mod doesn't mean you have to mega-ban anyone that breaks the rules a little bit, even on accident.
4: The overly helpful admin I would give Gorstavich a free T-shirt for being the first one to suggest something that was added, but I don't have one.
These guys aren't necessarily bad, but their good nature likes to go out of control, making them ask you constantly if you want any help, and even helping you without warning! Hey, I like help, but if I wanted help, I probably would've asked you first!
5: The Biased Props to Badprenup for this suggestion. I would expect this from a former staff member
You know, that admin that treats his friends nicely. He gives them a bunch of stuff and lets them break the rules a bit. And if you mess with his friends even a bit...BOOM! YOUR BANNED! And don't try complaining if one of the owner's friend griefs your mansion, because he'll just ignore it, maybe even ban you. Derp.
6: The Thief Chaplain_Grimaldus gave me the idea for this one.
These guys are too lazy apparently to just use the /give command and instead try to steal your stuff. They'll demand that you give them your stuff, or they may just plain steal it from you. There are also those derp thieves that think you got your god loot through hacks. Herp derp.
6a: The claimer Bostonian made this suggestion.
These guys are too lazy to build stuff, even if they've got stuff that makes it easy, so they just make one of YOUR builds their own. And don't try to tell them that it's yours because all that'll get you is a ban.
7: The Oblivious Admin ideainsanity12 gave me this one.
Apparently, this guy's to busy to admin. If this guy's the only guy on, you might as well treat it like no staff member is on. It's like this guy's brain is set to "Ignore all Minecraft admin duties." The biggest question, though, is why they even bothered getting online on Minecraft or some other server. They're too busy doing something else, and the only time they'll actually start paying attention is when everybody has left. Derp.
That person, for whatever reason (bored, trying to make a good impression, etc) that wants to help you. With everything. Often without even asking you first, and with no knowledge of what your plan was (if any).
If you want to help, please ask. I don't know about everyone else, but for me, one of the biggest feel-goods is being able to honestly say, "Yep, I build this whole damn thing myself."
That person, for whatever reason (bored, trying to make a good impression, etc) that wants to help you. With everything. Often without even asking you first, and with no knowledge of what your plan was (if any).
If you want to help, please ask. I don't know about everyone else, but for me, one of the biggest feel-goods is being able to honestly say, "Yep, I build this whole damn thing myself."
I like that, adding....
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I scored 100% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft? TOPICS I MAKE, Y U NO STAY ALIVE?
5: The show-off
This staff never even wanted to help or do anything useful.,he just wanted to show off his powers that he can fly or go into god mode when even he pleases.When i new person comes on the server,he doesn't help them,he shows off his cool tricks he can do with staff.
The staff member who will give his personal buddies a bunch of free stuff, or give a certain faction benefits in PvP that others do not get. Also gives those people special exceptions to the rules. Not much fun when a moderator gives a buddy some TnT, that guy griefs a bunch of people, and when people complain the moderator does nothing, or even worse, bans the complaining parties because his friend says they are lying.
The One Who Holds a Grudge
This one is kind of specific, but I've been banned from servers I haven't even heard of because I gave someone a warning here when they broke the rules. Also happens if someone gets banned on a different server. They get mad, go back to servers they have power on, and add all the "mean" people to ban lists.
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Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
This guy is the exact opposite of a helpful server staff member, often butchering or just giving silly answers to honest questions. You often wonder how this guy manages to keep his rank on the server, considering he doesn't actually help anyone.
"How do I claim a job on this plugin again?"
"take off ur pants and stand on ur porch while yodeling as loud as u can"
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"You tried mercenary work? It might suit you."
"On a scale of one mile to Lord of the Rings, how far did you walk today?"
Huh? Minecraft is for the Playstation? Firetruck Yeah!
Member Details
YO Momma admin
This guy isn't helpful ONE bit. He'll just make jokes or insult your mom when your asking a question and then bans you when you say his joke wasn't helpful,wasn't funny, or was really insulting.
"Where can I find the Hunger Games lobby again?"
"Just like Yo mamma, you can't find da lobby! Oh burn"
"Dude 1. that wasn't funny 2. That didn't help 3. shut up and tell me where the lobby is!"
"Yur banned"
Player A was banned from the server for Sassing the Admin
The "Bandit" Admin:
That admin that will demand you give him your diamonds, armour, etc. Not complying to his demands often results in being stabbed, shot, or potioned to death by the god mode jerk. It also isn't uncommon for him to ban you after he kills/robs you.
He does this only to feel the accomplishment of being a "Tough Guy", "Highwayman", or a "Bandit". You can try and appeal to the owner of the server, but if an admin is acting this way the owner most likely doesn't care or is a "Bandit" himself.
The only way to deal with these guys is to destroy everything of value before quitting the server, as this is an act of defiance which is very much a spit in the face since they expect you to bow to their demands.
Sorry for the wall of text.
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My avatar is Chaplain Grimaldus. He is the Reclusarch of the Black Templars, and guides his brothers in worship of the God-Emperor, and roots out heresy with extreme prejudice. A.K.A: Righteous warrior priest, IN SPACE!
The "Bandit" Admin:
That admin that will demand you give him your diamonds, armour, etc. Not complying to his demands often results in being stabbed, shot, or potioned to death by the god mode jerk. It also isn't uncommon for him to ban you after he kills/robs you.
He does this only to feel the accomplishment of being a "Tough Guy", "Highwayman", or a "Bandit". You can try and appeal to the owner of the server, but if an admin is acting this way the owner most likely doesn't care or is a "Bandit" himself.
The only way to deal with these guys is to destroy everything of value before quitting the server, as this is an act of defiance which is very much a spit in the face since they expect you to bow to their demands.
Sorry for the wall of text.
That's a good one, but I'll rename it "The thief".
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I scored 100% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft? TOPICS I MAKE, Y U NO STAY ALIVE?
You forgot this one: The massively strict-banners:
If they ever see you just walking around, they ban you for 'walking on the wrong block'. If you are on a creative server, a tower coming off a building would get you banned, for 'building inappropriate things'. Kill someone in a prison server and not take their stuff, they ban you for 'wasting valuable loot'. They seem to find the weirdest things to ban you for, like not sticking to a path, "trampling their grass", etc.
Seen many of these, not very nice.
That one's sort of like the overreactor.
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I scored 100% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft? TOPICS I MAKE, Y U NO STAY ALIVE?
Huh? Minecraft is for the Playstation? Firetruck Yeah!
Member Details
The "claimers"
These admins have no idea what to build. So they walk around in the creative area or survival and find something good, put their name on it, and ban you when you try to tell everyone it's yours. When people ask him how he built it he says "I just got the right idea, nuff said"
The oblivious admin:
They are always doing anything BUT moderating the server and helping it. If he's the only one online and there's griefers, get out! He's always either on Skype with someone, eating food, playing another game, checking his Facebook, etc. Minecraft is the smallest window he has and will never help you. The only time he's active is when he's on the IRC chat for 3 minutes.
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Minecraft is a sandbox game, not an rpg like Cube World. Remember that the next time you're writing a suggestion thread.
I actually have my own server I'm making. That is why I'm making a screening process and a probation procress before I just make anyone staff. I hate number 1 and 2 the most.
You find a nice server one day! It has all the things on it that you would want. You approach the owner and ask if you can apply for staff. He then tells you this:
"Get 5 people on the server and you are instantly opped. Spam it on every server you are on. It doesn't matter if you get banned."
You have just encountered a Popular Wannabe. He/she is constantly trying to make their server as popular as everyone else by telling every single person on the server to advertise, all day, every day. Bonus points if you get rewards for advertising. Not only is it a bad business model, it is also extremely annoying.
You have to walk before you run, but this kid seems to have gotten the privilege of being able run when they're supposed to be walking. This causes them to generally abuse their powers to the extreme, going on killing and banning sprees. For the love of pete, make sure to see if there's an age part of the moderator application BEFORE you go onto a server, as that would mean there would be less of these little tyrants running around.
2: The idiot banner
Sometimes, you have to wonder, how can anyone this stupid get mod/admin privileges? (The better question may be how they know how to use the computer) Well take off that dunce cap and get your badge...that says dunce. But hey, you're an OP now! Now you can blah blah blah blah. The idiot can't understand what the Owner is saying, and that's bad, because during that, the owner probably said "and don't ban people for no good reason" but he durred too hard to hear that. So what does the idiot do? The complete opposite of that! Herp! And the worst part is when the owner doesn't pay any attention to that. Herp Derp!
3: The overreactor
"Oh, you accidently broke one block that was owned by somebody else? OMG YOU'RE BANNED FOR LIFE FROM THIS SERVER AND IT'S FORUMS AND YOU'LL NEVER EVER EVER X10000000000000000000 BE ABLE TO GET BACK ON HERE AGAIN YOU GRIEFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Geez dude, calm down, just because you're a mod doesn't mean you have to mega-ban anyone that breaks the rules a little bit, even on accident.
4: The overly helpful admin
I would give Gorstavich a free T-shirt for being the first one to suggest something that was added, but I don't have one.
These guys aren't necessarily bad, but their good nature likes to go out of control, making them ask you constantly if you want any help, and even helping you without warning! Hey, I like help, but if I wanted help, I probably would've asked you first!
5: The Biased
Props to Badprenup for this suggestion. I would expect this from a former staff member
You know, that admin that treats his friends nicely. He gives them a bunch of stuff and lets them break the rules a bit. And if you mess with his friends even a bit...BOOM! YOUR BANNED! And don't try complaining if one of the owner's friend griefs your mansion, because he'll just ignore it, maybe even ban you. Derp.
6: The Thief
Chaplain_Grimaldus gave me the idea for this one.
These guys are too lazy apparently to just use the /give command and instead try to steal your stuff. They'll demand that you give them your stuff, or they may just plain steal it from you. There are also those derp thieves that think you got your god loot through hacks. Herp derp.
6a: The claimer
Bostonian made this suggestion.
These guys are too lazy to build stuff, even if they've got stuff that makes it easy, so they just make one of YOUR builds their own. And don't try to tell them that it's yours because all that'll get you is a ban.
7: The Oblivious Admin
ideainsanity12 gave me this one.
Apparently, this guy's to busy to admin. If this guy's the only guy on, you might as well treat it like no staff member is on. It's like this guy's brain is set to "Ignore all Minecraft admin duties." The biggest question, though, is why they even bothered getting online on Minecraft or some other server. They're too busy doing something else, and the only time they'll actually start paying attention is when everybody has left. Derp.
I scored 100% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
Been playing Minecraft for too long.
That person, for whatever reason (bored, trying to make a good impression, etc) that wants to help you. With everything. Often without even asking you first, and with no knowledge of what your plan was (if any).
If you want to help, please ask. I don't know about everyone else, but for me, one of the biggest feel-goods is being able to honestly say, "Yep, I build this whole damn thing myself."
I like that, adding....
I scored 100% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
This staff never even wanted to help or do anything useful.,he just wanted to show off his powers that he can fly or go into god mode when even he pleases.When i new person comes on the server,he doesn't help them,he shows off his cool tricks he can do with staff.
The staff member who will give his personal buddies a bunch of free stuff, or give a certain faction benefits in PvP that others do not get. Also gives those people special exceptions to the rules. Not much fun when a moderator gives a buddy some TnT, that guy griefs a bunch of people, and when people complain the moderator does nothing, or even worse, bans the complaining parties because his friend says they are lying.
The One Who Holds a Grudge
This one is kind of specific, but I've been banned from servers I haven't even heard of because I gave someone a warning here when they broke the rules. Also happens if someone gets banned on a different server. They get mad, go back to servers they have power on, and add all the "mean" people to ban lists.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
This guy is the exact opposite of a helpful server staff member, often butchering or just giving silly answers to honest questions. You often wonder how this guy manages to keep his rank on the server, considering he doesn't actually help anyone.
"How do I claim a job on this plugin again?"
"take off ur pants and stand on ur porch while yodeling as loud as u can"
"On a scale of one mile to Lord of the Rings, how far did you walk today?"
This guy isn't helpful ONE bit. He'll just make jokes or insult your mom when your asking a question and then bans you when you say his joke wasn't helpful,wasn't funny, or was really insulting.
"Where can I find the Hunger Games lobby again?"
"Just like Yo mamma, you can't find da lobby! Oh burn"
"Dude 1. that wasn't funny 2. That didn't help 3. shut up and tell me where the lobby is!"
"Yur banned"
Player A was banned from the server for Sassing the Admin
That admin that will demand you give him your diamonds, armour, etc. Not complying to his demands often results in being stabbed, shot, or potioned to death by the god mode jerk. It also isn't uncommon for him to ban you after he kills/robs you.
He does this only to feel the accomplishment of being a "Tough Guy", "Highwayman", or a "Bandit". You can try and appeal to the owner of the server, but if an admin is acting this way the owner most likely doesn't care or is a "Bandit" himself.
The only way to deal with these guys is to destroy everything of value before quitting the server, as this is an act of defiance which is very much a spit in the face since they expect you to bow to their demands.
Sorry for the wall of text.
That's a good one, but I'll rename it "The thief".
I scored 100% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
That one's sort of like the overreactor.
I scored 100% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
That's not a bad thing, if the Admin is same as the player then it's cool.
You just have to find the right server I guess, but anyway I like the list! xD
These admins have no idea what to build. So they walk around in the creative area or survival and find something good, put their name on it, and ban you when you try to tell everyone it's yours. When people ask him how he built it he says "I just got the right idea, nuff said"
They are always doing anything BUT moderating the server and helping it. If he's the only one online and there's griefers, get out! He's always either on Skype with someone, eating food, playing another game, checking his Facebook, etc. Minecraft is the smallest window he has and will never help you. The only time he's active is when he's on the IRC chat for 3 minutes.
The Popular Wannabe:
You find a nice server one day! It has all the things on it that you would want. You approach the owner and ask if you can apply for staff. He then tells you this:
"Get 5 people on the server and you are instantly opped. Spam it on every server you are on. It doesn't matter if you get banned."
You have just encountered a Popular Wannabe. He/she is constantly trying to make their server as popular as everyone else by telling every single person on the server to advertise, all day, every day. Bonus points if you get rewards for advertising. Not only is it a bad business model, it is also extremely annoying.