I think of the term similar to branch mining. Which is to go down to level 10 and dig tunnels 1 wide by 3 high every two spaces. That way you can systematically search for diamonds.
It's a technique of mining in which you mine a staircase way low underground (to diamonds level usually, I personally go to y=11 as it's just over the lava level). Once there, you mine little tunnels in straight line. Pretty good mining technique if you ask me, it's really safe versus caving and it's great when you need cobblestone.
In Minecraft, however, many people misuse the term to describe any kind of mining other than pure caving. Digging horizontal tunnels underground is more correctly referred to as drift mining or branch mining and digging out sloping staircases is more correctly called slope mining. Digging out larger areas underground, but leaving supports is generally refered to as "room and pillar" mining. Exploring caves on the other hand is generally called spelunking or sublevel caving IRL.
I first heard of this on a video from DanTDM .
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
In Minecraft, however, many people misuse the term to describe any kind of mining other than pure caving. Digging horizontal tunnels underground is more correctly referred to as drift mining or branch mining and digging out sloping staircases is more correctly called slope mining. Digging out larger areas underground, but leaving supports is generally refered to as "room and pillar" mining. Exploring caves on the other hand is generally called spelunking or sublevel caving IRL.
Really. You've got to be joking.
Well thanks you guys now that I know I'm gonna go strip mining right now and get me some diamonds :]! Thanks!
A strip mine is when you start at the surface and mine each layer of a specified area, here is a pic of a real life strip mine
A branch mine is what most people are explaining above, 2x1 tunnels, 2 blocks apart, done below layer 16.
My Island Adventure - http://www.minecraft...brief-tutorial/
me(red) playing UT2K4 - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU