Griefers grief because it is fun. Griefing is enjoyable. I think it is fun, and should stay in minecraft. The ironic thing is that, i make friends with people who have griefed me alot. I like it too.
It's not real life vandalism no, and obviously one is illegal and one is fairly inconsequential in game.
BUT! My point isn't the legality of your actions, it is, why would you get entertainment out of ruining someones elses work.
You can try to dilute your responsibility by saying you only do it on dirt shacks and little things, and you may be telling the truth, but I have seen more griefers griefing big things than little so it doesn't fit the M.O.
Regardless of extent you still find it more fun to destroy other peoples stuff than you do to create your own.
And, as I said, it IS the same as real life bullying. You are carrying out actions with the sole intent of victimising, harassing and upsetting other people for your own entertainment.
Well, mostly greifing is just to tick peeps off, and to troll (WHICH ISN'T BULLYING (In most cases)), and well, sometimes people do it cause their bored, their frustrated with someone, or just need to let off steam.
I have a friend who is kind of a rebel. He breaks prison rules on prison servers, and griefs on other servers occasionally (He sucks at it, so no harm done ) I think he does for the same reason that people troll, because they just enjoy the feeling.
I actually think griefers are kind of fun, I mean, if a bunch of people ended up in a Minecraft like world IRL, then I could see this happening. There would be the people who team up, collect resources and try to thrive, and there would be the griefers who would perform raids and attack people for their items.
They do it to tear people apart because they think that, that is there goal in life in which it isn't. We should build everything together to make us closer together!
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I think it some cases it might be jealousy. It might even be just the need to survive. BUT, for the most part it's just because they think it is fun. Simple.
Valuable items (Survival only)
For fun
To make people angry (which can be funny)
Let's face it, in Minecraft it's MUCH easier to steal hard earned items than get them yourself. Also, blowing things up with TNT and causing large fires with flint and steel is entertaining, as long as you're not destroying your own stuff. And some people react is hilarious ways once their house is halfway in flames.
Speaking from much experience, not all griefers do their acts for attention. I have griefed on several occasions and to this day was never even accused of being guilty for the crimes. In fact I became one of the most well known and respected people on the server before a bunch of drama happened over another subject not involving griefing, and the server ultimately died out. If it wasn't for the griefing in my early days of that server, I would have never gained the prestige. I used the materials scavenged from my griefs to build up my own quaint town. The server owner liked it and allotted me a section on the clan's island on the map which was neglected and I turned that area into a bustling town. Funny enough, there was a house in the town which I griefed and discovered a stockpile of duped items (Diamond blocks, gold blocks, iron blocks, coal, torches, and a few other useful items.) These were the alpha and early beta days, around the time when damage was first implemented into SMP. I always enjoy telling my story and reminiscing, so I hope you don't mind me going on and on about it Those were the days, when I was still learning about the game. Playing minecraft gave me that wonderful feeling inside. That feeling we all like to look back on when we finally get tired of a game.
I would grief in broad daylight in this one nearby town when people were a few houses down. I would completely ransack homes and take their stuff, sometimes burning them down. I am suprised never was caught, and I am glad I never was. Later on went to own this town, too, making three towns on the one server I owned. There weren't very many towns on the server, so owning three was a large amount, albeit two of them were nearly ghost towns. Once I acquired the large portion of land on the exclusive clan island, I pretty much ignored the other two towns.
I also caused massive forest fires. By massive, I mean huge. This was before Notch nerfed firespread. This is when fires were unstoppable, no matter how much you tried. It was beautiful. Arson is a fire art XD. I painted the landscape with fire. I burnt a very, very dense tree farm first. Another time, I burnt a huge forest on the clan's exclusive island. It was a large island, fitting several cities. The forest was pretty large, itself. The people were devastated by the fire because some of the forts, towns, and a really cool giant tree someone built were destroyed. After the second time I burnt the same forest, they got tired of replanting and taking down burning debris and they just built a large, unburnable, town where the forest stood. I suppose the fires did something good by pushing people to develop the clan island further XD. The only other large scale fire I ever remember causing was on the temporary world (when the server updated to a new version and had to change maps until the mods updated.) A moderately large fire I caused was some guy's treehouse. This guy was a griefer. He griefed my town I started. Sure I am a hypocrite to hate them for griefing, but when someone messes with me I will do more than exact my revenge. I found his treehouse (it was on a small island off the coast of the clan's island) and it was a big treehouse. It covered the entire island it was built on. I burnt it to the ground and sat there in a boat watching it. I enjoyed every moment of it and probably shedded a tear of joy. Every other fire I did was petty, just houses and other structures.
I've turned people against each other and have gotten others in trouble from the griefing. I feel bad for it now, of course XD I wouldn't be happy if someone did that to me.
When I found the clan's underground hidden armory I was joyed. There were tons of weapons, including bows. At the time bows weren't obtainable on that server because they didn't enable mobs. PVP was still around, and so it was beneficial to own a weapon. Even though PVP was enabled, people very rarely fought. That's because it was a close knit community, much unlike these servers today you see all over the forums filled with a bunch of mad, hormone crazy 14 year olds attacking everyone.
I eventually stopped griefing. I would say because I've matured and grown to be against it, but I still enjoy it deep down inside, as long as I'm not the victim. The true reason I stopped griefing was because you can't get away with anything anymore! Nowadays there are no goods servers that are WITHOUT mods to stop/prevent/catch griefers. Mods such as Logblock and protections ruined griefing for me. I'd rather not be banned from a server, and so I stopped. When I did my griefings, there were very few (if any) mods to stop griefing on the server. It was a decent sized server of around 45 slots, normally full throughout peaks. It did have protections, but they were only used to protect the spawn. Not even the server/clan owner's private vault was protected. It had a wall of bedrock around it and a roof, but he built it on the bedrock layers (around y: 5) and if you pay attention to that layer you will notice the bedrock isn't applied uniformly and so you can tunnel through the floor to get in. Apparently the owner didn't consider that and I got in and stole nether materials before the nether was put into SMP.
I no longer endorse griefing as I used to, even though my tone in the paragraph suggests I love griefing. I am looking at the past with rose tinted glasses
Please don't try anything stupid like this.
I do apologize for going of on a tangent.
Edit: I agree with the post below me. I also got a rush from doing it. It was addictingly fun and the reactions made it better.
I grief quite a bit, and highly enjoy it. Not so much anymore now, as I don't have the time to find servers that I feel like griefing. When I did it frequently I had a small team of friends called the Lol Squad, we had a website and Youtube channel - it was good fun.
I'll tell you why we, and pretty much every griefer griefs. It is extremely fun to do, and you get a rush from doing it the first few times. And, seeing the reactions is hilarious. Seriously - we had some serious ragers. Finally, after a successful grief you feel a sense of accomplishment from how well you made people rage.
I understand I'll get a lot of hate for this, as is the way of the Minecraft Forums, but it's the truth. Griefing is fun.
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-Doctor Professor P.H.D in Minecraft Universe (Widely Respected)
-Prophet of Impending Doom (2013-Present) Minecraft Expert in Prophecy
People don't seem to realise it's a game. Everyone says that they live crappy lives and need some way to get back at society, or whatever crap you guys like to think. It's funny as when a 10 year old is crying in side chat because someone lava'd his dirt house, especially on a server where griefing is allowed. I don't understand why its so hard to understand. And if they were jealous of your builds, they could just copy it.
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This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively. But, if sweetness can win - and it can - then I'll still be here tomorrow, to high five you, yesterday, my friend. Peace.
Griefers often lack maturity, intelligence and imagination. Go watch any utube video of someone griefing and you hear a 10 year old voice spewing internet meme's while thinking they are the king of the interwebs. They often waste hours griefing a server when hardly anyone's online only to get banned in 3 seconds when the owner logs in and then the server is reset reducing their hours of grief to nothing.
Only good thing about them wasting their time griefing minecraft servers is it keeps them from their normal activity's such as torturing small animals or trying to start wildfires.
This is a question that i would want to ask a griefer. I don't know why griefers do that but i think it's because they are jealous about our creations in minecraft.
It's quite simple.
1. They get fun from watching people rage.
2. They grief other people's progress if the griefer and that person are competing in something.
3. They grief as revenge for one reason or another.
Source: I don't grief in Minecraft, but I tend to play the griefer role in other certain games. Such as Urban Dead, where I work for one faction by griefing the progress of its enemies.
I myself do "hack" on servers and the occasional grief on servers. I do it because it is extremely funny to see people rage when they lose all of their items and I really only do it on servers I don't care if I get banned on.
I'm a serious person, with my own server and strict anti-grief-protection.
I interviewed many of the griefers before i banned them.
The reason is just boredom, and vandalism. The destruction of things is just entertaining.
Did you not enjoy your first contact with TNT in creative mode?
No, actually I only use TNT for controlled demolition. It's not much fun. Though with the perfect placement, you can clear a near perfectly rectangular structure
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Quote from Fermat »
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof of this, which this margin is too small to contain.
There's always one kid in the sandbox who thinks it's fun to destroy someone else's castle. I tend to grief differently.
On a private server, one of the guys mentioned he needed more feathers. I added about 2 dozen chickens to his bedroom (Feathers, meat, eggs, not a bad haul, right?). Another mentioned he was tired of running half a day to the forest to get wood. I planted trees as close as they would grow around his house (Wood, saplings, monster barrier, who loses?). They got me as well. I mentioned I was needing bonemeal, I found a dungeon with three skeleton spawners and an iron door attached to my basement.
See? There is a fun way to grief. You don't have to destroy things to get a reaction.
no maybe they want to raid you and get a lot of diamonds or butter thats why they do it to get rich and to own a town,faction thats happened to me 100 times.
I could not agree more!
Well, mostly greifing is just to tick peeps off, and to troll (WHICH ISN'T BULLYING (In most cases)), and well, sometimes people do it cause their bored, their frustrated with someone, or just need to let off steam.
Image Removed
I actually think griefers are kind of fun, I mean, if a bunch of people ended up in a Minecraft like world IRL, then I could see this happening. There would be the people who team up, collect resources and try to thrive, and there would be the griefers who would perform raids and attack people for their items.
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I would grief in broad daylight in this one nearby town when people were a few houses down. I would completely ransack homes and take their stuff, sometimes burning them down. I am suprised never was caught, and I am glad I never was. Later on went to own this town, too, making three towns on the one server I owned. There weren't very many towns on the server, so owning three was a large amount, albeit two of them were nearly ghost towns. Once I acquired the large portion of land on the exclusive clan island, I pretty much ignored the other two towns.
I also caused massive forest fires. By massive, I mean huge. This was before Notch nerfed firespread. This is when fires were unstoppable, no matter how much you tried. It was beautiful. Arson is a fire art XD. I painted the landscape with fire. I burnt a very, very dense tree farm first. Another time, I burnt a huge forest on the clan's exclusive island. It was a large island, fitting several cities. The forest was pretty large, itself. The people were devastated by the fire because some of the forts, towns, and a really cool giant tree someone built were destroyed. After the second time I burnt the same forest, they got tired of replanting and taking down burning debris and they just built a large, unburnable, town where the forest stood. I suppose the fires did something good by pushing people to develop the clan island further XD. The only other large scale fire I ever remember causing was on the temporary world (when the server updated to a new version and had to change maps until the mods updated.) A moderately large fire I caused was some guy's treehouse. This guy was a griefer. He griefed my town I started. Sure I am a hypocrite to hate them for griefing, but when someone messes with me I will do more than exact my revenge. I found his treehouse (it was on a small island off the coast of the clan's island) and it was a big treehouse. It covered the entire island it was built on. I burnt it to the ground and sat there in a boat watching it. I enjoyed every moment of it and probably shedded a tear of joy. Every other fire I did was petty, just houses and other structures.
I've turned people against each other and have gotten others in trouble from the griefing. I feel bad for it now, of course XD I wouldn't be happy if someone did that to me.
When I found the clan's underground hidden armory I was joyed. There were tons of weapons, including bows. At the time bows weren't obtainable on that server because they didn't enable mobs. PVP was still around, and so it was beneficial to own a weapon. Even though PVP was enabled, people very rarely fought. That's because it was a close knit community, much unlike these servers today you see all over the forums filled with a bunch of mad, hormone crazy 14 year olds attacking everyone.
I eventually stopped griefing. I would say because I've matured and grown to be against it, but I still enjoy it deep down inside, as long as I'm not the victim. The true reason I stopped griefing was because you can't get away with anything anymore! Nowadays there are no goods servers that are WITHOUT mods to stop/prevent/catch griefers. Mods such as Logblock and protections ruined griefing for me. I'd rather not be banned from a server, and so I stopped. When I did my griefings, there were very few (if any) mods to stop griefing on the server. It was a decent sized server of around 45 slots, normally full throughout peaks. It did have protections, but they were only used to protect the spawn. Not even the server/clan owner's private vault was protected. It had a wall of bedrock around it and a roof, but he built it on the bedrock layers (around y: 5) and if you pay attention to that layer you will notice the bedrock isn't applied uniformly and so you can tunnel through the floor to get in. Apparently the owner didn't consider that and I got in and stole nether materials before the nether was put into SMP.
I no longer endorse griefing as I used to, even though my tone in the paragraph suggests I love griefing. I am looking at the past with rose tinted glasses
Please don't try anything stupid like this.
I do apologize for going of on a tangent.
Edit: I agree with the post below me. I also got a rush from doing it. It was addictingly fun and the reactions made it better.
I'll tell you why we, and pretty much every griefer griefs. It is extremely fun to do, and you get a rush from doing it the first few times. And, seeing the reactions is hilarious. Seriously - we had some serious ragers. Finally, after a successful grief you feel a sense of accomplishment from how well you made people rage.
I understand I'll get a lot of hate for this, as is the way of the Minecraft Forums, but it's the truth. Griefing is fun.
-Prophet of Impending Doom (2013-Present) Minecraft Expert in Prophecy
Only good thing about them wasting their time griefing minecraft servers is it keeps them from their normal activity's such as torturing small animals or trying to start wildfires.
1. They get fun from watching people rage.
2. They grief other people's progress if the griefer and that person are competing in something.
3. They grief as revenge for one reason or another.
Source: I don't grief in Minecraft, but I tend to play the griefer role in other certain games. Such as Urban Dead, where I work for one faction by griefing the progress of its enemies.
No, actually I only use TNT for controlled demolition. It's not much fun. Though with the perfect placement, you can clear a near perfectly rectangular structure
On a private server, one of the guys mentioned he needed more feathers. I added about 2 dozen chickens to his bedroom (Feathers, meat, eggs, not a bad haul, right?). Another mentioned he was tired of running half a day to the forest to get wood. I planted trees as close as they would grow around his house (Wood, saplings, monster barrier, who loses?). They got me as well. I mentioned I was needing bonemeal, I found a dungeon with three skeleton spawners and an iron door attached to my basement.
See? There is a fun way to grief. You don't have to destroy things to get a reaction.