Due to the stupidity of many many users in the Minecraft community. They do it for fun, and reactions of the victim. To destroy such a glorious creation, may it be a house or a glamorous forest. Immature people get the best of it, but there's always that 1% that does it for desperate necessities. I once griefed, but to only survive the day without food. Now, with the new zombie update you waste materials 2x as fast, and is incredibly difficult to avoid such a fate.
Due to the stupidity of many many users in the Minecraft community. They do it for fun, and reactions of the victim. To destroy such a glorious creation, may it be a house or a glamorous forest. Immature people get the best of it, but there's always that 1% that does it for desperate necessities. I once griefed, but to only survive the day without food. Now, with the new zombie update you waste materials 2x as fast, and is incredibly difficult to avoid such a fate.
It's the same idea as a troll. Making someone mad to the point where they rage, it's enjoyable. I'll admit, I have done a small bit of griefing over the few years, but the main reason is because you enjoy the idea of making someone else rage.
If they know the person they're griefing won't care, they probably won't do it. It's for the reaction of the person. When you have a 10 year old who plays minecraft day and night working on a project, and you ruin it, seeing the kid rage to death is what makes griefers do it.
I see the point. Griefers seem to troll kids often.I have added a poll now.
The server I play on is skyblock with potential nether access. The rules on griefing are derpy, as in "You are not allowed to grief" with the exception of "The unprotected zone between islands and in the nether". SO basicly, go ahead and grief. I caught some people griefing in the nether, and did get them banned, but this may help understand.
The first thing they argued was that they were allowed to grief. I got some staff on, and started arguing about even though they could greif, they didn't have to. Then they started calling me a moron for not reading the rules, and I told them of another rule, "Be respectful". Then they eventually started calling the staff names, and were muted, but even then they continued to grief. They were eventualy tempbanned for 3 days.
One of their justifications for griefing my build was that it was really ugly, and they were respecting it by griefing it.
I think this may help out. Link to the server forums. Warning! The above link contains swearing and various other things in the server chat. Those people were dealt with by server staff, but the messages still appear in screenshots. Sorry.
The server I play on is skyblock with potential nether access. The rules on griefing are derpy, as in "You are not allowed to grief" with the exception of "The unprotected zone between islands and in the nether". SO basicly, go ahead and grief. I caught some people griefing in the nether, and did get them banned, but this may help understand.
The first thing they argued was that they were allowed to grief. I got some staff on, and started arguing about even though they could greif, they didn't have to. Then they started calling me a moron for not reading the rules, and I told them of another rule, "Be respectful". Then they eventually started calling the staff names, and were muted, but even then they continued to grief. They were eventualy tempbanned for 3 days.
One of their justifications for griefing my build was that it was really ugly, and they were respecting it by griefing it.
I think this may help out. Link to the server forums. Warning! The above link contains swearing and various other things in the server chat. Those people were dealt with by server staff, but the messages still appear in screenshots. Sorry.
Some griefers are just jealous of artwork, some others do it for fun and to see rage, and the rest do it because they are desperate for materials, others do it
cause greifing is fun, for crying out loud. i greif my little brother, and he desent mind, he just builds his thing again. when I'm bored on a server, GREIF TIME! its for getting rid of boredom. there
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I was born blind, but I've never had a problem seeing. I see through my bending.
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
I admit, it's fun to grief, but I wouldn't do it to someone else's builds. I will build a nice house and grief to frosting out of it.
Griefers just love drinking the tears of their helpless targets.
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"Some were born to be Artemis' deer. Others. . . well, others were born to be land sharks." -She-King
Valuable items (Survival only)
For fun
To make people angry (which can be funny)
Let's face it, in Minecraft it's MUCH easier to steal hard earned items than get them yourself. Also, blowing things up with TNT and causing large fires with flint and steel is entertaining, as long as you're not destroying your own stuff. And some people react is hilarious ways once their house is halfway in flames.
The reason people grief on Minecraft is for the same reason they do it on other games. They wish to gain a reaction, they want to watch people get angry at them for their actions. So when they see threads like this, or posts like some of the ones in this thread, they are just getting what they want, and when they get a reaction then it causes them to want to do it more, because at that point they know it works. So raging at a griefer only worsens your case.
Feelings of inadequacy, same thing as real life bullies. Maybe their mum didn't hug them enough or their gym teacher kept them behind for special tuition or some other reason to make them feel disenfranchised from other people.... Its just lashing out at others as they are not able to express themselves like evolved humans.
Internet bullies are even worse than real life ones. They are too cowardly to even do it in real life where they know they will face retribution.
really? most greifers arent like bullies, and usually do it to make some one either ragequit, or watch them fix it. really, its better than TV
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I was born blind, but I've never had a problem seeing. I see through my bending.
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
Griefers usually do it for entertainment, it gives them pleasure to see your hard work destroyed in a matter of seconds.
dat ^
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I was born blind, but I've never had a problem seeing. I see through my bending.
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
Erm, doing it to make someone rage quit is exactly bullying.
Its mindless vandalisim by simple minded idiots.
I've never actually been griefed in game but I have seen it happen to others.
If I build a house that takes 3 hours and you destroy it, thereby wasting my 3 hours and causing me another 3 hours to put it right.
Is that any different to me building a wall outside my house in real life, you come along and spray paint all over it, and I have to spend time scrubbing it clean?
As I say, expressionless fools that try to pass it off as humor. They may find it funny, but they should ask themselves..... what exactly is it they are laughing at.
not exactly. its not rl vandalism, and i dont mess with BIG houses, just tiny dirt shacks, or little things.
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I was born blind, but I've never had a problem seeing. I see through my bending.
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
TT2000, you are genius.
The first thing they argued was that they were allowed to grief. I got some staff on, and started arguing about even though they could greif, they didn't have to. Then they started calling me a moron for not reading the rules, and I told them of another rule, "Be respectful". Then they eventually started calling the staff names, and were muted, but even then they continued to grief. They were eventualy tempbanned for 3 days.
One of their justifications for griefing my build was that it was really ugly, and they were respecting it by griefing it.
I think this may help out.
Link to the server forums.
Warning! The above link contains swearing and various other things in the server chat. Those people were dealt with by server staff, but the messages still appear in screenshots. Sorry.
1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 World Downloader mod maintainer
Moderator on the mojang bugtracker, and also pretty deeply involved with the protocol documentation on wiki.vg.
Some griefers are just jealous of artwork, some others do it for fun and to see rage, and the rest do it because they are desperate for materials, others do it
Click them or they will click you
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
Griefers just love drinking the tears of their helpless targets.
"Some were born to be Artemis' deer. Others. . . well, others were born to be land sharks." -She-King
Link Removed and click continue.
Valuable items (Survival only)
For fun
To make people angry (which can be funny)
Let's face it, in Minecraft it's MUCH easier to steal hard earned items than get them yourself. Also, blowing things up with TNT and causing large fires with flint and steel is entertaining, as long as you're not destroying your own stuff. And some people react is hilarious ways once their house is halfway in flames.
really? most greifers arent like bullies, and usually do it to make some one either ragequit, or watch them fix it. really, its better than TV
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
dat ^
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
not exactly. its not rl vandalism, and i dont mess with BIG houses, just tiny dirt shacks, or little things.
People see me and think I'm weak. But I can take care of myself, by myself.
There's so many different reasons.