I've spent the last few weeks setting up an adventure map & server for my sons to play. I've finished it, and tested it, and they tried to start playing it this afternoon. But right at the spawn, they press the button to get their starting gear, and nothing happens.
When I'm in adventure mode, and I press the button, it works perfectly for me. It clears my inventory and gives me starting equipment. But when they press it, nothing.
What can be the problem? Any quick help would be appreciated. My sons have been waiting for this adventure for weeks, and this totally let us all down. But everything works fine for me.
You have to make sure you make everything successful in the commands and make sure the player parameters are to target anyone who presses the button. Another might be is that it is too close to the spawn. Any nonOPs can't edit the area in the spawnpoint. That includes levers, buttons, and I believe also pressure plates.
Thanks aary33. I just tested, and it seems that your comment about being close to the spawnpoint might be my situation. No button works for them near the spawn. I'm setting the server properties to spawn-protection=0 right now to test.
What kind of format did you use?
@a - command effects every player in the map.
@p - command effects nearest player
@r - command effects a random player
/tp @a -231 78 215 - which teleports everybody in the map
You have to use one of these in order for the command to work on multiple people.
Interesting, though, pressure plates worked to open doors just fine. But pushing a button beside the very same door didn't work. So spawn-protection allows pressure plates but shuts off buttons.
When I'm in adventure mode, and I press the button, it works perfectly for me. It clears my inventory and gives me starting equipment. But when they press it, nothing.
What can be the problem? Any quick help would be appreciated. My sons have been waiting for this adventure for weeks, and this totally let us all down. But everything works fine for me.
@a - command effects every player in the map.
@p - command effects nearest player
@r - command effects a random player
/tp @a -231 78 215 - which teleports everybody in the map
You have to use one of these in order for the command to work on multiple people.
Thank you very, very much aary33.