Ever since a gentleman that goes under the Youtube handle of 'SkyDoesMinecraft' uploaded a minecraft let's play video of him throwing gold ingots at his girlfriend, saying her house looked better with butter. Ever since then there has been an epidemic of SkyDoesMinecraft fans calling the gold ingot in the game of "Minecraft" butter, or sometimes even "budder".
These fans of SkyDoesMinecraft have taken this petty joke to the extreme, spreading it around ever inch of the minecraft universe, and even beyond. However, not all SkyDoesMinecraft fans are like this. To halt confusion between the two, the butter-calling fans we will from here to the end of the post "Budder fans", and the nuetral fans will be called "Regular fans". This post is not geared towards regular fans.
If you are not familiar with this subject, you are most likely wondering how anyone would even begin to make a connection between gold and butter, let alone budder. Gold is a strong, yet ductable metal. It is yellow, shiny, and worth a large sum of money universally. Butter, on the other hand, is poorly formed, melts at room tempurature, and is a pale, dull white, and budder is an amber, waxy, blobby drug substance, so how is it loggical to connect the three? It isn't! Budder fans do not call gold butt/dder because it makes sense, they do it for publicity; to let everyone know they're cool because they watch SkyDoesMinecraft, much like people who say YOLO or swag.
However, even after showing comparable traits with many other hatable people, this thread is not to demean them or to make us look better in anyway. It is a debate where Budder fans post reasons why they call gold butt/dder.
We have a tendancy to refute their reason, however they do not have to take our reasoning into consideration, and can continue to call gold butt/dder.
1. Butter is yellow, like gold
Well, actually butter is a pale white, unlike gold. Here is a comparison
They look nothing alike
2. The mythical, and almighty skydoesminecraft incanted all gold to be renamed 'BWUHDDAR' *drool*
...and you brainlessly followed him. Skydoesminecraft is just a college drop-out weirdo with a microphone and screen recorder; there's no reason to copy him. Something else to note is that sky doesn't even want you to call gold "budder". Watch this (at 10:28):
3. Gold tools would be soft, just like butter tools
Gold is not "soft." Only fabrics and certain other materials can be considered "soft." Gold is, however,malleable. This is often confused with impressionability, which butter most certainly is, both of which are confused with the word "soft," however impressionability and malleability are not interchangeable, so the idea that gold can be called "butter" because it is soft is a fallacy.
4. Gold is applied to food to enhance it, such as golden apples and carrots
This doesn't make sense. You would not smother an apple in butter, and if you did, it'd probably give you a heart-attack, not bestow you with magical healing abilities.
5. Gold is used in powered tracks to make minecarts have more momentum, just like butter would make a minecart faster if put on a track.
This reasoning is not consistent with the other gold items in minecraft. Gold pressure plates, blocks and ore do not increase the momentum the player has when moving over the block.
6a. OH EM GEE, it's just, like, a fad, bro. Get ova et.
Come back to me when you have been to a secondary education institution. Perhaps then your speech will be more communicable.
6b. Sir, I have taken your advice and got a secondary education, primarily in the subject of language arts, and would like my reasoning heard: The butt/dder alias people have for gold is but a fad; a little joke kids play, you should not be taking it as seriously as you do. First off I would like to make it clear that I am not obsessing my majority of time and effort into this thread. While it is a hobby of mine, it is not my life's goal. Second, it should be noted while the butt/dder joke is a fad, that does not make any movements conflicting the fad void of meaning and purpose to exist
7. Why can't you leave people alone to call buddar whatever they want?
This thread is not trying to force people into calling gold it's proper name. The goal of this thread is to provide irrefutable evidence that calling gold butt/dder is illogical and should not be done. It is not trying to force any one to do anything, change in labeling is completely voluntary
8. It's funny, you have no humo(u)r
When seen objectively and disregarding any logical contradictions, this could be seen as a little humorous, however, when we take into consideration the social factors and that gold in no way resembles butter, it's humo(u)r is lost.
A graph that displays the amount of pages created from February 3rd, 2013 to June 23rd, 2013. The x-axis is the number of days, increasing as you go right. The y-axis is the number of pages. Both are measured in pixels.
Blue represent a page created, red represents when this thread was closed.
You are obviously not familiar with the term "Butterbar" Based off war games when you reach a certain rank where you receive a gold (or Bronze) Bar.
I think maybe it was introduced that way because they all look like some brands of butter, you found a picture of light butter, but some butter is a very dark yellow color, which means more lard and oil.
Calling it butter gets kind of old pretty fast in my opinion.
It has been passed down from SkyDoesMinecraft, a let's-player, to other players after his viewers started saying it. It eventually became popular.
Why do we call gold butter? Because of the old gold block texture like users above said
Why do we call minecraft vanilla? Because we call anything unmodded vanilla,if you wonder why then take this example...A vanilla ice cream,you can add chocolate,melon,coffee and whatever taste you want and it still tastes good,so vanilla means something like plain.
These fans of SkyDoesMinecraft have taken this petty joke to the extreme, spreading it around ever inch of the minecraft universe, and even beyond. However, not all SkyDoesMinecraft fans are like this. To halt confusion between the two, the butter-calling fans we will from here to the end of the post "Budder fans", and the nuetral fans will be called "Regular fans". This post is not geared towards regular fans.
If you are not familiar with this subject, you are most likely wondering how anyone would even begin to make a connection between gold and butter, let alone budder. Gold is a strong, yet ductable metal. It is yellow, shiny, and worth a large sum of money universally. Butter, on the other hand, is poorly formed, melts at room tempurature, and is a pale, dull white, and budder is an amber, waxy, blobby drug substance, so how is it loggical to connect the three? It isn't! Budder fans do not call gold butt/dder because it makes sense, they do it for publicity; to let everyone know they're cool because they watch SkyDoesMinecraft, much like people who say YOLO or swag.
However, even after showing comparable traits with many other hatable people, this thread is not to demean them or to make us look better in anyway. It is a debate where Budder fans post reasons why they call gold butt/dder.
We have a tendancy to refute their reason, however they do not have to take our reasoning into consideration, and can continue to call gold butt/dder.
1. Butter is yellow, like gold
Well, actually butter is a pale white, unlike gold. Here is a comparison
They look nothing alike
2. The mythical, and almighty skydoesminecraft incanted all gold to be renamed 'BWUHDDAR' *drool*
...and you brainlessly followed him. Skydoesminecraft is just a college drop-out weirdo with a microphone and screen recorder; there's no reason to copy him. Something else to note is that sky doesn't even want you to call gold "budder". Watch this (at 10:28):
3. Gold tools would be soft, just like butter tools
Gold is not "soft." Only fabrics and certain other materials can be considered "soft." Gold is, however,malleable. This is often confused with impressionability, which butter most certainly is, both of which are confused with the word "soft," however impressionability and malleability are not interchangeable, so the idea that gold can be called "butter" because it is soft is a fallacy.
4. Gold is applied to food to enhance it, such as golden apples and carrots
This doesn't make sense. You would not smother an apple in butter, and if you did, it'd probably give you a heart-attack, not bestow you with magical healing abilities.
5. Gold is used in powered tracks to make minecarts have more momentum, just like butter would make a minecart faster if put on a track.
This reasoning is not consistent with the other gold items in minecraft. Gold pressure plates, blocks and ore do not increase the momentum the player has when moving over the block.
6a. OH EM GEE, it's just, like, a fad, bro. Get ova et.
Come back to me when you have been to a secondary education institution. Perhaps then your speech will be more communicable.
6b. Sir, I have taken your advice and got a secondary education, primarily in the subject of language arts, and would like my reasoning heard: The butt/dder alias people have for gold is but a fad; a little joke kids play, you should not be taking it as seriously as you do.
First off I would like to make it clear that I am not obsessing my majority of time and effort into this thread. While it is a hobby of mine, it is not my life's goal. Second, it should be noted while the butt/dder joke is a fad, that does not make any movements conflicting the fad void of meaning and purpose to exist
7. Why can't you leave people alone to call buddar whatever they want?
This thread is not trying to force people into calling gold it's proper name. The goal of this thread is to provide irrefutable evidence that calling gold butt/dder is illogical and should not be done. It is not trying to force any one to do anything, change in labeling is completely voluntary
8. It's funny, you have no humo(u)r
When seen objectively and disregarding any logical contradictions, this could be seen as a little humorous, however, when we take into consideration the social factors and that gold in no way resembles butter, it's humo(u)r is lost.
A graph that displays the amount of pages created from February 3rd, 2013 to June 23rd, 2013. The x-axis is the number of days, increasing as you go right. The y-axis is the number of pages. Both are measured in pixels.
Blue represent a page created, red represents when this thread was closed.
I think maybe it was introduced that way because they all look like some brands of butter, you found a picture of light butter, but some butter is a very dark yellow color, which means more lard and oil.
Anyhow.... it was started by SkyDoesMinecraft on YouTube, and a lot of his Recruits call it that now.
Stay fluffy~
Sort of looks like a massive rectangle of butter on a really thick orangey pancake.
BBCode Render failed due to reaching MaxNestingDepth(80) for Tag: spoiler
Enderdragon Roar in the Overworld
Be sure to quote me if you're replying, otherwise I won't notice.
I'm pretty sure the term "vanilla" is used to describe any unmodded game.
- Steve Martin
It has been passed down from SkyDoesMinecraft, a let's-player, to other players after his viewers started saying it. It eventually became popular.
Zombiecraft Maps!
Let's be friends...
When you mine raw diamonds they come pre-cut. Trying to bring facts into minecraft just doesn't work.
Also, you're comparing a real piece of butter to a real bar of gold, not a minecraft piece of butter to minecraft bar of gold.
Answer: Why not.
'HUR HUR, dis 'ellow fing wooks wlike buddar.'