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Quote from jpmrocks What's the difference between a greifer and a ghast? The ghast stops crying when you kill it the first time.
Quote from BodOwens This is the only good one.
Quote from Calfeggs Or to be more precise, the only funny one.
A: A Zombie Pigman doesn't mess with you unless you do something.
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Tkl1234567890 (Lorenztanner71)
A: A creeper. I lied about the wheels
My YouTube Channel:
Tkl1234567890 (Lorenztanner71)
I like it
Maybe the funnies one here.
Or to be more precise, the only funny one.
He runs around the block.
What's the national sport of Minecraft?
"On a scale of one mile to Lord of the Rings, how far did you walk today?"
Correct. That is the only funny one.