Netherrack, it's way too messy! If you look really really close you can see it's based on cobblestone but it's so blotchy that it takes a lot of looking! I'd raise the contrast, get rid of the little red dots, and shift it all more towards red to compensate!
I'm not too fond of bedrock either, it's not artistically bad like Netherrack is but it's still really hard on the eyes and makes me not want to build anything with it, though I guess they might have done that on purpose to make it really stand out when you dig next to it!
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"Sometimes, I just wanna give up, say 'I'm done with this mess' and go to bed. But you know what; you can't shrug off your responsibilities. You got to pull yourself up and meet the challenges head on. That's the only way you're gonna get ahead in life."
Glass. While I like the bits around the edges, the pixels in the middle are really annoying to try and look through. Same with ice, but that's a bit better because that's the only thing to tell what it is other than it's main color, and it's not meant to be looked through.
for me it is the default texture pack, damn its really ugly at the best of times.
I'd have to say it's lovely! Way pixelly, but bits look great.
The Lapis Ore needs more depth, and the Anvil needs more detail. Otherwise, nothing I can think of.
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Let’s play good guys against bad guys… Yes. Let’s play that. Are you ready? You’re the bad guy. And when you’re bad, you just run. That’s fine right? Well… Shall we play?
I'm not too fond of bedrock either, it's not artistically bad like Netherrack is but it's still really hard on the eyes and makes me not want to build anything with it, though I guess they might have done that on purpose to make it really stand out when you dig next to it!
A purple block of pukeness.
Let's be friends...
Oh, and hoes, they're not too ugly, but they look nothing like an actual hoe.
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A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.
I'd have to say it's lovely! Way pixelly, but bits look great.
The Lapis Ore needs more depth, and the Anvil needs more detail. Otherwise, nothing I can think of.
Anyways, I can't stand the new Cobblestone texture. It looks too dull. The Alpha one was much better.