I have recently made a petition on whitehouse.gov to make Obama play minecraft. I'm sure that with everyone's help, we will at least get a response from staff. Since I know there are plenty of minecrafters out-there, i'm sure that we can get close to 25,000 petitions by next month! I know it's a long shot; but why not?
I think the President has more pressing issues to deal with than to be trying to kill the Enderdragon.
However, I'd like to see his first creeper explosion death!
I have to ask... What would be the point? Do you just want MORE recognition that Minecraft is literally the most popular computer game in at least America? What would our country gain out of this? Besides, being president is a very stressful job. Minecraft would only raise his nerves, even on peaceful. If you have to create a PETITION to get someone to do something, they're not going to enjoy it. I'd be fine if Obama played a bit if his interests were piqued for a few minutes between paperwork, but not if you're going to force him to do it.
I'm in full support of using political pressure to motivate national leaders into doing frivolous things for our amusement!
No, really, I am! It'd be hilarious!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sometimes, I just wanna give up, say 'I'm done with this mess' and go to bed. But you know what; you can't shrug off your responsibilities. You got to pull yourself up and meet the challenges head on. That's the only way you're gonna get ahead in life."
Obama only has a limited amount of time to dedicate towards video games. What time he does get he spends playing black ops 2. I love hearing him trash talk while running around with a shotgun. Obama owns at COD.
Nah I wouldnt want such a terrible president playing minecraft. Maybe we should get Joe Biden to play but he would probably go on a server and say the wrong thing.
A thread that has a petition to make Obama play Minecraft and discuss it with the public, and it has 3 votes.
The president is probably busy doing other things, and if he's not, I'm sure he's already playing other games. He doesn't need to play Minecraft. He does what he wants
However, I'd like to see his first creeper explosion death!
I know, there's a load of other stuff for him to be doing. It's not the first time someone made somethis similar, Mark
Exactly. Maybe he could skip a golf game or two while he's dealing with those real-life problems.
No, really, I am! It'd be hilarious!
...Gosh, I don't know..."
Let's be friends...
This game is for any age.
OT: I think he can find a BIT of time in his busy schedule. Maybe cut off one of his Basketball or Golf games to play for about an hour.
just because you're correct doesnt mean you're right
No silly dont you remember he doesnt like the militairy!
The president is probably busy doing other things, and if he's not, I'm sure he's already playing other games. He doesn't need to play Minecraft. He does what he wants