"Do you still have your soul? Personally, I traded mine for a Big Mac and a Coke."
"Hey, I found this hole going past bedrock and into the void! Why don't you take a closer look? Closer... Just a little bit..." *KICK* *Walks away whistling*
Just so you know quiz creator, an inverter is not a redstone circuit. The only circuit you had on that quiz was a clock. An inverter is a circuit component. So I guess you are the noob.
Who will be the noobiest one to take the test? Let the battle begin! Here is the link:
Post Your results below!
Hum...Easy enough.
The laws of magic are absolute. The laws of physics are optional.
And here it is!!!
Damn, I got 18%
"Hey, I found this hole going past bedrock and into the void! Why don't you take a closer look? Closer... Just a little bit..." *KICK* *Walks away whistling*
Huh? *sadface*.
JK. only 22%.
why no question about what you do when faced with loads of hostile mobs?
omg why?
Easy Peasy
so easy to copy the url of those pics above
Right, because if you weren't a noob you would know to check under Statistics.
"A "noob" is a person who is new or inexperienced in a subject, usually an online game."
Ohmigosh that was so hard!
For reference that isn't accurate because every time you wipe your jar or whatever that gets reset.