Does the server have the mod where you can lock chests? If so, type /lock and then click on the chest- so your friends can't destroy it or peek inside it. If not, build a house, make a secret department under it (about 3 layers down), but while you aren't in it, cover the extra layers. So it should look something like this:
House floor--->
First Layer--->
Second Layer-->
Third Layer--->
Hidden Room-->
-------------------- <---chest
And like florisbear said, no need to protect the less valuable items. I hope this helps :smile.gif:
Time flies, but so does my pig.
House floor--->
First Layer--->
Second Layer-->
Third Layer--->
Hidden Room-->
-------------------- <---chest
And like florisbear said, no need to protect the less valuable items. I hope this helps :smile.gif:
On Minecraft 24/7!